Monthly Musings in June

 It's the last Thursday of the month and time to link up with Holly and Patty for Monthly Musings. This month we're talking all about summer plans and favorites. 

1. We don't have many summer plans-- next week the younger boys and I will head to Little Compton Rhode Island for an overnight trip to visit friends and then the week after that Alec gets all his wisdom teeth out and that's pretty much it for what's on our calendar. 

Photos from last year's trip to Rhode Island

We love sitting out on the deck at their vacation rental enjoying the sound of the waves on the rocks

and there is a tiny beach just down the street. 

2. We don't have much in the way of summer traditions either-- we'll get together with my husband's family the weekend of the 4th for a cookout at the lake and my mom and I enjoy a fun day of shopping/lunch for my birthday in July but that's about it.  Hopefully we'll get to see some fireworks somewhere at some point too. 

Over 3/4 of these kids are either in or already graduated from college by now! This was one of the last group photos I have from the cottage back in 2017 I think..

3. We don't usually travel in the summer and now that Alec is done his 4 years of high school I don't imagine we'll travel at all in the summer and will go back to off season trips (I think!) But my favorite little weekend getaways in the summer include the shoreline so anywhere along the Maine coast, Cape Cod, Nantucket-- they're all fun. 

cape cod

Kennebunkport Maine

Nantucket, Mass

York, Maine

Acadia, Maine

4. We don't have any pool time planned; while our neighbors have a pool and my boys will probably go swimming a time or two there are no community pools or anything like that up here. 

5. Use packing cubes! LOL. That is pretty much my only packing tip... and I am the only one in the house that uses them. 

6. Hmm.. when I think "summer" movie a few favorites come to mine:  Independence Day, Summer Rental, Mystic Pizza,  50 First Dates, Just Go With It, The Parent Trap, Fool's Gold, The Great Outdoors, RV, Dirty Dancing, Mama Mia, Something's Gotta Give,  etc..  (almost any movie where the main characters are at the beach or on vacation feel like summer movies to me!)

7. Fruit sweetened ice tea says summer to me! 

8. When I hear Will Smith's "Summertime" I think of summer but also songs like Endless Summer by Absofacto & Wouldn't It Be Nice by the Beach Boys, Walking on Sunshine, Cruel Summer, Mambo No. 5, It Wasn't Me (an awful song but it always make me think of our honeymoon where we were snorkeling and they played it A LOT), Cake by the Ocean, etc. 

9. I don't really eat burgers or hot dogs anymore but when I did/do I don't put much on them. I do not like ketchup so I tend to eat my burgers plain with some lettuce and tomato or sauteed mushrooms. I will use yellow mustard on my hot dog but honestly can not remember the last time I even ate a hot dog. But I don't like relish or raw onions or pickles either so most toppings are just a no go for me. 

10. We have a gas grill but ever since my husband got a pellet smoker last father's day he pretty much uses that to cook all meats even if he's not slowly smoking them. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. It is so beautiful up there! Enjoyed seeing all of your pictures :). Will Smith´s Summertime is such a classic!

  2. LOL! I do love the Florida/tropical beach too but they make fabulous winter getaways!

  3. We prefer to travel in seasons other than summer, particularly since people want to travel to us in the hot months. The lake is so much fun in the summer and we like taking advanatage of where we live. I love that Beach Boys song...I asked a similar question on my blog recently and forgot about that one. Have a great day!

    1. That's pretty much our philosophy too and why we never took summer vacation with our kids until Alec started high school (and we had no other choice!). We live in a spot most people would go to vacation!

  4. What an amazing view from the deck - I could sit out there all day! I forgot about sauteed mushrooms, love those on a burger.

    1. Aw, thank you! I try to... but it gets pretty hot and sunny from 11-2 (so then I move down onto our patio below!).

  5. Independence Day is a great summer movie. And The Beach Boys have all the great summer songs!

  6. Now I’m dreaming of Nantucket. Again. Thank you.

  7. It's great that y'all can take most of your trips in the off-season! Saves money and you get to avoid the crowds!

  8. Joanne, I love visiting Maine, Rhode Island, and Nantucket in the summer. It looks like you have a fun summer planned. Happy summer.

  9. The Northeast always looks beautiful! I also added Mambo 5 to my list of songs!

  10. Replies
    1. It is so hard to come by up here but I love it.

  11. I love your list of movies and music. I need to add those to my list as well.

  12. Your photos make me want to visit Maine right now! It is one of the places I hope to get to. It looks beautiful!

  13. I enjoyed all your answers! I hope A's wisdom tooth removal goes smoothly. I had one kid that it was a piece of cake and one that was pretty rough.

    1. Thanks! Me too... my husband's was awful, mine was a piece of cake, Ian's was a complicated surgery but he had zero problems after so who knows?!

  14. I understand wanting to travel in the off times, but I bet the areas around you are beautiful this tme of year.

    1. Definitely! And if we're staying local I definitely visit now... I have little desire to travel north in the winter (though fall is pretty-- and also peak season!). But off season travel down south is wonderful in fall and late winter.

  15. Your pictures are beautiful!! I love a fruity iced tea, too!

  16. I have always wanted to go to Nantucket (especially after reading Elin Hilderbrand's books). I only like pickles on my burgers and mustard on my hot dogs which have to be burnt to a crisp over a fire! But, like you, I don't remember the last time I had one.

    1. I like my hot dogs really nice and darkened on the grill too-- it gives them a nice extra flavor.

  17. Your photos of the northeast are so pretty! I would love to go to Maine. I hope you have a great trip to Rhode Island, too!

  18. All those vacation photos are wonderful! Makes me think I should put those areas on my vacation destination list. Hope your summer is wonderful!

  19. Have a lovely trip and I hope all goes well with Alec getting his wisdom teeth out. Ouch!
    I love the ideas of community pools but they are not a thing here. For the couple of weeks summer we seem to get they would be lovely though.

    1. Yeah, I often think I'd enjoy a community pool but they seem to be more a thing down south (where summer is longer so that makes more sense I guess). I am hoping his teeth are followed by a quick and rather easy recovery but only time will tell..

  20. I agree packing cubes is the best tips for packing! We don't have much planned this summer either. Hoping to enjoy the summer at home on my deck!

  21. I grew up going to the Jersey shore and spent most of my young adult years in the Hamptons - and I agree the Mass beaches are the best! We go to Wellfleet every year now


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