Friday Favorites: Soaking In the Sun

Our state moved into phase 2 on Wednesday which means amusement parks, hotels, inside seating at restaurants, museums/zoos/aquariums, indoor recreation like bowling & gyms, libraries, nail salons/spas etc. are all opening up with new rules in place like 50% capacity, face masks, one way signage and social distancing, etc.  We had planned on getting out there and enjoying some of the "new" things that opened up but it was just so beautiful out that we spent most of our week basking in the sunlight instead.

Ian had his second part of his Zoom meeting on Friday.  After realizing the camera in my laptop is broken we knew we had to figure out another solution for Friday's meeting; which kept me on edge most of the morning.  We got the meeting up and running on his computer and he had his liscence (for boating and Jet skiing) in hand by dinner time passing with a whopping 57 of the 60 questions right.

I was also having furniture delivered as an early Father's day gift and needed to clear out space in our bedroom where the chairs were going.  They came while Ian was in his class and they are so comfy! My husband was surprised and really loves them.

After lunch I went grocery shopping and we had grilled chicken BLT wraps with corn on the cob, salad, and fries (butternut squash fries for me).

After dinner my husband and I took the ranger while Ian rode the 4 wheeler through the woods to his great aunt's house.  Then I gave both my husband and Ian haircuts before finally calling it a night.

Ian headed off to work on Saturday while Ben and I loaded up the "new" jet ski we got a few weeks ago.  It ran pretty good for one day and we've been having problems with it ever since.  The place we bought it from offered to take it into their shop and fix it up for us so we had to drive back out there and drop it off.  It was a beautiful day for a drive and we stopped for ice cream on our way home.  We also stopped in to see my husband's aunt and uncle for a bit.  It was nice to visit with them as we only see them a few times a year.

We had BBQ chicken drumsticks with BBQ macaroni salad and more corn on the cob & salad for dinner.

I spent Sunday morning putting my new patio set together while Ian headed off to cut lumber with my husband.  After I was finished I spent most of my day outside reading trying out ALL the spots.  Alec came out to read too and Evan spent most of the afternoon washing all the pollen off everything on the patio.

I had a whole turkey breast in the crock pot and cooked up some couscous and broccoli to go with it then Alec talked us all into going out for ice cream after dinner.

Ian headed to work with my husband Monday morning and the younger boys and I got a jump start to our day with an early morning hike.  The weather was fabulous!!

On the way home we stopped a the local you pick farm and got a whole flat of fresh strawberries... sadly I think it's the only time we'll go this year as all the extra protocols turned a quick 15 minute errand into a hour long frustration.  We picked that flat in under 5 minutes but spent nearly 25 minutes on either end waiting to pick and waiting to pay.

I spent my afternoon lounging around reading and watering the plants.  I cooked up a pork tenderloin with baked potaotes and sauteed zucchini for dinner. After dinner my husband and I headed out in the canoe.  He wanted to go fishing and I always enjoy a quiet evening on the lake (I brought my book and did a little reading but I forgot my phone/ camera so no pictures).

After making some Chex mix on Tuesday, my boys and I spent the afternoon at the cottage visiting with family. My mother in law got the kids take out pizza and we ate it by the side of the lake.  Evan was even crazy enough to go swimming for a little while in the afternoon.

I had a pot roast going in the crock pot and whipped up some rice a roni/ rice pilaf mix and frozen green beans and corn to go with it.

My mom and her friend came over Wednesday morning and we took off for a nice long kayak ride with the boys.  It was great to get in some sun, some exercise, and lots of socializing.

Our Misfits Market box came in and I used most of what was in the box for dinner.  I cooked up some bacon wrapped chicken tenderloins with a mixture of roasted vegetables-- yellow & purple potatoes, Jicama, and beets which I served with a salad I made using up what we had left in the crisper and from produce in our box.

After dinner Ian went tubing an 4 wheeling while Alec went on the boat and the younger two boys went swimming with family.   My husband and I ran to BJ's for a few groceries for us and a lot of supplies for his work.

First thing Thursday morning I headed to the grocery store.  Once home I made a fruit salad and tossed sald for dinner and cooked up two pot pies to put in the freezer using up leftovers from the fridge.  The boys and I made Father's day cards and some homemade strawberry yogurt pops (using this recipe and just subbing 1 cup fresh strawberries for the blueberries).  After lunch the boys went swimming and I tried to catch up on some blog work.

