Monthly Meal Planning Menu #3

 This was our third month of trying to plan our meals for the whole month and I think it is the first time I honestly struggled!  We had at least 3 nights that we ended up getting take out or going out to dinner at the last minute.  I had two weeks in a row where I screwed up on our groceries and had to improvise-- one time I forgot my list at home and the other I thought we had a few key ingredients in the freezer already but we didn't!  

 While I still have a bit of tweaking to do to our monthly meal planning we did have a great month food-wise and I now have a good 10 or so menu ideas to roll over to next month's menu that we never got around to making this month. 

1.  Tacos and taco salad.

2. Egg roll in a bowl by Holly.

3. BLT grinders with cole slaw and salad. 

4. Ham steak, Italian herb roasted potatoes, and asparagus with salad.

5. Take out from The Black Dog

6. Baked haddock with couscous, assorted roasted vegetables and salad (with chicken tenderloins for the younger boys that won't eat fish).

7. Sundried tomato, chicken, and orzo one dish. 

8. Pulled pork, baked potatoes, and peas. 

9. Taco soup 

10. Chicken wraps with tossed salad

11. Crustless quiche with salad. 

12.  Spaghetti and sauce with steamed broccoli and salad.

13. Grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and green beans.

14. Chicken noodle soup with fresh bread. 

15.  Chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole

16. Yogurt marinated chicken, pasta salad, and tossed salad. 

17.  Corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and roasted potatoes

18.  We got take out from D'Angelo's-- grinder sandwiches and chips after the boys' haircuts. 

19.  Burgers and hot dogs with corn on the cob, salad, and Cole slaw. 

20.  Date night at 110 Grill 

21. Shrimp carbonara with salad (Alec made waffles for himself and Evan since the younger boys won't eat seafood).  It was delicious and only 8 WW points!  

22.  Chicken teriyaki casserole with salad. 

23. Pot roast, mashed potatoes, and roasted assorted vegetables. 

24. Weight Watchers American Chop Suey casserole

25.  Shake and Bake pork chops, assorted roasted vegetables, and rice pilaf. 

 26. Parmesan basil salmon with sweet potatoes and broccoli. (the boys had chicken fingers and roasted potatoes that Alec prepared)

 27. Chicken parmesan with spaghetti, roasted asparagus, and salad.

28.   Weight Watcher's Turkey Pot pie

30.  Pretzel crusted chicken with broccoli and jasmine rice-- A new recipe I'm trying out. 

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  1. Monthly planning is impressive but sure does lead to more variety!

    1. That is one of the reasons I swapped to monthly meal planning; I feel like we eat a much wider variety of foods that way.

  2. Meal planning is something I always struggle with. I'm impressed that you plan out the month! This is giving me some ideas for this week! Thanks for sharing!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. I just started planning by the month in January and I like having that chore done and over with... now if I can just remember to stick to it!

  3. Sorry you have struggled with your meal planning. I am not brave enough to try planning a month, I just do it weekly.
    All of your food looks so good and has given me quite a few ideas for my family. x

    1. I used to only meal plan weekly too but am liking that the monthly meal planning forces us to eat a wider variety of foods. I just HAVE to remember to actually look for the ingredients in the house and stop assuming I have everything on hand already.

  4. I love seeing what other people are cooking up for dinner! Taco salad is one of my favorites, that's going on our menu this week! Thanks Joanne, happy cooking!

    1. My middle son has been making himself tacos salad to bring to school almost daily lately! He just cooks up a frozen burger patty, chops it up, and adds seasoning mix to it. I thought that was pretty darn genius of him!

  5. I'm impressed with the variety of meals you make! We try to cook 3-4 nights of the week, and the rest of the nights are a mix of leftovers, takeout, or going out to eat. I want to get a cookbook and start trying one new recipe out of it every week!

    1. If we have leftovers my boys typically eat them for breakfast or lunch the next day and there are never any left for dinner. We used to only eat out once or twice a year but bumped that up to once a month with the pandemic to try and help our local eateries stay open... and now I am having such a hard time breaking that habit!

  6. You just helped me decide we're having taco soup for dinner tonight! haha...winging it over here again.

  7. It seems like every few weeks, I get burned out on cooking and we end up eating out more that week. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. That has been happening to me a lot lately... I know once it warms up and we can grill I'll be all excited for "new" dishes and easy grilled meals again but it really needs to warm up soon!

  8. We were doing so well on WW and then Easter. But back on the band wagon tomorrow. We ate the leftovers tonight!!
    That shrimp recipe looks so tasty. Would like to make it and the WW chicken pot pie. Going to mix up a batch of WW soup for tomorrow.

    1. I feel like I am doing great with WW but the numbers on the scale just aren't budging at all! I am determined not to give up though and figure the hard work has got to pay off eventually.

  9. I usually do meal planning for each day of the week except for Friday and Saturday. I am impressed with all of the nice meals you made for the month.

    1. I find the Saturday and Sunday plans are the ones that get side tracked the most as weekend plans often pop up at the last minute. I've learned to be very flexible in my planning.


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