Share Our Lives; How I Met My Husband

This month for the Share Our Lives link up we're talking about how we met our significant others (or perhaps you'd rather share how you and your best friend met!).  

My husband and I actually do not remember meeting one another; we went to the same middle school so we met at some point during school.  We had a group of friends that hung out together all through our last two years of middle school and while I definitely remember him there I don't remember the first time we met.

Here he is at some point probably in 8th grade teasing me for always snapping photos (I even had a camera in my hand most of the time back then too!)  Sorry the photos aren't the best but I'm taking pictures of pictures for this post. 

Our friend group changed a bit from time to time with new members coming in as they became friends with one of us... but there were a core group of us that remained pretty consistent. Almost all the guys from that friend group headed off to the local technical high school that our son, Alec, now attends and we all kept in touch.  

By senor prom our group had changed a lot.. but my husband and I are both second in from the left on the top and middle rows. 

Ben and I started dating right after my 16th birthday.  I just remember being struck by how sweet and kind he genuinely was. I mean I always knew that but I had never really noticed or appreciated it until then. 

Here I am opening gifts (pretty sure those are the girls I used to babysit behind me with my older sister behind them)

Here's my husband with two of my bears on his shoulder (I'm in the yellow shirt with my back to the camera). 

Neither one of us remembers who asked who out but I do know he had had a crush on me before that and I think I made it pretty clear that I was sweet on him so sometime between my 16th birthday in July and his in October we began dating. 

We went through all our high school and college milestones together. 

Junior semi-formal winter dance

My junior prom

His junior prom

My senior winter semi-formal

My senior prom (he didn't want to go to his)

My high school graduation

I remember being at his high school graduation but I don't have any pictures of it. 

Our first vacation together was while I was still in high school-- my mother allowed me to go away with him and his ENTIRE family (including aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) to Old Orchard Beach, Maine where they rented one small house that everyone crammed into (some slept in tents in the yard!).  We had a great time and went back for several more years eventually adding our own little side trip onto the end staying in York Beach, Maine or Hampton Beach, New Hampshire.  

Various other pictures from high school and college:

We bought our first house together while I was still in college and we were married in 2001 just weeks before I finished up my master's degree. 

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at 5 Items We Can't Live Without


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  1. This was so beautiful to read Joanne! Anyway I LOVE your junior year prom dress- YEAH for taffeta and it is red- even better :)

    1. Thank you! I made it myself (with the help of my mom)... it has a giant white bow in the back that starts at my shoulders and goes to the ground and it was one of those high/low dresses so we put in a white panel that tied the white and red together.

  2. Such a sweet story! You were both so very young when you met. How funny that your first trip together was with his entire family!

    1. Thank you! Luckily they were a really fun and sweet group.

  3. You guys are adorable and such a sweet story.

  4. I love your story! It’s so sweet. How awesome that yall met in 8th grade! My daughter and her husband met in 6th grade and started dating freshman year.

    1. We actually met long before 8th grade.. but I'm not sure exactly when; perhaps 5th or 6th?

  5. I enjoyed reading your story! And of course seeing pictures from years ago. You guys have been together for SO LONG! I love that!!

  6. I love that you have known each other for so long and have so much history together. I had to take photos of photos for my post too!

    1. Thanks! It's hard when everything was before digital existed. :)

  7. What a great story! I was really looking forward to this month's link-up.

    1. Thank you! I thought my post was going to be so much shorter and more boring than it turned out to be. Good thing I went digging into the photo archives.

  8. That's so sweet, I love how you guys have been together for such a long time!

  9. I love reading about how couples met and how they're still going strong so many years later. You definitely started young, and you proved that young love can make it through the years. Wonderful pics that gave me a smile.

  10. Wow, that is a long time of knowing each other! So cute. I don't think you've ever (or recently) mentioned your husband's name before this - you always just call him "my husband"!

  11. What a sweet post and beautiful beginning of your love story. Thanks for sharing at Senior-Salon-Pit-Stop-297. My contribution to the party this week are posts#28 through 32. Enjoy each day and be well!

  12. That was fun to read! I love that you go so far back and that you have all those pictures. I have a few that I could have dug around for, but there's not that many. Thanks for being one of the hosts for this!

    1. You're welcome! I think this is going to be such a fun link up and topic to read about.

  13. I love this so much! Such a sweet story. I also met my husband in middle school, he is one of my best friends older brothers, but we weren't interested in each other until after college. He was a senior when I was a freshman so the age gap was a lot at the time.

  14. Ah, I love high school sweetheart stories!!

  15. Oh wow! What fantastic photos! I have none from when I was about that age as cameras were not a big thing then.
    Such a sweet story!

    1. Thank you! I think I have always had a camera of some sort from middle school on (probably not my own but access to one anyway). I even remember the cameras with the strips of flashbulbs and the 110 film reels.

  16. Precious then and now! What a great story and wonderful photos!

  17. The first picture in this post?? OMG, I LOVE IT SO MUCH! What a sweet story. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  18. Your wedding dress is amazing! What a lovely story it's like you've known each other forever, it was certainly meant to be.

  19. What an amazing story! I guess you have now been with your husband longer than you were without him. Thanks for the fun link up!

    1. Yes! We always remark on that when any anniversary passes us by.

  20. What a great story! You guys are too cute, the earlier photos are great! I need to dig up some of my husband and I!

  21. I love high school sweetheart stories that last. I have friends that I dont remember how we meet then friends that are like we meet here at this age doing this. Its crazy what we remember and don't.

    1. It really is; for me the farther back it goes the fuzzier my memory gets for sure.

  22. I love that y'all are high school sweethearts! And y'all are still going strong all these years later! That is truly special.

  23. I love all these photos! I love remembering the styles (hair and dress) and thinking about my memories during that time. So fun! You have the prettiest shows in all of your photos!

  24. Wow what a history! I just love seeing those old photos!

  25. Sweet memories, Joanne!I enjoyed seeing all your photos. My husband and I met on a ski trip upstate NY. I was 19 and he was 23. It was kinda love at first sight....although he asked me to marry him x3 before I said "YES!" We have been together since and will be married 50 years this fall!

  26. Oh, I loved seeing all the photos of the two of you together! I wonder how many high school sweethearts still get married these days (and are still married).

    1. I don't know... even "back in my day" it was pretty rare.

  27. I love seeing high school sweethearts who are still happy together years and years later. Love all the prom photos and the wedding photo - you're such a cute couple, and I can really see a resemblance between your boys and your husband!

    1. Aw, thank you! I think my boys look a lot like my husband too.

  28. Such a cool story. So very nice. Thanks for sharing it.

  29. So neat that you found each other so early. I love all the photos...especially when you've labeled you and him. haha

    1. Thank you! I figured if I didn't no one would find us in them! LOL

  30. What a lovely story. You are such a cute couple! :)


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