Talking About It Tuesdays #25

 I am looking at nearly a week of our calendar with nothing on it and I am loving it! I am sure my older two boys will be busy with work and their own things but I love that I have a long stretch of time to do nothing (which really means I'll be catching up on things like house cleaning, laundry, and the like). School is officially over for everyone and summer vacation has finally started. Aside from meeting up with my mom to go to the gym I don't have to set an alarm or get up early. 

But enough about me. How are things with you? Good I hope! I was thrilled to see another week with over 60 entries. It's exciting to see this party grow and yet I get to enjoy a peek into the lives of so many of the same bloggers week after week and I just love that too. So thank you, all of you! 

The link with the most views from last week's party: 

Share Our Lives: June 2024 by Pink Lady

Share Our Lives: Food to Make for Someone Else by Me! (Thank you all!)

A few that caught my eye:

Friday Favorites by The Diary of Nicole Alicia

Spring Update- New Job, Daughter's Ballet, Preparing for Change by A Blessed Homeschool Life

This party will remain open until the weekend.  My hope is that everyone will share all sorts of wonderful posts: travel, recipes, how to's, crafting ideas, and more.  Anything that is family friendly is welcome; even old posts that you'd like to get some new views.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
Linking up with: Tuesdays with a Twist,


  1. I love it when I have a week with nothing on my calendar. Enjoy! Thanks for the party.

  2. How nice to get some down time after the last few weeks being so busy for you!

  3. Joanne, what a great line=up of features! I am sharing at 12, 13 and 14. Thanks for a fun link-up and blog hop. Have a great week ahead, Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  4. This week is a quieter week for us too! My oldest has theater camp but everyone else has nothing on the agenda (neither do it). We are going to take it easy and enjoy!

  5. I love having "white square days" - which is what I call days on my calendar that are blank! I don't have nearly enough of them, but I do enjoy everything we do. The older I get, the more white square days I need!

    1. Me too! I love those and am kind of relieved to know we'll have a lot of them coming up this summer.

  6. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  7. It's so nice to have a free calendar!! Enjoy the time! Thanks for hosting! I'm back from traveling and can start commenting and blogging again.

    1. Yay! I am so glad to have you back with us.

  8. What a treat to have a calendar free week! I love that when it happens! As always, thanks for hosting us all, Joanne! I loved visiting all the "Share Our Lives" posts last week... I got a lot of yummy ideas! Have a good week!

    1. You're welcome! And I am so glad to hear you lots of great ideas.

  9. Love the features,
    Thanks, Joanne, for hosting and having me over weekly. Hope you have a fantastic rest of the week
    My entries this week are numbered #31+32
    Please join and share your posts with us

  10. Free weeks are the best! That's how this week is for us right now and I am grateful because it is so hot this week! We've had some stresses but at least I haven't had to go anywhere yet!

    1. We have a major heatwave this week too so I'm enjoying the downtime in the air conditioning.

  11. Enjoy the free time - it won't last! Thanks for the link-up.

  12. Clear blocks on my calendar are some of my favorite things! :) But they are too rare, either by my own choices or life rushing in. I hope you continue to have some long stretches of time with nothing in particular you HAVE to do!

  13. I'm visiting once again sharing a new post and an older one. Thanks so much for providing the opportunity to do so, Joanne! Have a great weekend ahead!

    1. Wonderful! I love resharing old posts too.

  14. Thanks for hosting a great party!! Have a great weekend.

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for joining us.

  15. Hi Joanne, how are you? I hope all is well. Thanks so much for hosting and your warm hospitality.
    Linking up at #40,41&42


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