August Monthly Musings: Summer's End/Back to School

It's the last Thursday of the month and time to join in with Holly & Patty for their monthly musings. Even though things are quite different with 3 boys taking college classes I thought it would be fun to join in with this month's Back to School themed questions. 

1. I do meal plan; sometimes we meal plan for the whole month and other times we just take it week by week. I do try to get everyone's input so I tend to meal plan at dinner while we're all sitting together. That way each person only has to come up with 1 or 2 ideas and we're set for awhile. 

Just a couple of years ago we shared some quick family meal ideas here

2. We don't have any back to school traditions.

3. We didn't do much shopping for any traditional back to school supplies this year but I did buy Evan some clothes at Old Navy, Alec some Pj's from Kohl's (the only place I know of that carries tall sizes for men's sleepwear), Amazon & Target for dorm shopping.  

I was so glad that all his dorm supplies fit in the car! 

4. I've already started transitioning my wardrobe from summer to fall. I pack away the shorts and tank tops and start adding in pants or pairing long sleeves with capri pants. I'll keep my flip flops out until the first snowfall though!

5. We have no end of summer trips planned; though my husband and I have a belated birthday celebration over labor day weekend where we'll be away for one night.

6. I think most schools in our area start back this week but not having anyone attending or going to public school this year I'm kind of out of the loop.

7. We're seeing a comedy show! 

8. I'll wear white after labor day though I do tend to pack my white pants away by mid-fall just so they don't get muddy and mucky with slushy snowy yuck in winter. 

9. I like pumpkin spiced treats like scones, cookies, and pumpkin bars as well as adding pumpkin into more savory recipes for dinner... and while it's just showing up in stores now we're already seeing leaves changing colors and our temps are cooling off quick so I'm fine to add them in any day!  (see our favorite pumpkin recipes here)

10. Being homeschoolers we always eased into back to school and since I could set the pace and the schedule I didn't need/have any hacks for it. We're still homeschooling the youngest this year but the older two are in college and on their own and since Evan is taking a class at the college this year we don't plan to start our lessons for another few weeks to let him get accustomed to his college course first. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I love pumpkin all the time too- you are one of my meal planning inspirations too!

  2. Fall colors and weather sounds lovely! That is so funny about the flip flops and snow. I am ready to pull out my boots here, but usually wait until mid October. We usually have some fake fall in September with a little more summer weather. By October, we are more consistent with fall weather.

    1. October is definitely the peak of "fall" weather for us and by the end of the month the trees are all bare and it's getting quite chilly.

  3. I like to dedicate September to apple and October and November to pumpkin but I get too excited and start the pumpkin early! I am working on a fall list and some are as simple as buy apple and pumpkin things!
    I will wear flip flops until I can't too!

    1. We focus more on apples in September too; in fact all our local orchards will be open for picking next week so we make lots of apple recipes while they're in season.

  4. Those quick family dinners look delicious—thanks for sharing! I needed some inspiration. Happy transitioning to autumn!

  5. Yes to all these pumpkin treats! I am getting excited for fall fashion too.

    1. I was eyeing my sweaters the other day thinking I'll need those in just another few weeks.

  6. I'm going to check out your pumpkin recipes! Hope you have a relaxing weekend!

  7. I love blue jean weather, but we're still in the mid-90's here this week so shorts and air conditioning it is. My hubs wants summer to last and last, but I'm ready for all things fall. Enjoy your day!

    1. I'm always torn between not wanting to see summer end but yet I really love fall and all the pretty colorful leaves and sweaters...

  8. I do have a loose meal plan before we go shopping but don't always stick to it. With just two of us, we tend to have leftovers or go out lately. I keep my flip flops(Birkenstocks) until it snows too! It's such a bittersweet time of the year as summer ends but I do look forward to fall!

    1. I don't always stick to our meal plan either!

  9. Fun to read your post and see pictures of you, Joanne! You look too young to have kids in college! We love pumpkin and have already had pumpkin spice lattes--yum! Will be very glad when the hot weather is done for good, but it's still shorts weather now. Thanks for leaving comments on my blog!

    1. Thank you! That is such a lovely compliment (I often don't feel old enough to have kids in college!).

  10. I enjoyed reading your answers. I love meal planning but I've gone off of it this summer and I plan on getting back to it for the fall. Good luck with your sons and school this year. I love all of your outfits and I need to get into my closet and start changing things over to fall clothes. I hope you enjoy Labor Day weekend.

    1. We don't meal plan as much in summer either but somehow I always feel like I need more structure for fall and winter.

  11. Loved reading your answers. Looking forward to fall temps.

  12. I don't even want to think about fall. And I have never done meal planning. Perhaps I should!

    1. I started meal planning 7 or so years ago when we were thick in the middle of homeschooling all 3 and juggling activities for them all and it just sort of stuck. I hate it at times but it really does help when it's time to make up my grocery list and at least I don't have to think about what to make each day.

  13. Checking out your pumpkin recipes stat! Thanks for joining us!


  14. I am so looking forward to Everything Pumpkin and getting to wear jeans!

    1. I nearly bought some pumpkin spice mini wheats this week when I saw them at the store. I buy a box each fall and I just love them.

  15. Is it already cooling down where you are at? I won't put away my shorts till about October and will keep one or 2 pairs out for Thanksgiving break. I will wear the rest with sweatshirts on cooler nights before I put them away, I love that on fire nights.

    1. Yep, we have a few warm days here and there but I wore a sweatshirt and capri jeans for hiking today.

  16. I remember that with white pants and the sloshy weather. That's why I always liked OTK boots that would protect them somewhat.
    Let me just say, I don't miss that now, in AZ...haha

    1. I really need some OTK boots! But my feet/legs are really hard to find great boots that fit (mostly my feet!).

  17. Great answers! I wasn't quite feeling it to participate this month - I miss the days of planning for back to school and it made me a bit sad. I'll snap out of it, I'm sure.

  18. Always a win to get the dorm stuff in the car!!

  19. I used to love back-to-school shopping for school supplies! I miss that. Our schools here started the first of August so they're already ready for a break. :) We still have our main beach trip ahead of us in September so I'm excited about that!

    1. Oh I bet they are! Once our school start up here they don't have any real breaks until Thanksgiving and even then it's usually just a 1/2 day Wed. with Thurs. and Friday off. It can feel like such a long fall stretch. I hope you have a fabulous time at the beach!

  20. Although our heatwave has finally broken, it is still in the mid 80's and not time for fall clothing. Your pumpkin recipes sound good and you look ready for all in all your outfits. Enjoy.

  21. Still no fall prepping as we are forecast the same heat in September.

    1. For us it can really vary from year to year; sometimes September is real cool and other times it feels like another month of summer. This year it seems to be cooling off quick.

  22. I don't really enjoy pumpkin food items but the ones you mention sound good!

  23. Good luck to the boys with their college classes.
    This is the first year that I haven't had to do any back to school shopping, well apart from a couple of notebooks and some new pens.
    I am looking forward to the Fall weather to wear sweaters and cosy clothes.

  24. I honestly don't know how people don't meal plan! I would be absolutely LOST at the grocery store and every single evening if I didn't!

    1. I think if I didn't we'd be having a lot of the same dishes over and over and over... I just feel like I'd always be missing an ingredient that I'd need to run to the store for and that would drive me nuts.

  25. We need to make your pumpkin scones again this year. They were soooo good!!!


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