Currently in July

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for the Currently link up with Jennifer. This month we're talking about what we're currently Loving, Looking forward to, Savoring, Celebrating, and Remembering.  

Loving: Our weather has been perfect this past week or so; sunny and warm but with a nice breeze. We've gone hiking, I've enjoyed lots of time on the deck reading-- and I am loving all my summer reads so far. 

Looking forward to: The nice long 4th of July weekend; my husband has tomorrow and Friday off so we're looking at a 4 day weekend!! 

Savoring: This time right now with all my boys home (not every day since the older two work) but I know Alec will be off at college before I know it. His overnight orientation last week was just fabulous and he is so excited about getting started. We're talking about something college related nearly every day and in full on planning mode. 

Celebrating: In the next few days we'll be celebrating the 4th of July with our family and also my birthday! Next week I turn 47 (something I genuinely have a hard time remembering-- I don't "feel" 47). 

Remembering: How exhausting 4th of July at the lake felt when the boys were little; now it's a breeze! 

2013: the boys were 5, 7, & 9

Evan and Alec are in the front row with the goggles and Ian is sitting in the black/white tie dye shorts

2014 at 6, 8, & 10

All 3 of my boys are right behind one another; Evan in the front row with the sweatshirt, Alec behind him with the towel, and Ian right over Alec's shoulder

Linking up with:


  1. Great post! Love the lake fun.

  2. I´m glad that Alec is excited about college. That´s great that his orientation went well. Love the throwback pictures!

  3. Cute pics! I should have dug out more photos! We've had great weather, too! Well, we had it for Monday and Tuesday morning until it got hot again! Did you like the Sarah Adams book?

    1. Yes! I loved both of her books that I picked up.

  4. The lake time with family over the years is priceless- I bet the boys always look forward to it! I can totally relate to your comment about the younger years being exhausting- though you miss the babies, it feels night to be able to relax at these types of get togethers right? Ha!v Happy 4th Joanne!

    1. One of my boys looks forward to it; the others don't find they have much in common with their cousins and don't enjoy being in the lake so they mostly just tolerate it. In fact, Alec won't even be there this year since he's working 9-5 that day.

  5. Happy 4th of July! It's great that your husband will be off from work. I know what you mean about not feeling your age. I don't feel 50 ahem something until I look in the mirror!!

  6. I can't remember how old I am either! lol. Happy almost birthday!

    1. So glad I'm not the only one... I think at some point you just stop counting and caring.

  7. I can't ever remember how old I am either. I always have to do the math now! Haha.

  8. I love the view from your deck. Gorgeous!

  9. Happy (early) birthday! I love all the old lake pictures. Yes, things were much more exhausting back in those days!

  10. Savoring. Love it. Happy early birthday.

  11. Happy early birthday! I've been loving this nicer weather lately too.

  12. It sounds like you are enjoying summer. Have a happy 4ht of July and weekend.

  13. Love that you're gettign to enjoy the outdoors!

  14. It looks like you're off to a great July! The photos from the lake over the years are wonderful. Happy Early Birthday! I always forget how old I am too! Happy 4th!

  15. It sounds pretty darned wonderful and a great start to the month. Up here it has been rainy, windy and cool. We had one nice day and the sun is threatening to return this afternoon -- I hope it follows through. Yes, cherish that time with your boys. It flies! Happy Fourth!

    1. Thanks! We have had some really beautiful weather and I am loving it.

  16. Life looks pretty good! Enjoy that 4 day weekend, even 4 days goes quick, when there is fun to be had!

    1. Thank you; they sure do! Luckily we only have plans 2 of the 4 days so the other two days should feel relaxing.

  17. Those sure were some cute guys at the lake! What fun memories!! But things getting easier isn't so bad either:)

  18. I love seeing those older photos, and that's exactly why you have kids when you're young, right? LOL They wear you out.

  19. 4th of July looks so cozy at your place back then. I'll bet it will be great this time too, have fun!

  20. Happy, happy early birthday, Joanne! I know you are relishing each and every moment with your boys, but keep doing it. Soon, they will be in their 40s and you're wondering how the heck that happened! I'll be closer to 70 than I like to think this fall and can't believe it, either! Other than my knees telling me differently, I feel so much younger!

  21. Yay for celebrating the holiday and your birthday with the family! My daughter has completed 2 years and we still talk a lot of college things. Enjoy!

  22. Joanne,
    Great post and the view from your deck is spectacular!!! I hope you enjoy your long July 4th weekend and have a great time!!!Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  23. What a lovely lot of memories for you to share with us. The age thing catches us up, when it's happening to us! You are doing very well and you have a son off to College. How fast does time pass. Enjoy your birthday. I love your deck shots in relaxed and with something to read and eat. NICE! Denyse

  24. I love looking at old summer photos of when my kids were little - I kept them BUSY and they returned to school in the fall tan and happy and ready to start the year. (:

    1. Since we homeschooled we kept the summer fun going long into the start of the school year in fact when our local schools started back all us homeschoolers used to organize a Not Back to School Beach Day!

  25. Your weather does sound perfect for hiking and spending time on the deck.
    Have a lovely long weekend. Happy Independence Day!

  26. If I had your deck I'm afraid I would never do anything but sit there and enjoy that view!

    1. LOL! Sadly, I don't really use it that often.

  27. Oh, I thought she was changing the prompts for share four somethings. I must have misread her post (which seems to be happening a bit lately). Anyway, I love your reading spot! What a lucky duck you are! And what a great month you had! #WWWHimsy

  28. Happy 4th of July Joanne! Some lovely memories there and yes it would be a lot easier now the boys are older! lol Love the photos of where you go hiking and OMG the view from your deck! I would practically live out there! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - have a wonderful long weekend! xo

  29. WOW! That looks so wonderful chilling out and having fun right by the lake. I'm a little envious (although also a little scared of what might be lurking in the water LOL....yes I've seen too many scary movies he he he). Fabulous post!
    Suzy xx

    1. Yeah, I rarely go IN the water and even then I prefer to be ON a tube because I don't like thinking about what's swimming around in there.

  30. Hope you've had a lovely long weekend. Enjoyed the lake pics. Thanks for linking

  31. Lovely pics. I love looking through old photos. Hope you had a great 4th of July! :)


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