Friday Favorites: Girls Trip to Nashville Days 1 & 2

By far my favorite part of the week was my girl's trip to the Nashville/Franklin area of Tennessee! 

Last Friday I landed in Nashville, Tennessee around 3 pm after an easy morning commute and flight (made so easy because I had no car and my mom drove me to the airport dropping me off curbside). I was meeting up with some blogging friends in real life:  Marilyn from Memphis Bridges,  Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness, and Tanya from The Other Side of the Road.  By the time I had even picked up my bags I had gotten a text from Marilyn and Jennifer that they were parking the car.  We met up in baggage claim and they had made the cutest welcome sigh for both me and Tanya. 

We had a few minutes before meeting up with Tanya and then headed to our rental house in Franklin.  It was adorable and in a lovely little quiet area. 

Tanya brought a cute little gift bag of goodies for each of us; seriously these ladies are just the sweetest and I am so, so glad I decided to fly off to meet these virtual friends that are very much real life friends now. 

That candle smells amazing! 

After hanging around at the house, chatting, and getting to know each other better we decided to go get dinner. We went to The Factory; an old factory that they are turning into a mall of sorts. We walked around for a bit and decided to get some tacos for dinner at Mojo's Tacos.  I am not usually a taco fan but these were incredible!  I was so excited to see sweet tea as a drink option too; I love sweet tea and that is just not something that is found in New England. 

I tried their chicken fajita taco and a brisket taco

After dinner we went over to Jeni's to get some ice cream before heading back to the house and staying up late into the night talking (very late for me with the time change and the fact I am usually in bed by 9!).  But we were having far too much fun.

I tried darkest chocolate and gooey butter cake; both were good but they gooey butter cake was incredible!

Saturday morning we enjoyed a quiet morning around the house eating some fresh sourdough bread that Marilyn made and brought with her along with some fresh fruit and things. 

We decided to head to downtown Franklin and spend a day exploring all the adorable little shops and eateries. We didn't buy anything but we sure had fun browsing. 

Such a cute bookstore with a little bit of everything

We ate a really delicious lunch at Merridee's Breadbasket; I got the Quiche Loraine with salad and macaroni and cheese (since it came with 2 sides but I only ate a few bites of the mac & cheese since the quiche and salad really hit the spot).

We shopped some more... and enjoyed checking out some of the cutest stores! 

We stopped in to check out the Triple Crown Bakery and a few of us could not resist getting a little dessert. I got some of the largest macarons I've ever had and they were yummy!

We went back to the house to rest, regroup, and chatted some more until it was time for dinner. 

We ended our night at the most delicious little Italian food place called Chrysalis Modern Italian where they made their own pasta; funny enough all 4 of us ordered the exact same meal from start to finish!  It was amazing. We shared their bread for 2 appetizer (which was plenty for the 4 of us), a house salad and then each got their Salmone al Limone-- salmon, lemon confit, artichokes, zucchini and more in a delicious wine sauce. 

We went back to the house after dinner and once again stayed up late talking.  I'll share part two of our trip on Monday!

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. What a fabulous trip with your blogging friends! I totally get the connection becuase I have that also with a some bloggers. Love the cute place you stayed at!

  2. Oh wow, that's so cool to meet up with blogger friends. I love where you stayed and it looks like you all had a wonderful time!

    1. It was so much fun; I can not wait to see all these ladies again!

  3. Your pictures are great! Glad you guys had such a good time in Nashville!!

  4. What a fun trip!! It's so fun meeting blog friends in real life. Gooey butter is my fav flavor from Jeni's too.

    1. I'm kind of glad we don't have any Jeni's near us; that could be dangerous come summer.

  5. Replies
    1. It was a lot of fun and a great reminder to step outside my comfort zone a bit more often.

  6. Sounds like a really fun trip and -oh my, those desserts at the bakery look soooo good!!

    1. I found I was so overwhelmed by choices that I almost got nothing at all! Everything looked much too good to pass up.

  7. I loved re-living this and was just thinking I was packing for this just a week ago. It was so much fun and so thankful we did this! Thank you for being brave and coming!!

    1. It's amazing how fast that time flew by; I'm sure my family is so sick of hearing Nashville stories by now!

  8. I have enjoyed seeing everyone's different pictures and reading what each of you had to say about the weekend. It was so much fun! I came home with such a full heart.

    1. Me too! I feel like I have been so much happier and lighter this week.

  9. Sounds like a fun trip and lovely to meet other bloggers

    1. It was! It was so nice to find that they are just like they seem on their blog too.

  10. Ohh! How wonderful to have a trip away and meet up with some blogging friends! What a lovely welcome you had and the goodie bags are just the sweetest! It sounds like you had the best time.

  11. How exciting and adventurous! I did a belly laugh when I saw the sign about not being a quitter!!
    Wonderful to read. Thank you for sharing!
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. I sent that one to my husband-- he wasn't nearly as amused as I was.

  12. We're hoping to make it an annual thing.

  13. I love that you met up with blog friends. It looks like a great time.

  14. t is so easy to see you had just the best time! It looks terrific -- such fun, good shopping, good eating, good friends!

  15. That looks like a fun trip with sunny weather. How wonderful that your blog friends are now IRL friends. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

    1. Thank you! I kept texting my family joking that I wasn't coming home since the weather was just wonderful.

  16. That gooey butter cake ice cream was a big hit with everyone!

  17. LOVE this! Franklin is where my son and his family live and it is a delightful town and fun places to eat and shop.

  18. I loved your post because you mentioned/remembered things that I didn't talk about in my post. It was like reliving the weekend!

    1. I know! I felt the same way reading everyone else's recaps!

  19. What a fabulous time! How amazing it is to meet virtual friends in real!

  20. How amazing to meet virtual friends to become IRL friends! I've heard of Franklin, TN but have never visited there. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time!

  21. What a wonderful getaway you all had! I've always wanted to visit Nashville but now I need to be sure to include Franklin when I get there! It looks so charming! Can't wait for Part 2 of your trip!

    1. Oh definitely do, Franklin was such a lovely area to explore.

  22. What an incredible weekend. I think these kinds of weekends are the best for our mental health.

  23. Aww, how fun! This looked like such a fun trip! 😘❤️

  24. Oh, what a fun girls' trip! I'm so glad you all got a chance to meet up!!!

  25. What a fun trip! Meeting blogging friends in real life sounds so fun! Nashville has become such a popular travel destination! I've seen several people I know visit recently!

  26. This looks so fun! And what a great friend to provide a gift bag--that's darling. Thank you for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #35 linkup. We hope to see you next time, too, for #36. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you! They are the sweetest group of women.

  27. Sounds like a lot of be sure! Even with all the late nights. I may or may not have drifted off on the couch but still:)

    1. It was a lot of fun and I came home wiped out and ready to catch up on sleep after all those late nights but it was totally worth it.

  28. I absolutely love that y'all all met up!! And Nashville is the perfect place for that! It's one of my favorite cities!

    1. It really was a perfect middle ground with direct flights for those of us that had to fly.

  29. That's so wonderful that you had a blog meet-up. I also have heard good things about Nashville!

  30. What an amazing trip! Thanks for sharing with us! I'll need to look up part two!

  31. WOW, what a fun trip! OK, those tacos looked amazing...

  32. This is so awesome! Loved reading about your time with other bloggers, what a fun idea!


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