How I Did With My February Goals and My March Goals

I never gave a single thought to my goals this month until the 13th!   I didn't have high hopes of attaining that many of them since I forgot about them for a few weeks and February is a short month.  Let's see how I did and look at what goals I'm setting for next month.  

Health/ Wellness--

1. Make an appointment with the Doctor- Check! He was actually able to see me the very day I called and we decided to try and see if a few months of birth control pills can work (if not I'm most likely having a hysterectomy).

2.  Maintain current weight- Check! 

3.  Continue to add more water drinking into my day- I actually lost a bit of ground on this one when everyone was sick but seem to be drinking 60- 75 ounces of water most days. 

4.  Keep exercising at least 3 times a week: Nope! I lost momentum that first week of February when everyone got sick and I just have not gotten back into it. I managed 3 workouts last week and hurt my knee roller skating Friday so I'm back to resting this week.. 


1.  Go through each day in February and make sure all links in all February blog posts ever posted are working--Check!

2.  Try to continue having posts ready at least one full week ahead- Check?! I did pretty well up until last week but so many of those end of the month posts are wrap-ups that I have a hard time working on much ahead of time.

Fun/ Family--

1. Set aside ALL the above monthly goals for one week while we are on vacation-- Nope! Because we never made it on vacation.

2.  Make a special Valentine's dinner and get all the boys a little token gift--- Check! I made a pot roast and Alec baked up a delicious white chocolate raspberry cake for us.  I got the boys a small box of candy and either a book or a movie. 

3.  Swap out Ian's carpet with plank vinyl flooring! Nope!  We put this one off on purpose.  Ian isn't typically around on the weekends to help out but was going to be home most weekend in March so we'll tackle this next month for sure. 

4.  Host a family game night--Nope! We had a few family movie nights but we never got around to having a game night. Though my sister in law and I have been talking about possible dates to do a big family game night soon. 

Next month's goals:

Health/ Wellness:

  • Track my food everyday
  • Workout 3 times a week
  • Drink 70 ounces water daily
  • Try using essential oils


  • Clean the car
  • organize the laundry room
  • swap out Ian's flooring
  • Sort through both game cabinets and the bookshelves; getting rid of those things we've outgrown
  • Continue updating old posts each day making sure link works and there are pinnable images.

  • Call school and set up a day for Alec to shadow 
  • Host a family game night
  • Have a date  night (or day date) that does not include dinner and a movie!
  • Get together with our friends; just for fun. 
Linking Up With:


  1. Good Morning!! I enjoyed reading this post....I have to start making a list of goals...i do make a list of what I want to accomplish in a week but they are mainly tasks....I too have increased my drinking of water and i exercise, 5 miles in 22 minutes on my stationary bike , at least 5 times a week. I also need to make a list of blogging goals!! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you. I have a task list that I use each day and week too but somehow things like the ones I listed above never seem to make it onto that list!

  2. Great job on your goals. Is Alec thinking of going to school? Gabbie just did a shadow day at our local high school as well.

    1. He is; there is a local high school that offers culinary arts as a field of study and he's very interested in it. We've started the application process and he's toured the school on their open house night so a shadow day is the next logical step.

  3. You did pretty good on your goals considering that you had sick people in the house. Good luck with all of your goals. Thanks for the lovely blog visit on the cauliflower salad I made. Enjoy the week!

    1. Thanks! I thought so too; I knew I'd have to give myself grace with my list of goals this month.

  4. Way to go you! I am proud you made time to go to the Dr. I hope the pills work for you.

    1. I hope so too; though they are making me feel much worse in the short term. I'm not adjusting so well to the hormones but I have been assured they should level out soon.

  5. Looks like you had a productive month despite the sickness. I love reading people's goals and how they get on. Great post :-) #happynowlinky

  6. You did a great job with your goals and the ones you didn't get to were for good reasons. I sure hope the pills work and you don't require surgery!

    1. Thanks! I'm almost at the point where I'm thinking surgery might not be so bad...

  7. You did great considering there was sickness this month! I hope things go even better for you next month! And I hope birth control helps!

  8. Great job! You sound much better organized than me with the blogging. I have very similar goals there.

    1. Thank you; I am trying so hard to get more organized in all areas of my life.

  9. What a great month you had despite feeling under the weather. Good luck with your goals for March :) #MMBC

    1. We really did have a pretty good month; other than the illness..


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