Summer Bucket List: How We Did

With summer just about over and the first official day of fall coming, I wanted to take one last look back at our summer bucket list and see how we did.  

1.  Try making our own Dole Whips-- Check! Somehow, despite following the recipes I found online our were more like pineapple smoothies but they were still delicious.

2.  Enjoy the 4th of July with Family-- Check! We ended up having a wonderful 4th (and 5th!) of July with family at the lake.  It was so wonderful to see so much family after such long absences.

3. Host a BBQ-Check! While it was technically my birthday party and my boys and husband did all the work we did have our parents over for a cookout. The weather was just perfect too and we had a really great time.

4. Have friends over to swim-- Check! We had lots of friends over to swim and visit; usually just one or two at a time but it was a wonderful way to fill our summer.

5.  Get together with others for hiking-- Nope! It actually ended up being much to hot for most of the month to hike anyway and most of our hiking friends still aren't up for meeting up just yet.

6. Celebrate my birthday-- Check! Between shopping/lunch with my mom, my birthday party, and a two day trip to Maine with my husband I had a really wonderful birthday where I just felt so loved and so spoiled.

7.  Attend a birthday party for one of the boys' friends-- Check! We were so happy that this annual event was not canceled!  In fact this year it was a smaller party which left us plenty of time to sit and visit with the hosts too!

8.  Eat out at a few times-- Check! We ate out several times on our trips to Maine.  My mom and I ate lunch out when we went birthday shopping and the boys ate out with my mother in law and their friends a time or two too.

9. Make some frozen treats using our popscicle molds and ice cream maker-- Check! 

10.  Take a trip to the shore!-- Check!  While in Maine we drove out to the Nubble lighthouse and enjoyed a few minutes listening to the waves crashing on the rocks.

11. Watch some fireworks somewhere-- Check!  We were able to see lots of different fireworks displays right from the comfort of our home.

12.  Make waffle brownie sundaes or ice cream treats-- Check! We made delicious waffle brownie and topped them with our raspberry swirled ice cream that we made.  

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  1. What a fun summer! You got so much checked off your list! Your trip to Maine sounds wonderful and that waffle brownie sunday looks so yummy!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. I was impressed by how much we were able to check off! That trip to Maine was fabulous and I've been wanting to go back ever since.

  2. Look at all these checks! I am so glad you had such a great summer and your birthday celebrations sound so fun. I want to go to Maine. Have a beautiful Monday.

    1. Thanks! I was very pleased with all those checks.

  3. What a great summer and fun way to keep track of all the things you were able to do in spite of these strange times. That's so great!

  4. Wow! You have had a good summer and made some lovely memories. We've done some nice hikes but nothing else this year :( #MMBC

    1. Thank you! It hasn't always been easy but I do try to make "fun" a priority; we just had to think a little outside the box this year.

  5. A summer well-executed on every front!

  6. Your summer sounds like so much fun!! Making a bucket-list for summer is such a great idea! I will have to do that next year! Thank you so much for the book suggestion, The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise! It is so good! Have a great day!!

    Abby Kate

    1. Oh I am so glad you are enjoying Coyote Sunrise!

  7. Wow! Almost looks like a normal summer! You accomplished so much- love it!

  8. You guys had a great summer! I feel like we did really nothing other than walking at the forest preserve and got to Target LOL! I lived vicariously through you. :)

  9. You had such a fun filled summer! Glad you got to cross off most of your bucket list, and I'm sure you'll get lots of chances to hike with friends in the future! Personally I love hiking in the fall because our summers are usually so hot and humid!
    Ellibelle's Corner

    1. We definitely prefer hiking in the cooler fall weather ourselves!

  10. Thanks for sharing your summer photos with us, Jill! Looks like you had a great one! I hate to see summer end. I always want to hang onto this season for as long as possible.

    1. I love summer and often hang on to every last bit of it I can... but this year our weather has turned so cool so fast that Fall is most definitely here.

  11. We'd love to adopt you! :) You always have such yummy treats my boys would be in heaven!!

  12. Well done you! It sounds like you had a wonderful summer! We ticked off hardly anything off our bucket list but it was still a good summer x

    1. I made my bucket list with restrictions in mind and honestly thought we'd be lucky to even get to half of them.

  13. All but one! Way to go. I am glad that you got to go to birthday parties and enjoy yourself this Summer! We need all the normal things.

    1. Yes, seeing anything remotely normal makes me so happy these days.

  14. It looks like you had a great summer, filled with family and treats, the best!

  15. What a fun list, and you got so many checked off! That popsicle looks delicious! Visiting today from the Wonderful Wednesday link up. Have a great week!

  16. Now I want a waffle brownie! I would love to be able to make a Dole Whip - I haven't got a summer bucket list yet (it's still spring here in Australia,) but I think I need to make one just so I can put Dole Whip on it!

    1. You should definitely make a list and add Dole Whips to it! There are lots of great and easy to follow recipes on Pinterest.

  17. Now you achieved a lot of goals! I always enjoy your photos so much. What a beautiful area you live in.

  18. It looks like it was a wonderful summer ...

  19. Gosh I enjoyed your summer...thank you for the words and the pics! We are coming into Summer in 2 months here in Australia and with COVID being "kind of managed" there will be beach visits and more by many. However, no one can leave Australia nor even visit some other states and one is a very popular holiday destination. COVID has spoiled many a good time but in all sincerity, not claimed anyone we know. Different story around the world. Stay safe and well! Thanks for linking up this week, next week, the optional prompt is 39/51 Healthy. 28.9.2020 Hope to see you there too. Denyse.

    1. Yeah, our summer was definitely a bit different! We were allowed to travel to other states but which states we could visit changed almost daily as new numbers came in. Luckily by the end of summer most of New England had all the same rates of infection and we could pretty freely visit between them.


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