Monthly Musings for March 2024

It's the last Thursday of the month and time for Monthly Musings with Patty and Holly. This month we're talking about spring fashion. 

1.  Usually a pretty blouse, some jeans and flip flops. 

2.  I tend to wear a lot of layers in spring-- cardigans, denim jackets, etc. Things that I can wear in the morning and evening when it's cool and then take off mid-day when it warms up.

3. I tend to change up my bag every few weeks depending on what we're doing and where we're going.  But all my bags are Vera Bradley so most of them work real well for spring and summer.

I've been using both of these bags a lot lately

4. Any day that is warm,  regardless of the season,  I'll wear my flip flops. I've already worn them a couple of times this year. 

Just a few weeks ago I wore them for 2 whole days in a row (before more winter-like weather settled in)

5. I wear the same scent year round as far as perfume goes.... but really only on date night or special occasions. 

6. While I will wear white any time of the year,  I tend to wear a lot more white once I pull out my spring clothes.. which is usually sometime in May when our weather is consistently warmer (usually, but not always!).

7. My favorite way to add a spring feeling to my wardrobe when the weather isn't cooperating is to add in lots of bright colors and pastels that make me think of spring. 

8. I don't wear make up so nothing changes in the spring. 

9. I tend to transition my wardrobe very slowly from winter to spring; packing away my heaviest coats and sweaters and taking out a few short sleeved or lighter weight items.  Then a few weeks later packing away more sweatshirts and lined pants to make way for capri pants and short sleeves. 

10. My favorite spring accessories and jewelry tend to be lots of scarves and necklaces which I pretty much never bother to wear in summer. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, Spread the Kindness, Final Friday, 


  1. It´s great that you are used to taking pictures of your outfits most days- I don´t care for taking selfies of me with my outfits so I don´t have many photos of me in any particular outfit. I am like you in many ways with regard to the colors that I start wearing in the spring and layers.

  2. You are always so good about documenting your outfits!

    1. It was a hard habit to fall into but now it's just exactly that-- habit!

  3. I am also a big fan of bright colors when spring rolls around. Love the fun print of your bag!

  4. Loving your spring fashion and your Vera bags. Thank you for always joining us and sharing your amazing photos.

  5. That was fun to read! I forget that you don't wear makeup. You have beautiful skin! I went through a phase for a few years where I only wore it when I went somewhere special, but I wear it all the time now, and only the stuff that looks natural. It's funny how our routines change with age; I used to like it to be seen on my face, but not anymore. I love your spring items of clothing! I am the same way with sandals; any warm day, regardless of season, I'm wearing them. My favorite "slippers" at home are my Oofos flip flops that are so comfy!

    1. Aw, thanks! I used to wear make up all the time-- up until I had kids and then I sort of got out of the habit and never got back into it.

  6. I don't wear makeup much either. I kind of wish I did though.

    1. Sometimes I wish I did too! My skin doesn't look so nearly so great in person (at least I don't think so). But since I rarely wear it when I do I swear I can feel it and it makes me feel itchy and greasy.

  7. Great post! I love Vera Bradley.

    1. Me too! I try to only get/buy bags for my birthday or Christmas though so I can keep that collection from getting out of hand.

  8. I always enjoy looking at what you are wearing and I love your outfits. You have such cute VB handbags too!

  9. looking good! I like pulling out some spring tops and adding a sweater too. I get sick of my winter clothes but it's too cold for spring things yet.

    1. Thank you! I am getting so sick of my winter clothes too but it is so cold that I really have no other choices.

  10. Fun post! Your look very pretty in all you wear. I also love Sunflowers cologne! I have a few favorite colognes and wear the lighter scents during the day and heavier ones to go out. You are fortunate to not have to wear foundation on your face as I find it comes off on white shirts and sweaters whcih makes me reluctant to wear white.

  11. Me too! The colors and patterns are so pretty.

  12. You have such a great style. You have beautiful skin & I am so impressed of you not wearing makeup. It is rare that I go a day without it.

  13. Color can be so powerful and I love how you use it to brighten up and not so springy day!

  14. Still love the way you wear your hair now! Lovely read Joanne!

  15. Very cute outfits! I love that you wear flip flops as soon as you can. I am a flip flop woman too!

  16. Ohhhh I used to LOVE that Sunflowers perfume when I was younger. I haven't thought about that in years. That just brought back so many memories!

  17. I always giggle a bit when I see a Vera Bradley bag! My sister used to sew for them when they were still just a cottage industry. She would receive a specific number of items (fabric pieces, zippers, linings, etc) and would have to account for them when she turned in the completed pieces. Then, they built the huge factory down the road a ways from where I taught. The Vera Bradley outlet sale was something! I'm pretty sure they still hold it, but now there are lots of rules. People would come and just buy armloads of the same thing, then sell it on eBay. And, that is exactly how I got my Vera Bradley backpack! I bought in on eBay from someone in Fort Wayne!

    1. I can see how it would be tempting to stock up and resell! I've found some great deals on Vera Bradley bags on Ebay (it's how I got my little backpack purse from them!)

  18. Your jeans are all so cute. I'm still on the hunt for a good pair.


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