10 on the 10th for April 2024

 It's the 10th of April and time for the 10 on the 10th link up with Marsha.  This month we have a set of questions to answer; which always proves to be fun. 

1. I love most anything in pink; books, flowers, my phone case, clothing etc. but when I think of favorite pink things I always think of this quilt that my great grandmother made for me by hand when I was a really little girl.  It sits on a blanket rack in our living room but no one is allowed to use it; I am so afraid of wearing away the stitching!

2. My birthstone is a ruby and while I have never really liked the ruby it has grown on me through the years.  I have a pretty birthstone ring my mom bought for me (probably when I was in high school or college) and I wear it often.

3. I like to plant flowers in pots all over our front stoop and steps.  This year I hope to add a container herb garden in there so I can enjoy some fresh herbs while cooking.

A look at last year's pots

4. I hate to admit it but I don't know many Shakespeare plays, quotes, characters, etc. other than Romeo and Juliet and I honestly think those 2 kids were crazy. LOL. 

5. We don't really do anything to celebrate Earth Day anymore but when the boys were smaller we definitely would. One year we went to a local raptor center and learned all about various birds of prey, the effects of human on their lives, dissected owl pellets, etc. It was a lot of fun (you can read about it here if you're interested).  Another year we went to our local Ecotarium-- a nature museum. 

6. Here in CT we were at 92% totality (which is good enough for me!); I did buy some glasses through Amazon and a lens cover for my camera so we could look and take pictures but we definitely watched from the comfort of our own yard. 

7. I have never been a Beetles fan at all but my youngest son is and he's been playing a lot of their songs for us in the car to the point where I know many of them by heart now... so while I'd never listen to them myself I do request Obladi Oblada (though I think that's because it reminds me of the show Life Goes On that I used to watch all the time in the 80's and 90's!). 

8. Um.. I don't know any of his wives... 

9. The larkspur and waterlily are July's flowers.. while I like them both waterlilies are the ones we see most often since the grow all over lake in the summer. I really love when we find a pink one! Usually they are this pretty white shade like the one in the photo below that I took a few a years ago.

10.  My first car was a Toyota Tercel that I bought off a local couple just a few streets away from where we now live. It was a standard that I had no idea how to drive but it was a nice small 2 door hatchback that got great gas milage and had hardly any miles at all.  I bought that car for less than $5,000!  It was my car all through college until my husband surprised me with a "new" (to me anyway) car he bought through a dealership as a wedding present.  I commuted to college 45 or so minutes each way and I learned how to drive that car while commuting... only stalling and getting honked at a few times. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. Love your eclipse pics and my first car was a Toyota Corolla! Such a good brand for a first car. Very interesting questions this month.


    1. Thank you! I loved my Toyota once I figured out how to shift it.

  2. I think it is an unwritten rule that everyone's first car is a Toyota- ha! I love planting on my front steps too!

  3. My first car was a standard and I could not drive a standard, either, when I first bought it! That´s cool that you bought a special lens for the eclipse. I didn´t think to do that in time. I was very happy to watch it from home rather than go to one of the watch parties around. That quilt is amazing! I wouldn´t let anyone touch it either!

    1. Aw, thank you! She made a lovely doll one for my sister and each of the dolls had a different fabric for their dresses. She was such a talented lady.

  4. I wish I had bought a lens cover for my camera. It never really got that dark in NYC, just felt like the sun went behind the clouds.

    1. That's how it felt too; but the camera lens was like wearing the glasses and made everything so dark.

  5. I never even bought eclipse glasses this time - oops.

    1. I had a 5 pack and we passed them around with our neighbors and friends.

  6. What a fabulous link up. What made me laugh was your lack of Shakespeare knowledge and about Romeo and Juliette being crazy. I say this because a couple of years back I went to see a contemporary ballet of Romeo and Juliette.....set in an insane asylum! #mmbc

  7. I'm right there with you....first car was a stick shift that I had no idea how to buy. What was I thinking?? I'm sure I stalled more than I choose to remember but I certainly had that car for quite awhile so I must have made it work:)

    1. I can remember praying that I wouldn't have to stop on any of the massive hills my first month or so learning how to drive!