Evan and I ran to Target in the late afternoon to return the tops we had ordered for him online and picked up new ones in a larger size.  I was also able to pick up the last of the Father's day gifts we needed so I am all set for the weekend.

For dinner we had burgers and hot dogs with fruit salad, and salad.

Linking up with: Morning Cup of Joe, On the Edge,


  1. Congrats on getting to Phase 2- psychologically it is starting to help here! That snack mix looks amazing- have a great weekend!

    1. I'm just so happy to be out seeing friends and family again!

  2. Yay for phase 2! The hike looks so nice and all the food sounds so yummy! Enjoy the weekend.

    1. The weather has been perfect for early morning hikes.

  3. Such a gorgeous week! So exciting for you that your state is opening back up. An amazing father's gift too- I only got Michael one small thing and am thinking I should have done more. Have a great weekend! xo

    1. I had to step up my game this year as he really went all out for mother's day.

  4. That's great that everything is opening up, hope it goes well. The strawberries look great. I couldn't get a picking spot for us but maybe we'll go blueberry picking at some point!

    1. The farm was supposed to be open for strawberries all week and had to shut down for 3 days to wait for more to ripen since they had so many people showing up to pick.

  5. Love your new patio set. Hoping to spend a little time outdoors this weekend but it will be warmer than this week has been. Maybe we can find some chairs for our firepit!

    1. We're supposed to have really warm temps (into the 90's!) here! I'm kind of excited since it's not super muggy either.

  6. That blue chair pod thingy is really cool. I love it. What a great gift for Father's Day. I know we would love new chairs like that. Those strawberries look amazing. Yay for kayaking. I haven't been in forever.

    1. That blue hanging chair was my mother's day gift and it is so comfortable! Like a hammock and swing all rolled into one.

  7. We went strawberry picking too, but fortunately for us, our was a fun and not frustrating experience. With the summer heat, I wish I lived near water. We love kayaking! Have a great weekend!

    1. I am always so thankful to live near the water when the hot weather hits; especially this year with all our state ponds/ lakes/ etc. closed to the public.

  8. Wow, what a wonderful life! You live in such a beautiful place and I love reading about all of your outdoor activities!

  9. Yay for PHASE TWO!!!!! How fun... new chairs and a new patio set! Love them both!

    1. It's pretty exciting! Of course now with all this comfy seating I'm pretty content to stay home. I just wanted the option to go out, I guess. LOL.

  10. I'm glad your state is opening up! I love the chairs you bought for your husband. I got mine a coffee mug and feeling like a slacker now!

    1. LOL! He's been wanting new chairs for years and years and I kept putting him off.

  11. What a great week! Your lake is such a wonderful blessing. I know I say it all the time, but the nature around you is gorgeous.
    Blessings, Dawn

  12. Things are opening up here in NJ, too, but I still haven't ventured out too much, other than food shopping and the garden center. You deck looks great with the new furniture! Always love the lake pics.

    1. We've been to a few stores but I can't say we've done a whole lot more than that. Now that it's so nice out I like staying at home anyway.

  13. Your new furniture (both indoor and outdoor) looks fabulous! And now I want to go strawberry picking. Thanks for linking up with me.


    1. I couldn't believe that all the strawberries were gone in just a matter of days! They were so sweet and tasty this year.

  14. Those chairs look so comfy!! And the patio set will be wonderful. Happy weekend!

    1. They are so nice and comfy! I am enjoying mine almost as much as he is enjoying his.

  15. So frustrating about the jet ski. Hope the shop was able to fix it without any expense to you and that it will work like new. I would imagine that riding one would be such great fun. I used to water ski a little...nothing more than trying to staying up and enjoyed that. All of your meals sound scrumptious. I still have the Easter ham and turkey in the freezer. Need to just cook them up and quit waiting for the family to all be together.
    Your new chairs will be delightful in the bedroom. And I love the pieces you bought for your patio. We went with blues, too. So restful.

    1. They are supposed to be fixing the jet ski free of charge. I tend to stick to blue tones for much of my decorating since blue is my favorite color.


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