Currently in November

It's the first Wednesday of the month so that means it's time for the Currently link up with Jennifer.  This month we'll talk about the things we're currently loving, looking forward to, smelling, preparing for, and thankful. 

Loving: Our weekend trip. Even though we really went to Maine to check out a college for Evan, it was a fun little overnight trip and Maine is always a great place to visit in my opinion! 

Where we stayed

It was a beautiful campus right on the water

Looking Forward to:
My parents will be "home" twice this month; tomorrow an staying through the weekend (with us!) to get some banking stuff done for the new house they're buying in North Carolina and then later in the month they'll come back with a moving truck to get all their stuff out of storage. I'm looking forward to seeing them again. 

Isn't their new house so cute?! I can't wait to see it in person. 

Smelling: All sorts of comfort foods; The cooler days have me cooking and baking a lot. I made some garlic/Italian herb swirl bread and skillet lasagna last week that really hit the spot. 

We also roasted a small turkey breast and made some delicious pot pies lately! 

Preparing for:
 I've started preparing a bit for Thanksgiving; planning our menu, trying to figure out who will be here and I have even begun buying some of the non-perishables we use that day like the stuffing mix and cranberry sauce. 

Thankful for: My husband and how hard he works to provide this wonderful life for us. Touring all these colleges and talking finances makes me so very thankful that we should be able to cover most of the big costs so our boys don't come out crippled with debt (we hope!). Though we have made them aware of what we expect them to pitch in too. 

Linking up with: creatively crafty, 


  1. College visits are exciting! I hope that Evan picks a great college- one right on the water sounds pretty good to me :). I feel the same way about my husband and how hard he works to provide for us! The kids are thankful, too, as they know many students who have had to take out massive loans for college. Your food pics all look so good and yah for getting to see your parents two times this month! Their house in NC looks darling and I know you will love to visit!

    1. Right? I wouldn't have minded a college right on the water. I do know our kids are so appreciative that they don't have to take out massive loans.

  2. It does sound like a good trip to Maine and how wonderful to have your parents home for a little while. Their new house is just adorable!!

    1. I thought it was so cute too and it has a great layout (since I got to see the floorplan).

  3. That hotel is gorgeous and that campus - wow! Can I attend? Your food looks amazing and you are so organized already thinking about Turkey Day food - I have noticed it's already displayed in the store.

    1. Right?! I feel that way about so many of the colleges we've toured with both the younger boys! I like to buy a few things ahead of time mixed in with our regular grocery and then it's not such a big deal when Thanksgiving week rolls around.

  4. Maine is a state I have never been to, but would love to see. That campus looks so peaceful! I really like your parents house and know you will be glad to see them. Will they live close to your sister?

    1. They will be about 30 minutes south of my younger sister and nearly 2 hours away from my older sister (but my older sister is the one that mentioned the area my parents found this house since they have been thinking of relocating to that same area so perhaps they'll join them in another year or 2).

  5. Blessings my friend.

  6. Maine is always a great place to visit :)

  7. That looks like a beautiful campus. I loved that hotel room too. It's wonderful your parents will be home this month. Congratulations on their new home!

    1. Thank you! They are so happy and are hopeful to in and mostly settled by Thanksgiving-- so it's really perfect timing.

  8. What a pretty campus in Maine. Your parents new house looks nice and good luck to them. Enjoy the rest of the week Joanne.

  9. I'm thankful for my husband's hard work too!

    1. I noticed a few people saying that this week!

  10. Replies
    1. It sounds like it's in a really nice community too.

  11. Wow that really is a beautiful area in Maine! I've always wanted to visit there! Your parents new house is cute! We are in North Carolina, and we LOVE this state! Are you in NC as well? I agree, I take my husband for granted far too much, its a good month to be thankful for him though! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Nope, I live in CT but both my sisters have moved to NC in the last 3-5 years so my parents plan on spending most of the year there in their new home and the warmth and sunshine and then summers up here in their camper which they leave at a seasonal campground just down the road.

