Weigh in Wednesdays- June 2024

After rejoining Weight Watchers at the very end of April (on the 26th to be exact). I knew I wanted to reinstate my Weigh- In Wednesdays posts.  I thought I'd make it a link party if you'd like to join in. On the third Wednesday of every month I'll have a new post/party up. 

I was so nervous for the end of May/beginning of June to arrive because I knew we were going to be so busy with prom, all those senior events, graduation, a graduation party and a trip away that my eating was probably not going to be the best.  I was determined to at least maintain my weight even if I couldn't shed any pounds. 

Mat 25th made 30 straight days of tracking and 3 lbs. lost weighing in at exactly 165-- and I am relieved to report that as of this Sunday (Father's day!) the 16th I weighed in at exactly 165. Phew! Despite my many many many treats I managed to maintain my weight. 

I think it helped that anytime we were not on vacation or at a party I made sure to keep my meals nice and healthy and as unprocessed as possible. 

Eggs with veggies and 2 ingredient bagel I made. 

fruit, yogurt, granola

a chicken fajita salad with a touch of ranch dressing, salsa, and just a tiny sprinkle of cheese

Salad, veggies, and potato

Salad with nuts and craisins and seeds with my homemade Italian dressing

Veggies with a veggie omelet

salad with peas and chicken

scrambled eggs with potatoes and veggies

Chicken fajitas wit rice, tomatoes, and a touch of sour cream and cheese (prob. 1 tablespoon of both max)

Whole wheat pasta, sauce, and veggies

I'm also sure it has helped that we hiked/walked well over 15 miles while on vacation and have kept pretty active in general. Not only have I been going to the gym 3 times a week with my mom but our weather has been pretty mild so Evan and I have been going on frequent walks and hikes too. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
Linking up with: Thinking out Loud, 


  1. Congrats on maintaining your weight even with some high eating events like parties and vacation! You probably feel better after eating mostly healthy food which is an incentive (for me anyway!) to continue eating healthy meals the majority of the time.

    1. Thank you! I definitely do feel better after eating healthier foods which helps me make better choices most of the time.

  2. Congrats on your progress my friend! There is a lot of celebrations going around here as well and I'm trying to keep my sweet tooth in check. Those hikes were so helpful and fun to do!


    1. I never really had a sweet tooth until the last few years and I really do feel like it can so easily get out control... but I'm working on it!

  3. Nice job Joanne! You are crushing this healthy lifestyle!

    1. Thank you! It doesn't always feel like that but I try not to be too hard on myself.

  4. Good for you maintaining your weight in the midst of a lot of events. I sometimes feel like it's one big party here all summer long and I have to really plan ahead with what I'll eat. I try to eat light on days where nothing is on the calendar. That's rare in the summer. We bought the paddleboards from neighbors this year and it will take some time for me to feel less wobbly. Also my legs were like jello when we got off the boards and I'm sure that will improve too. Have a great day!

    1. Yes! Living by the lake it does feel like we are always having some sort of cookout/party/ get together so I try really hard to eat light on the days when we're home and have nothing going on.

  5. Awesome job! The meals look amazing as do the vacay pics.

  6. Maybe I need to try Weight Watchers. It's time I lose this baby weight!

  7. Great job, your meals look super healthy!

  8. Good job, my friend! Maintaining is hard (especially when life gets crazy). It honestly looks like you have great balance!

  9. You did so well with all of the celebrations and activities!! It's good to keep yourself accountable with the blog! All of the food looks so yummy and Maine looks gorgeous! I was maintaining a good loss for awhile but it was slowly creeping back up so I'm getting back on track now!

    1. Yeah I hate that it slowly creeps up on me but at least I catch it earlier now and it's not like I'm starting all over.

  10. It's always a good thing when we can maintain our health this way,

  11. All of these meals look delicious and healthy! Congratulations on your progress!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  12. Congratulations on maintaining that weight loss! Your meals look so good, but goodness! You walked a lot on your vacation!


  13. That's pretty good of you. Of course your hiking helps too!

  14. The food looks good! I think I gained a ton on my trip because I had planned to walk a ton and that didn't work out...

    1. Yeah, that would be difficult with an injury like yours! :(

  15. Great recap and you make really healthy meals to enjoy. I personally think it's the food we get to eat, that will make or break a diet, of any kind.

  16. Summer is such a great time to amp up the veggies - I have been enjoying them, too!

  17. So many healthy recipes! I had to google 2 ingredient bagels - can't wait to try those! Congrats on maintaining and kudos for planning ahead!

  18. Walking is such a great pastime isn't it, and so good at helping weight loss. I love your weight updates, the recipes always look great. Thanks for linking.

  19. You have done so well staying the same weight, especially with your vacation and the party. All of your meals look so tasty and so healthy.


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