We Made Our Own Sleds!

We ate breakfast at Dunkin Donuts (the kids' choice) and started our shopping.  We needed to buy some duct tape; lots of duct tape!
 School today was comprised of making our own cardboard sleds using duct tape and other household items.  It really was pretty simple.

Supplies needed:

  • Large cardboard boxes; flattened
  • Duct Tape; we used about three rolls per sled 
  • Pool noodles (if making handles)
  • String/ twine for holding handles in place if using and to attach to the front for easy towing (something we thought of AFTER we were done.
  • Scissors or razor blades for cutting through cardboard
  • Sharpie for planning out shape/ design of sled
We started with large flattened cardboard boxes.  The younger two boys decided that rather than cut them apart and have thin sleds they'd keep the cardboard in two layers for more strength.  Then the boys drew their shapes right on the cardboard with markers.

The boys each designed their own sled and I helped them cut the cardboard when necessary.  Ian was able to do most of his own cutting but the younger two needed a lot of help.  Cutting through thick cardboard is not easy!

Once trimmed they just started covering all the cardboard with duct tape.  They made sure to really tape the front of the sled well and loop tape over the edges so water would not seep inside.  I helped all the boys trim and unroll duct tape whenever they needed help but let them dictate to me which colors to use, where to put it, how to cut it, etc. so that they'd still have their own design when they were done.

Alec wanted to add handles to his sled and decided to thread his string through some pool noodle pieces to make a better and wider handle.  I helped him trim the pool noodle to the size he wanted and to cut holes through the cardboard where he wanted the handles to go through.  He did all the rest.

 It was fun and a great STEM project that really engaged the boys.

Trying out his handle 

Their completed sleds 

Anxious to try them out; they voted to see who sleds was the nicest and predicted which sled would be the fastest, which sled would last the longest, and which one would handle the jumps the best.  They were wary as to whether the sleds would even work at all.

Imagine our surprise to find out that they worked beautifully!

They came in a bit frozen and red cheeked but smiling and proud of themselves and their sleds.  Alec saw that his sled needed some repairs and waited to add a bit more duct tape to it once it dried.

They do tend to kick a lot of snow up into your face though

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  1. How fun--your kids will remember that forever:). Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday!

  2. I did this as a kid! Not quite as fancy, though :) Looks like your boys had a lot of fun! Stopping by from the Fanday Friday linkup.


    1. They really did but man, those decorative rolls of duct tape don't have much on them. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. This is such a great project!! I love that you took votes on which would be fastest! #fdflinkparty

    1. I honestly thought they'd each vote for their own!

  4. What CAN'T you use duct tape for?!?!?!?! Such a cool thing to do with your boys!! Puts my duct tape wallet to shame.

    Thanks for linking up at #bloggerspotlight

    1. Thanks! It took a lot of duct tape but it sure was fun.

  5. My boys would be all over this project! Super cool:)

  6. Oh my word I need a hill to try this. Thanks so much for linking up at #familyfriday we appreciate it! We hope you come back next week.

  7. How fun and what a memorable project! We actually have had winters when we couldn't find a sled for sale anywhere and this would have been handy!

    1. They really held up well too! I was surprised at how much the duct tape helped keep the water out.


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