  12. The hotel and campus in Maine looks fabulous - is Evan going to choose that college? I guess college touring is a great excuse for some mini adventures! And your parents' new house is adorable, isn't it?

    1. As of right now that does seem like his top choice; mostly because they seem to be the only college in our area that offers the field of study he's interested in... I am loving using college tours as an excuse to explore a bit more.

  13. Thank you for joining us for #WOYP. I remember doing college tours with my son over 25 years ago. It was such a special time. And your food photos here all looks amazing - especially that swirl bread!

  14. That's so great that you get to see your parents twice this month! I know you are looking forward to that!

    1. I definitely am; though I'm honest enough to admit I am not really looking forward to helping them move all their stuff onto the moving van. My back has hardly recovered from helping them move it all into storage.

  15. MAine sounds wonderful. Comfort food sounds very good to me toda.

  16. I love the grateful part because so many times we take that for granted.

    1. Definitely! I try to tell him often how much we appreciate all his hard work.

  17. Maine looks like a beautiful place to go to college. I loved going on all the college visits...such an exciting time!

  18. We had our kids take out as much student loan as they could because it was a much lower interest rate than parent loans (yeah, we didn't plan or save very well for that). Then, as a graduation present, we told them we would pay off their loans for them. We already have the turkey ordered (we order a smoked one from a restaurant). I haven't made it much farther than that in planning. I love your parents' home. It looks so open and inviting!

    1. Taking out big loans is never a good idea. If something happens to you then your kids will be saddled with debt for years. Warren Buffet says these student loans are a big waste of money, he is right. The country is full of debt slaves that are beholden to the banks, corporations and big government. Debt slaves have no choices in life.

    2. That is a wonderful graduation present Marsha!

  19. Nice looking pot pie. A good edition to the crust is a handful of grated cheddar cheese, gives crusts for savory pies extra flavor and texture.

  20. Your parents new house looks fabulous! And the campus too, what a privilege to study there!

  21. Oh that area looks so pretty! What an exciting time right? Ummm your skillet lasagna also looks incredible- will you share the recipe? :)

    1. I will make sure to put it on the menu again soon and take lots of photos so I can share the recipe. I wasn't so sure it was going to turn out right this time since it looked so watery and am kicking myself for not writing it down as I went.

  22. Hello! That is a beautiful campus! How exciting for you all. Your meals look both delicious and cozy, and are very inspirational! Love your parent's new house!

  23. Very nice. Your parents house looks amazing.

    1. Thanks! They are so thrilled to have one so quickly.

  24. I want to visit Maine - it looks glorious! What a fun visit and exciting to think about college. I love your parents new place, it is the cutest! Cold weather makes me want to bake - but thanks to our heat wave that has not been a problem!

    1. It really is beautiful! We have had enough cold days in between our warm ones that we keep flipping back and forth on warm cozy meals and grilled foods with salad.

  25. Hi Joanne, where you stayed in Maine looks kindy funky - I like it! The campus looks great too. Yummy food pics and your parents house looks so cute and quaint! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy ! xo

    1. Kinda funky that should say (not kindy funky)!

    2. LOL! Thanks; I HATE when I hit publish and then notice I have a typo.

  26. That lasagna looks so good! I'm vegetarian, but can't resist the look of melty cheese ;-)
    Maine looks lovely, it's not a part of the USA I have ever visited myself.


  27. What a delicious pot pie, Now I am hungry
    Thanks for participating and sharing your post at #52 #WW (Words welcome). See you at #53

  28. All the food looks SO good! I haven't made lasagna in such a long time, and I really should. Maybe I'll add it to my meal plan for next week. Your parents' new house looks adorable. Hope you're having a great week!

  29. That swirly bread looks great. Turkey breast and pot pies are always a win!

    1. They really are perfect on a cool fall evening.


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