Let's Look At... Our Grocery haul

 I don't always join in with Shay and Erika for their Let's Look but this month just founded much too fun to skip! I actually took photos of our grocery haul a few weeks running to give you some idea of what we usually buy and what things are just an "occasionally" buy kind of thing. 

Now before I show you these photos I do have to explain that no, we are not vegetarians.  However, we did just buy 1/2 a cow last month (from a local farmer/ butcher-- and honestly I think that much red meat is going to last us well over a year!) and had previously stocked up on all sorts of chicken breasts and tenders at BJ's so we rarely buy meat on our weekly grocery run.  

Even so most of our weekly grocery haul is fresh fruits and veggies... that has been that way for years but I've really been amping up as we try to limit processed foods and I move toward a more plant based diet. 

The first week our table looked like this:

We go through a lot of food because all 5 of us eat nearly every single meal every single day all month long at home.  We may eat out or get take out once a month as a family and each of us may eat one lunch at work or at a restaurant but mostly anyone who isn't going to be in the house for mealtimes either packs food or eats when they get home. 

Week #2:

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Wow! Ok I am inspired. Seeing your butternut squash reminded me of the butternut squash fries you make and I thought that I need to try making those soon!

  2. We have been moving away from eating too much red meat, and these days we eat more turkey, chicken and fish. Those fresh pineapples look so good!

  3. I'm impressed that all of you mostly eat at home! That's quite an accomplishment, and you should be so proud of the healthy choices you've all made in your eating. That fruit looks so good to me!

  4. I would love to buy a half cow one day, the meat just tastes so much better when you know it comes from a good home. Looks like some great hauls!

    1. I'm sure it does (I haven't eaten any!!). LOL. After spending all day handling the meat to get it shrink wrapped for the freezer I have had zero desire to eat any of it. I am not a huge meat eater to begin with and that just kind of killed my appetite for it for at least a little while.

  5. I love seeing what others buy in their grocery shop. What great hauls, all the fruit and veg looks fantastic.

  6. I always like to see what others purchases when grocery shopping. We eat a lot of fruit and dairy here and go with bouts of more meat or less. We should up our veggie intake but my family is picky as far as veggies goes.

    1. We don't eat a lot of diary and while I try to limit our meat intake my boys would happily eat meat with every meal. I find that while all my boys are picky about cooked veggies they'll all happily eat a bowl of salad with lunch &/or dinner.

  7. It all looks healthy and delicious and I am impressed with your family's eating at home for the majority of the meals.

    1. Thank you! I think it's just a habit we developed through homeschooling and have kept up with.

  8. Great grocery haul! I tell people they would starve to death at our house! We buy just the bare necessities...we are just not that into food. (that sounds weird doesn't it)? We have a large vegetable garden...it provides all our vegetables until about this time of year, when we need to purchase them ....and I am just not a fruit lover. I grew up in a small village - only fruit we had was what was in season. Apples & berries. So fruit is not my first choice. I thought smoothies were a go to...but being diabetic - smoothies turn fruit into liquid sugar. I was hoping it would be a way for me to get my fruit in. We are not big meat eaters...lean beef & chicken. And since last June I have been on a weight loss wellness journey...and have lost 42 pounds. We eat to live - and not longer live to eat.

    1. I lost over 40 lbs nearly 4 or 5 years ago now and have managed to keep it off; but we do eat a lot of veggies and fruit. I WISH I could grow our own food; I have tried gardening a few times but every time my plants have either died or gotten some sort of fungal infection or an infestations of mites and things. I am just not a gardener at all.

  9. Everything looks so healthy and fresh!

  10. This is so similar to it at our grocery holes look like but maybe ours are on a smaller scale since it's only two of us. We get our meats from butcher box and wild pastures and we've just started using just meats so most of our grocery shopping is fruits and vegetables.
    As Aristotle once said food is our medicine!

    1. Yeah, I'm kind of looking forward to the day that ALL this lasts us longer than a week! LOL. BUT I will happily buy it as often as I need to if it means my boys are eating more fruits and veggies too. I do think that healthy eating is huge when it comes to our overall health and that large grocery bill is worth it if it helps us all live longer and easier.

  11. We buy very little meat as it's just the two of us. But, I was always glad, when my kids were at home, that one of our Christmas gifts from my mom was a 1/4 cow...and it was the good 1/4! It lasted us for an entire year so maybe it was a 1/2! I need to up my game as far as fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm just so bad at remembering I've got them, and then I hate cleaning them. Excuses, excuses, right? Thanks for sharing this!


    1. It is a lot of prep work to eat so many fresh fruits and veggies. I try to do all the prep work at once (usually as soon as I get home from the store) which makes for a long day but then ensures that the food actually gets eaten since it's just as easy to grab that as something premade.

  12. What a great post! It's so helpful to read posts about the groceries people buy, as well as the food we eat each day. Looks a very healthy haul with no ultra processed food. Thanks for linking!

  13. I am very impressed! I bet that cost a lot because eating well like this ain't cheap! I got a great recipe for roasting butternut squash from a friend - maple syrup, dijon, and evoo. I had so much trouble cutting up the darn thing that I think I will buy it pre-cut and do it again!

    1. It does cost a lot, but we figure the less medical bills/ sickness we have sort of (hopefully!) balances it out. :) I have peeling and cutting butternut squash down to a science and find it quite easy now.

  14. That is incredible that your family eats at home most of the time! Love how healthy your goodies here are, and now I really want a delicious salad!

    Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week! :)

    Make Life Marvelous


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