What's Up Wednesday-- May Edition

I have stumbles upon many bloggers who participate in What's Up Wednesday and while I've always wanted to join in I am so awful about remembering to write my post.  This month I added it to my blogging calendar so I'd remember.  

Here is the list of questions if you'd like to join in:

Let's dive right in!

What We're Eating This Week:
Sunday:  We grilled chicken legs and served them with rice and Italian herb roasted zucchini
Monday:  We had pot roast with roasted potatoes and peas
Tuesday: We had BBQ pork ribs with couscous and Caesar salad
Wednesday: We're having tacos with salad (or in my case taco salad)
Thursday: We're planning on grilled kielbasa with egg noodles and corn
Friday: Homemade macaroni and cheese with salad (though I will be reworking our favorite recipe to make it a bit lower in calories so I can enjoy it too)
Saturday:  Baked fish, baked potatoes, and cole slaw with salad

What I'm Reminiscing About:
I was looking through the boys' scrapbooks for some photos of our one and only trip to Hershey Park when they were small as we're heading back there real soon and none of them remember much about it.  I can't believe it was 8 years ago (back before I was blogging so the pictures aren't the greatest as I'm taking a picture of a picture but look how tiny they were!).  

What I'm Loving:
Friendly's Black Raspberry Ice Cream Bars.  That mix of black raspberry ice cream with the crunchy milk chocolate coating.

What We've Been Up To:
We finished up our school last week so this week we're enjoying a more laid back summer vacation schedule.  We're spending lots of time hiking, with friends, and kayaking.  I even got the boys to try a few art projects with me.

What I'm Dreading:
Nothing really.  

What I'm Working On:
Our "new" gardens!  Over the long Memorial day weekend my husband, my boys, and I tackled a few of the gardens.  We pulled out all the old stone and weed blocking cloth before adding new cloth, a new plant or two and a new color of stone.  I just love them!  We'll continue working on switching over all the other gardens as time and funds allow.

What I'm Excited About:
I just can not wait for long, sunny, summer days.  I'm dreaming about days where the boys swim and I get to sit lakeside reading.  I'm excited about all the summer grilling foods, cookouts, and time spent with family. 

What I'm Watching/ Reading:
I FINALLY finished up Parenthood last week and am continuing to work my way through Grey's Anatomy.  I just finished up Come Sundown and am trying to finish up Match Making for Beginners.   You can read about ALL the books I read this month here.

What I'm Listening To:
My boys and I are currently listening to Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane (Book 2 in the Gregor the Overlander series) whenever we're all in the car together.  We often try to have a book or series going.  

What I'm Wearing:
Other than flip flops there has been nothing consistent in my wardrobe.  Saturday we had temps in the upper 80's/ low 90's and then Sunday morning temps hovered around 50.  Our weather has been crazy unpredictable like that all week but I pretty much wear flip flops no matter what the thermometer says. 

What I'm Doing this Weekend:
I'm hoping to catch up on my blogging before heading out on a quick family road trip! I've had two whole weekends in a row where I haven't even so much as touched my computer and while it was so nice to have a break it has made for very hectic weeks trying to catch up on all things bloggy.  

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
Our Trip to Hershey Park!  Now that my boys are old enough to ride most of the rides I think we're in for a real treat.

What Else is New:
Well, while working in the garden my husband taught both my youngest son and myself how to run the excavator.  I can honestly say I'm not that great at it but I had fun learning.  It's amazing how easy he makes it look and while I pride myself on multi- tasking I could not get the hang of trying to do three different things at once with the boom and bucket.   

Linking Up With: What's Up Wednesday,


  1. Oh that mac and cheese dish is making my mouth water! You've got a pretty delicious menu for the week! Can't wait to hear about your adventures at Hershey Park!
    - Shannon @slayitagainshan.com

  2. We went to Hershey a long time ago and had fun! Enjoy!

    1. It is a lot of fun and I can't wait to ride everything now that the boys are big enough.

  3. Yes....LOVE Parenthood!!! Best show!
    Thanks for linking up with us! :)

    1. It was wonderful! I'm kind of sad that it's over and I'm not sure what to watch now. My husband and I watch Grey's together but Parenthood was my afternoon treat. I'd watch an episode or two while working on my blog.

  4. Your life is full and fun. Now I want some mac n cheese please!

  5. More mac & Cheese!!!! Looks like a fun meme.....

  6. looks fun, I'll have to see if I can join in next month.

    1. It is a lot of fun. A great way to look back at each month.


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