Books My Boys Read in September

I wasn't sure that my boys would have much time for reading in September since we officially started back to school.   While they are required to reach each day they rarely read more than what I require.  Often by the time we're done our family read aloud and the books we read for science, geography, or history they don't have much inclination to read anything else.

So I was really surprised by just how long our list was this month!

Drama by Raina Telgemeier

Sisters by Raina Telgemeier

The 26 Story Treehouse

The 39 Story Treehouse 

Attack of the Goblin Army

Angus and Sadie

Flat Stanley and the  Missing Pumpkins

Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier

Wolves of Beyond: Spirit Wolf

Bravelands: Broken Pride 

Snow Fight

Trials of Apollo Book 2: The Dark Prophecy 

Magnus Chase Book 2: The Hammer of Thor

The Magnificent 12:The Call


The Napping House

Treasure on Superstition Mountain 

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  1. That's a lot of books! My youngest kids love Rick Riorden books.

    1. I was impressed; I really didn't feel like they had done a lot of reading. I am pretty sure we have read every book Rick Riorden has ever written. They just love his works.

  2. That's quite a selection! I'll have to see if the library has the Flat Stanley one, my daughter would have fun with that!


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