2 Days in Little Compton Rhode Island

 We left Monday morning, July 1st, at 10:15 to head to Little Compton Rhode Island to meet up with some friends of ours who rent the same old house on the shore each summer. This year we rented a little overnight spot of our own (not on the water!) so we could spend just a bit more time with them.

We arrived just before lunch and made up some pulled chicken tacos. I had brought salad so we served the two together.

We spent our afternoon inside playing games, talking, and catching up with one another. 

You can tell from my hair that it was really windy outside!

We played Ransom Notes

Mid afternoon we decided to walk down to the private beach area and get some exercise. 

Almost as soon as we got back to their rental...

Alec and I went to leave to check into our rental.. it was really cute! It was a 2 bedroom apartment over someone's 3 car garage. 

As soon as we got settled and made ourselves some iced tea we headed back to the house. All the boys played video games together and us mom sat on the porch talking until it was time for dinner. 

We didn't eat dinner until nearly 9 o'clock and I was grilling chicken kabobs in the dark! But it was a delicious dinner with roasted garlic potatoes and salad.

By 10:30 or so I was begging my boys to leave so I could get some sleep. We slept from 11 or so until 5 or 6 the next morning. I worked on the blog when I woke up and waited around to hear from our friends that they were up.

We headed over around 7 am to enjoy some time on the deck with the mom while the boys slept in a bit more. She had to head out for a funeral and woke the boys on her way out. I offered to take everyone for breakfast at The Barn. It was so cute and the food was SO good!

We sat outside on the patio and it was lovely. It was nearly 10 or 10:30 by then and I was starving so I splurged on the croissant French toast with lemon glaze and fresh fruit. Though I am not usually a breakfast food person everything on the menu sounded so good to me and all the food around us looked incredible.

We went back to the house and the kids played video games while I read on the deck.

After a bit we all changed into swim suits and headed to the beach.

Alec and I were content to hang on the beach while the other 3 went in and under water. 

I sat and read a lot of my book and with a nice breeze I wasn't even hot. We finally headed back to the house around 2

And by 3:30 the boys and I had changed, ate a quick snack (fruit salad for me) and got on the road to head back home. We didn't get home until 5:30 because we hit all sorts of traffic, road construction, and detours all around Providence. We were so glad to be home and get showered and relax. It was so much fun but it was a whirlwind couple of days.

Linking up with:  Thinking Out Loud, Spread the Kindness,


  1. What a nice little getaway and so nice that you are that close to a beach that you can go for just a short stay.

    1. Yeah, depending on which beach we want to visit we can be at the shore in 45 minutes!

  2. What a fabulous trip with family and friends! It's looks beautiful there!


    1. Thank you! We are so thankful our friends introduced us to the area because it really is so cute and so pretty.

  3. Great pictures from your fun time away!

  4. What a beautiful location- may have to check it out! Love these little New England beach towns!

    1. It is so much smaller and out of the way than any other NE beach town I've visited but I love how quiet it is.

  5. Rhode Island is so pretty! What a fun place to meet up with your friends.

  6. Ah, the lake... looking forward to our weekend at the end of the month when we are going to the lake.

  7. What a beautiful place to visit! Looks like you all had such a great time.

  8. Such a nice little getaway! Y'all squeezed in a lot in just two days!

  9. Such a nice trip! That breakfast does look good and I am intrigued by that game!

    1. It was so funny; there are prompts and you have to put together slogans, notes, etc. using the words you have in the pile and then the best one wins that round.

  10. Looks like a good time. Relaxing, catching up with friends, and beautiful weather. What more could you ask for, right?

    1. Exactly! We lucked out with the weather too as the forecast predicted rain both days and it held off the whole time we were there.

  11. Joanne, what a nice quick getaway! It looks so pretty there and I miss Rhode Island when my daughter went to Providence college. I want to go back again at some point for a visit!

  12. It sounds like you had a nice little getaway. Such beautiful flowers and lovely scenery. Reading on the porch looks like a wonderful place to be.

  13. I looks like such a nice break. The weather looked perfect.

  14. Great trip! Anywhere near water is good for me, so relaxing.

  15. Those trips are the best memories. Tiring, sure, but so good for our soul.

  16. I am so jealous that you have all these amazing places just an hour or so away! Well, some may be a bit more than an hour, but still closer that they are to me. I think it's wonderful you do this every year, too.


    1. That is one reason why I love where we live; it feels like I can be most places in an hour or so.

  17. I have to say that I too am jealous! So many warm sunny days, out and about enjoying time with family.. I'm stuck at home with a mild flue (I had my flue shot this year) with the heater and my big Oodie on! I heard on the radio today that an Arctic blast is coming our way as of tomorrow for the next 5 days.. I can't wait to feel the sun shining on my skin again!!

    1. Oh no! I am so sorry you are still feeling sick! I haven't been outside this week because we are having a brutal heatwave but I'll take that over an arctic blast any day of the week!

  18. Joanne, it sounds like a lovely trip. Thise flowers on your walk were beautiful.

    1. Thank you! I love seeing all the blue hydrangeas everywhere; they were such a deep purply blue this year too.

  19. What. a fun get away. I would have 'hanged' with you on the beach. The thought of sharks spook me!

    1. Me too! Plus (as you can probably see from the photos) it was a very rocky beach and not fun to try and walk where you can't see well.

  20. This looks like such a fun time -- games and friends and beautiful scenery. although that beach looks a little tricky -- but gorgeous!

    1. Yeah, it is not the easiest to walk on--- if we had walked much further down the jetty it does eventually turn to sand but the boys didn't want to do that.

  21. What a lovely trip! I'd love to visit RI one day.

    1. Thank you! It's such a cute little state with so much to see and do.

  22. Looks like you guys had a fab time! Lovely pics too! x

  23. This looks like so much fun!

  24. Picturesque! It is so different from our rugged landscape over here.



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