Encouraging Hearts and Home: Getting Ready for Thanksgiving & Monthly Musings

With Thanksgiving here in the States just one short week away I have started prepping here and there.  I made up my menu, wrote up my grocery list, set the turkey to thaw in the fridge, and even picked out what serving ware I'm going to use.  All of my features from last week's party center around Thanksgiving. 

Since the last Thursday of the month falls on a holiday November's monthly musing will link up today too.  This time we're focusing on the Christmas/winter holidays. 

1. Favorite holiday tradition? Crafting and baking-- particularly when we can combine the two!

2. Must have holiday wardrobe staples? Typically my holiday wardrobe consists of either jeans or leggings with a sweater; usually in red or white.

3. Favorite holiday recipe/dish? This is a tough one! I'd guess I'd have to say homemade cinnamon buns; we've made them a few times for Christmas morning and just love them.  I lost the recipe for a year or two but I'm pretty sure I just found the blog I followed the first time!! I can't wait to make these again this year. 

4. What will your holiday plans look like this year? I honestly am not sure what our plans will look like this year. So far we're planning on attending two small family parties and hosting an even smaller Christmas morning brunch (like usual) but we'll see what happens as it gets closer to Christmas.  

5. Favorite holiday song? All I Want for Christmas by Michael Buble 

6. Does COVID-19 make you want to do up the holidays or make you not into it? Neither.  As of right now I feel the same way about the holidays as always. 

7. Do you have any charities you like to help this time of year? We typically give food donations to the food bank, some toys to Toys for Tots, and then we buy gifts for a family either through one of the local churches or our karate school. 

8. Tree before or after Thanksgiving? After.  Our tree goes up on that Friday along with all our other decorations.

9. Favorite holiday movie? I'm really not sure I can narrow it down to one!  Top five include: The Holiday, Love Actually, Christmas Vacation, Elf, & While You Were Sleeping (You can read about ALL my favorites here)

10. Egg nog.. yes or no? Yuck! I'm a big no on that though my older two boys love it. 

And Now, for This Week's Encouraging Hearts & Home Blog Hop!

Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let's shine a positive light!

The post with the most views from last week:

Amazing Cranberry Apple Pie by Petals, Pies and Otherwise

Some of my favorites from last week:
Gobbler Scarecrow by Craft Attic Resources 

A Cornucopia Tablescape by Whispers of the Heart

  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host's blog.
  • Visit a few other bloggers and show them your support. We all love getting comments, and who knows what inspiration you may find? Be sure to share the love--that's what a blog hop is all about!
  • Check out our Encouraging Hearts & Home Pinterest board where each host pins her 10 favorite posts each week.
  • Join us every Thursday!
  • If you are interested in co-hosting, contact Linda at Apron Strings & Other Things!

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  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with a poll for WHAT’S ON YOUR THANKSGIVING MENU? Let’s see what dishes everyone serves.

  2. Joanne,
    Thanks too for stopping by!!Thanks so much for taking the time to host each week!! It is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  3. I am so ready for festiveness - this Jew loves the spirit in the air and how pretty everything is!!!

  4. Love that read sweater on you and those movies are some of my faves too- thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you! Sadly that sweater doesn't fit me anymore. I've been toying with the idea of buying the same one in a size or two smaller.

  5. We love baking too!! I can't wait to make gingerbread houses. We also put our decorations up the day after Thanksgiving. :)

    1. We're attempting to make a sugar cookie house this year since no one actually likes gingerbread houses here.

  6. Love reading about your traditions and favorites! I am looking forward to Christmas this year.

  7. Thank you for reminding me about the movie The Holiday it's delightful. And, thank you for much for joining our monthly link up Monthly Musings.

  8. Thanks so much for the party! We are planning holidays as usual. I will not let fear run my life. But our family is small anyway. Just the kids and grandkids.

    1. OH I won't let fear ruin my life at all either but we have been hearing rumblings in our state about a major lockdown for upwards of 6 weeks so I hesitate to firm up any plans at all this year. If the laws allow and the people are hosting we're still game to go! We only get together with immediate family too but our immediate family is big.

  9. Love your tree! The house look wonderful too. Thanks so much for hosting.

    1. Thank you! It never quite looks the same any two years in a row.

    2. surprised to see the virus threat doesn't impact your celebrations. Lucky you have a built in family and can order gifts online... love that your sons help make the houses... how nice to see

    3. It might but we'll just play it by ear. Our family is close enough that we see pretty much everyone on a weekly basis anyway.

  10. Our tree goes up after Thanksgiving too! I only drink eggnog with brandy in it. Ha. I love making cinnamon rolls for Christmas too. It the only time I make homemade ones!

    1. I feel like it's the only time breakfast is worth that much effort.

  11. That turkey - so fun!!!
    OK.. you have ribbon at the top of your tree going down... how do you put the top of it - do you hook it with something? What's the trick?

    1. LOL! Our tree topper ends with what looks like a giant hair clip and that holds the ribbon for me. When I put up our tree next weekend I'll take a close up photo and show it on the blog.

  12. I love these fun posts!! I can't wait to see your Christmas tree this year. Last year's tree was amazing from the picture you added. I'm happy you're staying strong and decorating after Thanksgiving. We normally do the same but I will admit the pressure has gotten to me this year and we started adding a few things here and there...although all my fall decor is still front and center.

    1. Thank you! I have zero desire to decorate early. I love my Christmas decorations but usually by the day after Christmas it all starts to feel like clutter and I just knew if I decorated before Thanksgiving there was a good chance I wouldn't want to look at all the decorations by the time Christmas rolled around.

  13. A great list and I'm impressed with the gingerbread houses!

    1. Thank you! They are really creative with them.

  14. I'm occasionally having issues with that too! I can't figure out why all of a sudden that is happening. I found I can often right click and hit open in a new window and then that works. But it is so bizarre!

  15. I love your red sweater! And I am a big fan of Love Actually! I also love how many people don't like egg nog :) My husband and daughters are big fans of it but I'm not.

    1. Thank you! My older two sons really like eggnog too; in fact they just asked me to buy some today.


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