Mango Scones with Lime Glaze

Today I am joining up with a group of fellow bloggers for a little spring recipe blog hop!  If you are joining us today from Laura's blog; thank you!

When we got our Misfits Market box the other day we had two mangoes and 5 limes inside.  While I do eat mangoes and limes, neither one are my favorites but I thought I might be able to come up with some sort of recipe that paired them.  I just knew these flavors would be perfect for our spring recipe swap!

I immediately headed to Pinterest and found so much inspiration.  Alec and I finally settled on trying our hand at making some scones and I have to say that pairing of the sweet mangoes with the tart limes was just amazing!!


For the scones:
1/2 cup milk (we used 1%)
1/2 cup sour cream
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1 stick butter; frozen and grated
1 1/2 cup diced fresh mangoes

Lime Glaze:
12 Tablespoons powdered sugar
3 Tablespoons + 1 Tsp. heavy cream
Zest of two lime
2 tsp lime juice

Before we set to work making the scones I diced up the mangoes into bite sized pieces.

Then grated the butter and set it back in the freezer until we needed it.

We preheated the oven to 400 and lined a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Alec mixed together the milk and sour cream in a small bowl and then set that aside in the fridge.

Then he mixed up a second bowl with flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.

Once mixed we added in the grated butter and used 2 forks to mix together until we had coarse crumbs.  Then we added in the milk and stirred until combined. Once our batter looked ready, the mangoes were added in.  

The dough was turned onto a lightly floured surface and formed into roughly a 9 inch circle.  We cut the dough into 8 pieces; like pizza and placed each wedge onto the cookie sheet.

We baked them in the oven for 16-20 minutes until they were a light golden brown.

As they cooled on wire racks, we mixed up the lime glaze; we wanted a thick glaze so we used heavy cream. We began by zesting a lime.  We added the lime juice, cream, and powdered sugar right to the bowl of zest.

While the scones were still a bit warm we drizzled them with glaze and then.. well, we all ate one each!  They were delicious.  We did all wish we had more glaze though so I doubled the recipe we used above and you should be all set.

Some bites had lots of mango and others had less but that was OK since the scone was so nice and flaky and full of flavor.

The tartness of the lime mixed with the sweetness of the mango was a great pairing!

How I hope you'll continue on and stop by Carrie's blog: Curly Crafty Mom to see what she's sharing today!

Here's a list of all our hosts in order of "stops" in case you got lost along the way!

1. Deb's World
2. Mom Home Guide
3. I do deClaire
4. Slices of life-- you are here!
5. Curly Crafty Mom
6. Penny's Passion
7. Faster Than Forever
8. Family. Love. Inspiration
9. Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
10. Seasonal & Holiday Recipe Exchange

Linking up with:


  1. I would never have thought to put these two flavours together but now I've seen this I can imagine they complemented each other really well. The scones look delicious, I'm not surprised they all got eaten!

    1. I was amazed at all the mango/lime recipes I found once I started looking. I hadn't really thought to put them together myself until I received so many of each but now that I've tried it, I love that combination.

  2. Oh my gosh do these sound delicious! My mouth is watering- they sound like the perfect summer breakfast :)

    1. They would be perfect for summer breakfast.

  3. When I was pregnant with my daughter I craved Mango non-stop and now I still love it! These look delicious!

    1. Isn't it funny the things we crave. I love that your cravings were for something so healthy!

  4. This look and sound so yummy! Thanks for the recipe to make them!

  5. These look so pretty and tasty Would be fabulous for tea! We made scones a million years ago for a school project one of my daughters was doing I remember them being pretty dry. Yours look moist - maybe the addition of the mango? Thank you so much for joining me for this swap. Pinning your recipe.

    1. I'm not sure since we've only ever made scones with fresh fruit in them and both times they turned out nice and moist.

  6. Wow! These look delicious! I'm a lover of scones, and lime - will have to try these.
    My daughter told me about Misfit Market but we have not tried them out yet. Sounds like it can be adventurous!

    1. It is definitely adventurous. I once had to take a photo of something we received (celery root) and upload it to Facebook asking friends and family if they knew what it was and the best way to prepare it. But we ended up really liking them.

  7. This combination of flavors sounds delicious, Joanne. Pinned.

  8. This looks so delicious! Thank you for sharing on Farm Fresh Tuesdays!

  9. They look and sound delicious! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's.

  10. Looks like you have a great helper to make those delicious Mango Scones with Lime Glaze! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

    1. I certainly do! He's such a huge help in the kitchen.

  11. These sound amazing! I love the idea of the mango and lime combination. You will be the featured post on the week's Friday at the Fire Station link up!


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