D is for Dragons

Since I had two different book series that I was debating about writing about today I decided to write about them both!

We just recently discovered the Dragon Masters series and it could not have come at a better time!  My youngest son was quite the reluctant reader and when I finally got him to start reading he was even more reluctant to try reading any sort of chapter book.

I knew he loved dragons though and when I saw these easier chapter books I just knew he'd love them.  Surprisingly enough my middle son has read through the series as well and while they are quite quick and easy reads for him he just loves them!

These books are about young boys and girls who are working for King Roland and learning to become dragon masters.  With special dragon stones each master connects with and learns about their own dragon's special power. Each book focuses on a different dragon and master and with pictures on every page they really draw the reader right in.

Another series my younger two boys really enjoy reading are the Dragonbreath series.

These books are written in a combination of plain text and comic book panels with lots of illustrations and are another fun and light read.

My boys are often left giggling over Danny antics.  This poor dragon can not breathe fire and he is finding school to be quite challenging.  He often gets in over his heads and drags a few of his friends along on his adventures.

Others in this series:

A is for A to Z Mysteries
B is for Brian Selznick
C is for Clues; The 39 Clues and the Cahills Vs. Vespers 


  1. That looks like a wonderful book! Thanks for linking up with us!

  2. They all sound good but I want to know more about Danny. Have to go to the library and see if they have Dragonbreath.

    1. Oh I bet they do; last I knew there were 11 books in the series! Here is the author's page with a quick paragraph about each one if you'd like to learn a bit more. http://www.dragonbreathbooks.com/books.html

  3. I've loved reading through your blogging through the alphabet posts and learning about new book series.

  4. Lovely sounding books full of imagination and possibilities for growing kids #fabfridaypost

    1. My boys love fantasy books so much and I think that is because they are so full of imagination.

  5. Dragon Masters sounds awesome for my kids. We are always looking for new series to fall in love with. Thanks for the reccomendation!

    1. You're welcome! I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

  6. Interesting. I haven't heard about the above Dragons. I need to go and check it out! Thank you so much for sharing your Dragon books suggestions with us on #FabFridayPost

  7. My son loves dragons, I will have to check and see if my library has these books! Thank you for linking up with us!

    1. You're welcome! I have two boys that love dragons and so we've read a lot of dragon books.

  8. Oh I think m y 9 year old and possibly 7 year old would love Dragon Masters! Thanks for the idea and for linking up with me.


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