  8. Your waterlily photo is beautiful! And we both have a quilt for our favorite pink item. :)

  9. That quilt is so sweet and what a special item to have!

  10. Ha, Life goes on! I tekende that series, it was fun. Beautiful photos of the eclipse.

  11. It's only recently that I like the color pink. I always thought it was too girly when I was growing up.
    First car...great memories. I named mine Herman because he was a Horizon.

  12. Pink is my favourite colour! It helps that I have only girls....and my girls have girls! We do pink really well. April is an important month....my mother's birthday was in April, my daughter was born in April...and her daughter...my grand baby was born in April. Never been a Beatles fan...they were just a smidge before my time. The 70's were more my time. Not a Shakespeare fan...and the only two of Henry's wives I remember was Catherine....and Anne Boleyn. My first car was an AMC Pacer - a real rattle trap - the passenger door would never close properly! It was like driving an upside down washtub! My birthstone is Aquamarine - born in March.

    1. Yeah, our family tends to be very heavy on the males and not so much on the females. We do have lots of April birthdays though.

  13. I liked these questions and may try to answer them tomorrow. The 11th I know but that's kind of how life has been here this year lol. No April birthdays in our house but I do love diamonds if that counts . I learned a 'rhyme' when I lived in the UK that helped me remember Henry's wives...'Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived' Not super upbeat but it does help me keep them in order!

    1. I rarely get my 10 on the 10th out on the 10th!

  14. HI Joanne, I delved down some rabbit holes participating in my first 10 on the 10th. I love pink too. I only knew Henry introduced divorce so did some research on his wives and my favourite was Catherine Parr who was his last wife and who I had never heard of! Have a lovely weekend. x

  15. Your quilt is wonderful. I'm so glad you have that and keep everyone away from it. We used to dissect owl pellets, too. They were fascinating, right? When we got married, we had an orange Pinto that was a four speed. Then, Mike bought an old truck that was a three speed. So, I can drive four on the floor and three on the tree! I love driving a manual. They are so much fun! Thanks for joining in on the fun, Joanne!


    1. Aw, thanks! I also found it fun to drive a manual shift once I figured out what I was doing.

  16. Oh my goodness! Reading your post made me remember that I paid $5500 for my Datsun 310GX. I remember telling the salesman that was all I could spend and he wouldn't drop the price. I actually left and he called later that day and sold it to me for $5500. I told him that had to include everything and it did! It was also a stick shift and I had not learned to drive it. I somehow jerked and stopped my way home. My daddy was still living and he came and taught me how to drive it that night!! Thanks for stirring up a great memory!!

  17. Your flowers are beautiful, Joanne. And I would definitely take a 92% eclipse from the comfort of my own home versus traveling to reach 100 percent.

  18. Hi Joanne - I love that quilt that your great grandmother made you by hand - how special! I too don't know any of King Henry VIII's wives - I'd have to research! Love your potted flowers - I do the same - I love a bit of potted colour! Great photos of the eclipse too. It was a non event here in Australia but I believe we have one coming up in 2028 I think? Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy & I hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo

  19. I love this post so much! Do you have a link to join the 10 on the 10th link up?

    1. Sorry it's a few days late; I was away on vacation! But it's: https://marshainthemiddle.com/10-on-the-10th-april-2/

  20. That quilt is so beautiful. I can see why it means so much to you. And those pictures of the eclipse are so cool! We will be in the path of totality for the next one, but I will be in my 60's then!! EEK!

  21. We watched Life Goes On regularly too - loved that show! and I do think about it when I hear ObLaDi ObLa Da. I didn't realize the waterlily was a flower for July - they are so pretty, and your photo is gorgeous! Hope you're having a great week!

    1. I didn't know that about the waterlily either until I Googled it!


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