Share Our Lives: 5 Items I Can't Live Without

This month for the Share Our Lives link up we're talking about 5 items we can't live without.  I don't know about you but I really struggled with this list!  

Obviously there are literal things I can't live without; food, water, shelter, air, etc. and things I wouldn't want to live without; my family, my friends, money, etc. But I was pretty sure we were talking about fun items-- things we use every single day (or nearly) and don't want to be without.  

I had to silence that literal side of my brain that kept making me delete things because obviously I CAN live without any of these items... but I don't think I'd want to.  

1. BOOKS! (I realize this is not just one item but I could not imagine my life without books).

2. My phone-- mostly because I love having a camera in my back pocket (it actually replaced my old point and shoot that I used to carry around in my back pocket). 

3. My Yeti-- preferably filled with ice cold water 

4. My car-- where we live a car is a must! Our nearest stores, businesses, etc. are easily a 15-20 minute drive away. 

5. Chapstick-- I always have a few tubes nearby. 

Some of my favorites include Burt's Bees vanilla maple, the peppermint/candy cane from Chapstick, and these cute coffee cup ones my sister found that are peppermint or caramel mocha flavored.

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at our favorite makeup and hair products (pretty sure that is going to be one really short list for me!).  


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  1. Great list! I think a phone will feature on most of the links in this party today.

  2. Oh wow, you do live far away from shops etc so a car is essential! The coffee cup chapstick is so cute. I nearly added nasal spray to my list because I panic whenever I feel as if I can't breathe properly.

    1. It takes me over 20 minutes just to walk up to get my mail and bring it back to the house. :)

  3. This is a really tough question! I would definitely have books and phone on mine but would also add a shower and my kitchen machine that does everything!


    1. I must know-- what is a kitchen machine that does everything? That sounds like something I need!

  4. Yes to chapstick and a good water cup!! If I forget them at home when I go to work, I’m such a grump!

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

  5. Great list- agree on all of them! :)

  6. Books and lip balms are definitely in my top 5 too! #MMBC

  7. Yes to all that you said! Chapstick and books are right up there for me too. These are fun to read! I will come back later with a post for this; I always forget about this one for some reason!

  8. This is a fun link up! Sadly my phone would have to be in there. Books too. Hand cream would be a necessity (I hate my hands to be dry). Will have a think about the rest...

    1. Yes, hand cream is right up there with Chapstick in my book. I have a few tiny bottles in my purse and car just in case.

  9. A great little post Jo and I can totally relate to books being invaluable (and I do love a good Nora Roberts/JD Robb book - she needs to write faster!)

  10. These are good ones, and I added my car to the list as well. Have a good day!

    1. I've had to go days without it before and I HATE that.

  11. that's a tough prompt, there's so many things to choose from! I just read The Heiress recently.

  12. Replies
    1. I love that most of had some version of both of these.

  13. Chapstick and books for me here.

  14. Definitely my phone and books for me as well. I also think my makeup, I know it might sound silly but I love doing my makeup everyday. And it's for next month's link up so I'll need to come prepared :)

    1. That doesn't sound silly at all. I used to love putting on my makeup... but I gave up wearing it at some point!

  15. I can't live without any of those either! Also, COFFEE.

  16. Replies
    1. Right?! It's become so handy and so much more than just a phone.

  17. I am a carmex girl along with really any other lip balm so I need them around two. I honestly think I could live without my phone if it weren’t for the camera and my family, lol

    1. Right?! I hardly ever use it as a phone or to check apps but I am always whipping it out to text and take photos.

  18. YES to books and I think the phone was on everyone's list. Hope you have a great week. :) Tanya

  19. Ahh! I have gone for the fun items too. hehehe Great list! I am thinking I should add chapstick to mine as my lips have been so sore lately and I've been using lots of it.

  20. I'm with you on books! We joke here about how much chapstick my hubs has. An entire drawer full for real. Have a nice week!

    1. No one else in my house will use it so I have tons of them since they all give any they get to me.

  21. I definitely couldn't live without these items either (or similar items). I love having my cold water all day long! It helps me drink so much more!

  22. Oh yes books. I grab numerous books a day.

    1. Me too! I usually have at least 3 of them going.

  23. I think I might have the same list! The pink grapefruit from Burt's Bees is my favorite. Thank you for sharing this post at Will Blog for Comments linkup #29. Hope to see you next week, too.

    1. I haven't tried the pink grapefruit variety yet.

  24. Funny we both have chapstick on our lists! The car is a great one too!

  25. Great topic. I'm pretty sure my husband would agree with the phone thing since it never leaves my hands.
    But I gave up chapstick after reading how most of the ingredients are bad for us.
    It's actually kind of amazing how my lips don't get as dry now!

  26. What a fun post! Reading all these links makes me want to blog about this and link up too :). I have no idea what I'll say yet, except for sure BOOKS - I'm with you on that. I could live without TV but not something to read.

    1. Definitely! I wouldn't miss TV or movies as much as I'd miss books.

  27. I think I'd agree with you on this list! But, there are times I purposefully leave my phone somewhere away from me so I'm not preoccupied with it.

    1. I do that too; heck, sometimes I leave it somewhere not on purpose! I don't feel like I'm preoccupied with my phone since I really do mainly use it as a camera.

  28. Joanne, great list! I agree with all that you listed.

  29. That's an interesting list to think about and I think mine would be very similar!

    1. It was fun to ponder.. and I've thought of so many thing that I could easily add to this list too. Like my sunglasses on sunny days (otherwise my eyes water!).

  30. The Burts Bees flavor sounds good!

    1. I don't typically like maple but I love that flavor.

  31. I have to say, your list pretty much mirrors mine! Also, maybe I could live without my job, but for what it provides me, over and above money, it would seem sad not to have it!

  32. We have many that are the same!! I couldn't live without Chapstick!! And I had a feeling your #1 would be books. ;o)

  33. I agree with the books and ChapStick. Those are two things I know I can't live without.

  34. I have The Heiress downloaded on my Kindle, but I haven't started it yet.

    1. It was SO good! It was one of those books that once I got into the story I didn't want to put it down... they are a crazy and dysfunctional lot for sure.

  35. I'm obviously whoa late to getting around to reading this post but I am curious to look at others' lists. Off the top of my head, I really cannot think of what I would say. Hmmm -

    1. I had to poll nearly everyone in the house to come up with my list.

  36. I realize our life situations are very different but I'm so thankful we can live without our car. I love being able to walk everywhere! And yes, I need my Carmex for my lips. And books! And I too will have a very short list next month :)

    1. I do often wish we lived in an area where I could walk everywhere... and yet I love living out in nature and not really having many neighbors/noise around us so it is definitely a trade off.


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