Misfit Markets; Our Second & Third Box

Our second box from Misfit Markets was almost a week late but we had been notified a few times that they were having difficulty keeping up with the demand and all the new pandemic protocols.  Since we only use our box as a supplement to the fruits and veggies we already buy I wasn't upset by that.

I just hoped that our produce would look good and be made up of mostly items we like and use.

Here's a photo of what we received.

  • 1 small bag of broccoli heads
  • 2 bunches of carrots; regular orange ones and rainbow ones
  • 2 large celery roots 
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2 mangoes
  • a box of mushrooms (we special ordered to add to our box)
  • 3 small zucchinis
  • 5 large sweet potatoes
  • 5 oranges
  • 2 large bunches of kale
  • 3 onions
  • 1 small celery bundle
  • 6 peppers
  • 5 limes
We put much of it to great use!  

The very night the box arrived we were having spaghetti and sauce so I used the three small zucchinis to make Parmesan crusted zucchini for my husband and I.  I often get this as a side dish at Olive Garden and I had never tried making it before but it was both easy and delicious-- I sliced the zucchinis length wise and mixed together equal parts Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs. Drizzled the crumb mixture with oil and pressed them onto the zucchini then baked them 20 minutes at 350.  I'm sorry I forgot a photo!

We used the broccoli, celery, some of the carrots, and the mushrooms to add into our salads; we typically make two large salads a week. 

Another night I had a spiral ham to cook up and decided to roast the rainbow carrots with a few regular carrots and served it with some roasted sweet potatoes, onions, and celery root.  It was delicious!   

I mixed the sweet potatoes, onions, and celery root with some oil, minced garlic, and seasoned salt and roasted them for an hour at 350; giving them a little stir every now and then. 

I made sweet potato fries to go with our hamburgers and hot dog another night using up two more sweet potatoes. 

Alec and I made up some mango scones with lime glaze (recipe here) using up both mangoes and two of the limes.  My husband used the other limes to add a bit of flavoring to his water; swapping out his usual lemon water for lime water.

The boys and I ate the oranges for snack and breakfast-- they were so juicy and so sweet!  

Ian used the onions to slice up and put on sandwiches and his burgers.  I had planned to dice them up and freeze them again since that worked so well with our last batch of onions from our first box but he used up most of them before I had a chance!

 Which means we used:

  • 1 small bag of broccoli heads
  • 2 bunches of carrots; regular orange ones and rainbow ones
  • 2 large celery roots 
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2 mangoes
  • a box of mushrooms (we special ordered to add to our box)
  • 3 small zucchinis
  • 5 large sweet potatoes
  • 5 oranges
  • 2 large bunches of kale
  • 3 onions
  • 1 small celery bundle
  • 6 peppers
  • 5 limes
I thought that was pretty good! I did try some kale in my salad but I didn't like the taste and by the time I tried to make kale chips it had already wilted like crazy and I wasn't sure if it was good anymore.

We never use peppers as both my husband and I have a very hard time digesting them but overall I thought it was a great second box.

Our third box was also quite late (again with many emails assuring us they were working on it).  I think this was our best box yet as I could identify everything we received and knew we'd use it all!

We received:
  • a bunch of celery
  • 4 small zucchinis
  • 4 mangoes
  • 6 pears
  • 6 apples
  • a small eggplant
  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 large onions & several small varieties
  • a celery root
  • 5 carrots
  • 3 yams
We used it ALL!!  

The potatoes were used for making homemade french fries one night at dinner and another night I diced up some yams, celery root, all the carrots, some onions, and 1 regular potato and roasted them at 400 for almost an hour so they were nice and tender and flavorful.  

I used the celery in our salads for the week.  The apples, pears, and mangoes were eaten by us throughout the week.  I sprinkled in the fruit with other fruit we already had most mornings to make a delicious fruit salad.

I used the zucchini to make zucchini bread (recipe coming soon!).

I made a broccoli and eggplant casserole using up the eggplant, broccoli, a few more onions, and a can of diced tomato.  We froze it for a side dish later in the month so I can't yet attest to how it tastes but it sure looked and smelled good.

I am loving having these extra fruits and vegetables around; they really force me to eat more of them and think outside the box for using them up before they go bad. 

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  1. I always like seeing what people do with various vegetables!

    1. Me too! I'm always looking for new ways to use and serve vegetables.

  2. I've been considering ordering a similar box from Imperfect Foods, but I've never heard of this company before ... I'm assuming it's a similar concept. I'd love to get a big box of veggies like this every week, definitely need to check it out. BTW, I love the headband you ordered from Amazon. So cute!

    1. Yep, very similar concept but Imperfect Foods doesn't deliver in our are and Misfit does.

  3. I've been ordering from Imperfect and I really have to watch the boxes to make sure I actually got what I was charged for. A couple of times they have sent me sketchy items, but overall I love that we are eating a lot more veggies. It really keeps you on your toes trying to use it all before it goes bad! Plus, I discovered chard, which I chop up and saute just like kale and Hubby and I love it. Saw your link at Miz Helen's!

    1. I have gotten some items that seem almost beyond use and I to have to work to use it all before it goes bad.. especially with my orders not coming in on time and it seems like they're showing up just days after I do grocery shopping now. LOL. But I am loving that we're trying and eating so many fruits and vegetables.

  4. sometimes I simply love what people come up with when offered the bottom of the barrel and they still make some good looking items way to go
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  5. WOW! Way to go using up everything! Since I haven't been going to the grocery store very often I'm sorely lacking fresh fruits and veggies, and I miss them! I'm going to have to check out this service and see if they're available in my area. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome! We eat a LOT of fruits and vegetables since that is about 1/2 my cart at the grocery store each week too.

  6. What a fun adventure! Y'all did a really good job to use what you got in your boxes. I enjoyed seeing what you got and how you used it! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Farm Fresh Tuesdays Blog Hop. You are one of my features for this week's hop! Hope to see you there!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

  7. I love fresh fruits and vegetables, and very nice to have them come to your door! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday,483.
    Come back soon!
    Miz Helen


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