What's Up Wednesday: September 2021

It's the last Wednesday of the month which means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer & Shay.  The end of September means the end of the first month of school as well as the start of fall.  We've been enjoying some really beautiful weather lately!
What We're Eating This Week: I just shared our menu of September yesterday!

What I'm Reminiscing About: How, just a few short years ago, back to school time for everyone else meant starting back up with field trips, beach days, and all sorts of social activities for us homeschoolers.  We used to love our annual Not Back to School Beach Day!

What I'm Loving: I switched over the Weight Watcher's purple plan and I am loving being able to add potatoes and whole grain pasta back into my diet.

What We've Been Up To:  We started our month at the local fair.  We hiked up a mountain.  We've been out on the trails in our RZR as well as fitting in some more hiking. We attended Alec's first karate demonstration and celebrated Evan's birthday. 

What I'm Dreading: The time change.. I hate when it's dark during the morning commute and dark again by dinnertime.  

What I'm Working On: We've been packing away all the patio furniture and summer things to make way for fall & winter.  We still need to stack wood and clear off the deck but I'm still enjoying sitting out in the sun reading and don't plan to put those 2 chairs away until the first frost or maybe even threat of snow.

What I'm Excited About: Seeing the explosion of color that I know will be coming our way soon.. we're already seeing some leaves changing colors.

What I'm Watching/Reading: We watched Chernobyl, Young Sheldon, & News of the World on HBO as well as Nine Perfect Strangers on Hulu.  My boys and I are also watching the Big Bang Theory together and I am surprised by how much all 3 are really enjoying it! 

I highly recommend Chernobyl!! It was amazing and I've encouraged my boys to watch it too as it's a great little history lesson.

I read 9 books this month-- you can read about them all here.

What I'm Listening to: A silent house!  Everyone is still asleep as I type this up at 5:30 in the morning. 

What I'm Wearing: All the early fall things (with the occasional late summer outfit thrown in when we have an oddly warm day now and then).

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Hopefully we're heading to Vermont to do a bit of hiking but we'll see... 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: We have tickets to a lantern festival at one of the zoos that I'm pretty excited to see. 

What Else is New: Not much at all.

Linking up with: On the Edge,


  1. Your outfits are ON POINT- love them all! I am excited for the fall colors too :)

  2. Such sweet memories from when the boys were smaller! Love your fall outfits, you have such great style.

  3. The local fair is always fun! I agree with you on the food...being able to have potatoes and pasta with little to no points is nice. Enjoy your day!

    1. It has been wonderful... but having fewer points each day does make eating out much harder. Thankfully we don't eat out much.

  4. Looks like you have had a fabulous month. As you go into autumn there we are in the full throws of spring - my favourite time of year. Nine books in a month! my goodness. That would probably take for 4 months to read :) Stay safe, enjoy your week and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  5. I can’t wait to see your foliage pictures! It is so crazy we’re starting to pack things in storage before the cold weather arrives! Where did summer go?!

  6. Very cute outfits. I still haven't seen Chernobyl yet, but I am getting HBO back this month for Succession. I love Fall foliage pictures!

    1. It is SO good! Though it does make me question why we still have any nuclear power plants when one little problem because a huge problem-- they're still cleaning up after Chernobyl!

  7. What a wonderful month Joanne!! I bet the trees will be so pretty up in Vermont.

  8. What a wonderful time capsule of the month! Oh my that mint chip dessert is calling my name.
    I'd love the recipe :)
    xo Lisa S

    1. We followed this recipe to make the mint chip dessert: https://www.glorioustreats.com/mint-chip-brownie-ice-cream-squares/

  9. I love your outfits! And I'm getting excited about the fall colours and hiking too. The leaves are just starting to change here and I know it's going to be a glorious fall.

  10. You have the cutest smile in your outfit photos. It's going to be fun having you join the Ageless Style gang.
    Hope you are able to get to Vermont for a hike. It is still pretty hot here for hiking but the temps have slipped 10 degrees in the last couple of weeks, which is a move in the right direction. Won't be long til we can head for the hills.
    Glad you mentioned covering or putting up the patio furniture for the winter. Last year I meant to buy furniture covers and never got them ordered. Can I blame Covid? Reading that you were storing your furniture reminded me that I need to get those covers.

    1. We're on the verge of turning on the heat! The days are still nice and warm but the nights are getting chilly.

  11. The home schooling activities sound like a lot of fun.
    Good luck with the Weight Watcher's plan. x

    1. We always had such a great time homeschooling. So much so I really didn't want my son to apply to the high school he's now attending; but I certainly didn't want to hold him back either. It has been a weird adjustment though.

  12. I love those old pictures! How sweet! Nine Perfect Strangers is on our list of shows to watch! We watched Chernobyl a while back, and I thought the first couple of episodes were pretty good, but after that I just couldn't get into it. I do think that whole part of history is fascinating, though... it's mind boggling that the radiation is still high there after all these years.

    1. Yes! I could not believe everything involved in the clean up and the cover up by the government. They actually just fixed the dome in 2020 and are working on a plan for what to do in 100 years when it needs fixing/ replacing again.

  13. I don't like it either that days are short now. That green cardigan is beautiful, what a gorgeous colour.

  14. I loved Chernobyl! So good. I forgot about the upcoming time change, I dread that too!
    Enjoy your weekend.


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