Share 4 Somethings in March 2024

It's nearly the last Saturday of the month and time for Share 4 Somethings with Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness.  This month (as always) we're sharing things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed (either in our own lives or around town). 

Loved/Disliked: While a bit muddy (and we've had to work around a few rain storms) we've had some really great hikes this month.  And it was even warm enough a time or two for me to wear my flip flops outside. I LOVED that!

The extra rain has made for some great waterfalls

Accomplished: Oh so much this month! We got Alec's banking account switched over to his own checking account, we got his taxes completed, sent in his college deposit, scheduled his oral surgery consult... I'm sure I did other things too but it's funny that so much of my to do list this month centered on him! 

Improved upon/needs improvement: Our roads are so bad right now; winter takes a real toll on our roads and this year seems particularly bad (which is kind of weird since I feel like we had a real mind winter) but the pot holes and things are just awful.  

Noticed: Evan and I started pulling all this work together for next year (his Junior year) but I noticed he's already got nearly enough credits to graduate! I'm not sure how we covered so much in such a short time and we have zero plans to graduate him early but I like knowing we can be a little more relaxed these next two years.  

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, Final Fridays, 


  1. Those hikes look so fantastic! Can't wait for spring to arrive here in Chicago so I can start taking walks.

    1. Thanks! I am so glad we got out when we did; we have spent the last week and a half stuck in the house with lots of rain and cold weather.

  2. You have accomplished so much and great job to you and Evan!

  3. Yah for warm weather and great hikes! Congrats on getting so much done for Alex!!

  4. The roads here are very messy too. Glad it's getting warmer!

    1. I can't wait until it's more consistently warmer; we had just a week or so that teased us and then it got real cold and rainy again.

  5. I like to walk along water this time of the year when there is usually plenty of it flowing. The rains this winter took a toll on our creek bank. Large rocks were moved & the bank washed away in places. Yay, for flip flop weather.

    1. We are in a flood watch right now; lots of our local hiking areas are under water.

  6. It sounds like you've had some lovely weather apart from the rain. I can't wait to wear my flip flops again.
    What a busy month, you have accomplished so much!
    Well done on Evan getting all of the credits to almost graduate! That's amazing, great work.

  7. Maybe we can get our taxes done this weekend! I've been meaning to get to it all month! Love all the pretty water cascades! It's been busy around here too!

    1. Good luck with that; it's such a relief to have all of ours behind us.

  8. Wow, you did accomplish a lot this month!! And a lot of it is tough stuff that most people tend to put off, like taxes!

  9. That's exciting that you've gotten so many credits and don't have to worry about his graduation.

    1. Thanks! It's opening up lots of ideas for the next two years.

  10. I love the Share 4 Somethings party! What a great way to get to know other bloggers! Melynda @scratchmadefood

  11. Beautiful hike pictures and well done accomplishing a lot with your sons. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  12. I love when it's warm enough for flip flops. :) Nice hikes! That's quite a lot accomplished for your son Alec. It feels good to check things off my list like that.

    1. I love when it's warm enough for flip flops too.

  13. Haha, they're is something good about wearing flip-flops right! Happy Easter weekend!

  14. The nature where you live is so beautiful! You did get so much accomplished for Alec - but there is so much to do. Do you follow a state homeschooling curriculum or requirements? That's interesting that he is so far ahead. Can he take a college class online or anything like that? What about a language like Spanish - lol. Although I don't really like online for language!

    1. There are zero guidelines in our state about homeschooling so we can pretty much do what we want; we are one of very few states that are like that. It's both a relief and a bit daunting all at the same time.

  15. You accomplished a lot this month! And those hikes look amazing. (Yes, I'm a bit jealous ... the scenery where I live is pretty boring!)

  16. I haven't been hiking in forever! Looking forward to some dry spring weather! The potholes are terrible around us too. You got so much accomplished - those were all big things! Hope you have a great weekend!

  17. Your March adventures sound amazing!
    Kudos on tackling Alec's to-do list with such efficiency, and it's fantastic to hear about Evan's progress towards graduation. Enjoy those sunny days and flip-flop weather—it's well-deserved after all your hard work, Joanne!

    1. Thank you! Sadly we've only had 2 days of flip flop weather so far but I'm hopeful it will turn warm and sunny soon.

  18. Wow! If he's that close to graduation credits, he can take all the courses he really wants to study now! What a joy that would be. Your hiking photos are gorgeous...those skies!

  19. Great Post! Love the photos of your hikes. New Follower!!

  20. Your hikes look awesome. Way to go on the surprise

  21. Joanne, your photos are beautiful. Sounds like you had a great month. How great Evan has most of his credits for graduation already. I can't wait to hear what he's working on these next two years.
    Visiting today from Share 4 Somethings

  22. We're coming out of mud season and enjoying a few more interesting hikes too. Not sure we've reached flip flop season here yet, but glad you have. I like the look of Evan's books. #MMBC

    1. We are still firmly in the mud season part of spring and I've only gotten to wear my flip flops twice so far but I'm hopeful more warm days will be here soon.. if it would only stop raining.

  23. You really did acomplish a lot! Good month:) And hooray for "wearing flip flop" weather!!

  24. I know it feels good to get so many things marked off your to do list!

  25. The photos from your hikes are so beautiful!

  26. My son will be a senior next year and he really has just about enough credits so we will probably be taking it very easy his senior year. I hope he will continue classes at the local vocational school but he says he doesn't want to because he doesn't enjoy it at all.

  27. Oh, that's exciting that you and Evan can have a couple of relaxed years for schooling. Enjoy!


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