Friday Favorites: The Week We Celebrated Father's Day

We had another fabulous week! The weather has been so sunny and warm and with allergy season finally winding down we're spending lots and lots of time outside.

The younger boys and I spent our morning on Friday cleaning house.  They went into the lake and used the rake to clean up any weeds and leaves near our dock.  They swam and played for a bit.  We unmolded our popscicles and enjoyed a refrshing treat.  In the afternoon we ran to Famous Footwear to pick up some new sandals for Evan (curbside) and took a quick trip into Target to pick up supplies for s'mores.  Once home we walked over to the cottage to visit with my mother in law and her friend that had just returned home to CT after a few years of living in Alaska.

For dinner we had grilled chicken, egg noodles, corn on the cob, and salad. 

Ian and my husband headed off to work on Saturday morning and the boys and I were waiting around for some company.  Alec was having his girlfriend over and since her mom and I are such good friends I convinced her mother to come too.  They arrived shortly before lunch (bringing with them a strawberry cheesecake!) and stayed until just dinnertime. They spent much of the time in the lake or playing card games on the patio.  

Once Ian and my husband came home for lunch, Ian decided to stay.  He took Alec's friend on a jet ski ride and made a fire in the fire pit for s'mores.  

We ended up getting take out pizza with french fries for dinner.  

Even though it was Father's day on Sunday, my husband headed off to work and Ian headed out fishing with his grandfather while Alec whipped up a Toll House pie at my husband's request. 

After lunch we loaded up all the kayaks into the trailer and headed to my husband's favorite fishing spot.  We have to put in our kayaks and walk them down a very shallow river before it opens up onto a small pond.  We then kayak around and head down another river that flows out of the pond.  We spent a few hours in the hot sun paddling around. 

After kayaking, the younger boys and I went to visit my mother & step father and then stopped by the cottage to visit more family and do some swimming while waiting for my husband and Ian to finish fishing and kayaking. 

For dinner we cooked up some rib-eye steaks on the grill, heated up some tater tots (butternut squash fries for me), green beans and corn on the cob.  Then the guys all had Toll house pie sundaes before bed.  

It was cloudy and warm on Monday but since Ian had the day off from work he took his grandfather's fishing boat out on the lake.  Ian and I took a run to the library and the bank once he was home.  After lunch he pulled the jet ski out of the water and tinkered around trying to fix it.
He has no issues whatsoever backing up with a trailer hitched up-- have you ever tried that?  It's so hard to do!

The younger boys wanted to swim to the cottage so I kayaked alongside them and by the time we reached the other shore Ian was waiting; ready to put the jet ski back in the water.  It ran great!  

The white arrow shows where the boys are swimming to

For dinner I cooked up some fish (chicken tenderloins for the boys), rice pilaf, and made a vegetable stir fry using summer squash, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, and eggplant.  

Tuesday morning Ian headed to work and the younger boys and I went to Barnes and Noble.  They stocked up on books and then we went next door to Panera for a snack.  Evan picked their chocolate croissants and we sat inside (there was only one older couple, us, and two workers in the whole building).  We took a quick run to Target and then headed home.

We whipped up some more fruit/ yogurt popsicles and then I took a quick run back to the library to pick up some more books for me. 

These are strawberry & cherry 

For dinner I made sausage and pasta Alfredo with fresh summer vegetables  then my husband and I headed out grocery shopping.

We finally got some much needed rain on Wednesday and the boys and I spent the whole day inside. We played Phase 10 Twist and made up a batch of Italian Ranch Chex Mix.  

The rain cleared enough for us to walk to the mailbox and through the campground in the afternoon.  Once home I began making dinner-- chicken Parmesan with spaghetti, sauce, garlic bread, and salad.

We woke to beautiful, sunny skies on Thursday and got ready for some company.  I spent most of my morning reading my latest book on the patio. 

Alec and his friend worked together to make us all a delicious no-bake chocolate lasagna while his mom and I hung out on the patio catching up with one another since we last saw each other in January.  She made a delicious food spread for us all.  The kids went swimming for a bit and ended the day with a few rounds of Smash Bros. while they dried off and warmed up inside. 

I had BBQ Spare ribs cooking in the crock pot so we just heated up some rice and corn to go with it for dinner. 

Linking Up With: A Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. Look at all that water fun and my mouth is watering over the chocolate lasagna!!

    1. It was so good and so sweet it actually made my teeth ache. LOL

  2. That chocolate lasagna sounds amazing and it must be pure bliss living on a lake in the summer! Enjoy your weekend :)

    1. It was delicious! I took enough pictures that I should/will write up a blog post soon about how he made it.

  3. Wow! All that food and company at the lake sounds wonderful!

  4. Good strategic plan to be friends with the girlfriend 's mum. 😁
    And those popsicles look amazing.

    1. LOL! We were friends before they ever became boyfriend/ girlfriend and I hope we'll be able to remain friends if/when their relationship fizzles out.

  5. I would like to visit you on your lake!

  6. What a great week! I just love seeing that beautiful lake!

  7. It looks like you had lots of fun at the lake! Reminds me of going Up North here in MI. Those popcycles look delicous, and we love Tollhouse Pie!

    1. They are delicious! And fairly healthy too.

  8. Looks like lots of fun and good food. Lovely!

  9. I wish I lived where you do - it looks so picturesque! We love Phase 10 - actually we love playing all kinds of card as a family!

    1. We enjoy playing all sorts of card and board games together.

  10. The popsicles and lunch spread look so good. That lake is such a treasure. Summer has come to your home!
    Blessings, Dawn

  11. It looks like everyone is enjoying summer. The lake is pretty and great ice cream. Enjoy the weekend.

  12. You've been enjoying so many tasty treats! I keep saying how jealous I am that you live on/near a lake. So much fun! Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. We have been enjoying lots of tasty treats for sure.

  13. It would be a blast to live on a lake in the summer! Looks like you had a fun week. Man my kids would be jealous about that stack of new books@

    1. He's already read 3 of them and I told him he needs to slow down!


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