Currently in April

 It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for the Currently link up with Jennifer at Overflowing with Thankfulness.  This month we're talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, buying, planting, and cleaning. 

loving: My sister is up from North Carolina with her family and I am loving seeing them again! 

we had a house full for Easter

looking forward to: I have a girl's weekend coming up in the Nashville area and I am so looking forward to it!  Ian also turns 20 later this month and I'm trying to come up with a fun way to celebrate leaving his teenage years behind. 

buying: Since we hosted Easter dinner I bought a few decorations to make our house feel festive for the occasion.

 Nothing yet; I usually don't start planting anything until at least Mother's day or possibly even Memorial Day because we can still get snowy/ frosty/icy days and nights well into May. 

cleaning: I spent all last week cleaning the house for our Easter company and now I'm spending this week cleaning up the house after our Easter company! 

Linking up with:


  1. That's so nice that you had your sister visit! Love your cute Easter decorations!

  2. Enjoy your visit with your sister! I love your Easter table decoration. And I think the worst thing about company is you clean before they arrive and then you have to clean after they leave. Hahaha!!!

    1. Yes! My husband always tries to get me to just wait and clean after but I can't let them think my house isn't clean. 😂

  3. It's so fun to have that family time! I hope you enjoy every second of the time they're all with you. I'm excited about our'll be here before we know it! I can't believe we're just one week away. !!!

    1. I know! I was just thinking this morning that I really need to start figuring out what I want to pack!

  4. Enjoy every moment with your sister- love your Easter decor

  5. Your Easter decor is cute! How fun to have family in for a visit. I will miss seeing you guys in Nashville!!

  6. Looks like such a fun family time! I am excited about the trip too!

  7. Aw fun that you got to spend time with your family! Your decorations look great!

  8. The Easter garland is so cute! So lovely to spend time with you family and have a trip to look forward to.

  9. Aww, I'm so glad you got to see your family. As a side note- you get beautiful light in your family room/kitchen.

    1. Aw, thanks! We have some giant windows that overlook the lake so anytime it's sunny our house is quite bright and I love it.

  10. How nice to have your sister visit and to have a girls' weekend coming up.

  11. A girls' trip to Nashville will be so fun! Have a great time!

  12. A girls trip sounds like so much fun.

  13. I always forget to put out my Easter decor. Yours is really cute! I'm sure you're going to have a wonderful time in Nashville!

    1. I don't have any Easter decor (well, I guess I do now! but I didn't before last week).

  14. How lovely to have time with your sister and also a girls' weekend to look forward to. Have a wonderful April x

  15. Loved reading and viewing what you have been up to! Warm weather on its way I hope. Denyse

  16. How lovely to have your sister and her family visiting.
    What adorable Easter decorations.

  17. Your decorations are so cute. How nice that you had your sister and family visiting. Looked like a fun time! I'm the same way, cleaning before and after the company!

  18. Have fun with your sister. I can't believe your son is 20 already, it seemed they were just little boys not too long ago.

    1. Thanks! It is hard to believe that he's going to be 20 already.

  19. A girl's weekend - that sounds great! I really need to plan one of those for myself and some friends! Have fun...and enjoy the time with your sister!

  20. I'm hoping to add more family time into my life this year - your Easter looks and sounds wonderful.

  21. Your Easter decor is charming :-) How exciting to celebrate your son's 20th birthday! Hope the milestone is fun for all of you!

  22. Hi Joanne, what a lovely Easter you had! So nice to have family visit and I have to say I really love how you've decorated for Easter! Enjoy your girls weekend away at Nashville. That's somewhere I'd love to visit. I'd like to see a show or two at the Grand 'ol Oprey (did I get that right?) but most of all I'd love to visit the snowy mountains in the Tennessee area. Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope you're having a great weekend! xo

    1. Thank you! We went to the smoky mountain in Tennessee a few summers ago and it was such a beautiful area.


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