10th Grade Mid-Year Check-in

Feeling rather guilty that Evan lost two full weeks of school early this month (1 planned because of our cruise and 1 unplanned because I was sick), I started stressing out a bit on how far "behind" we were getting on his schooling this year. 

Since Alec's school just finished out their second semester last week,  I figure Evan and I should be nearly 1/2 way done his schooling too.

Math: Algebra II-- We are using two different curriculum materials in conjunction with one another to teach Algebra II-- we are less than 1/2 way through each book but we did spend a good month finishing up his Algebra I book from last year and reviewing key concepts so I'm not overly concerned... he likes math so I'm sure we'll be able to finish on time. 



English/Language Arts: He's working his way through the Lord of the Ring series including the Hobbit and all the graphic novels he's found to go along with them too!)

While we're only on chapter 6 of 17 in The Perfect English Grammar Workbook we are at just about the 1/2 way mark page wise so that's good. WriteShop 2 we're on lesson 20 of 30; which means we just need to buckle down and complete one lesson each week. 

History/Government: He's actually finished BOTH of these books! 



Science: We've finished the first book and have moved onto the second one.



Foreign Language: We haven't been using Dulingo as much lately and this  Easy French Step- by- Step is going rather slowly but since I'm basically re-learning everything about French alongside him I still feel like we are doing well. 

Psychology: We just have 6 more chapters to go and are enjoying this book a bit more now that we have gotten into the various Psychological disorders and their treatments. 

Drivers Ed: We've put off Evan's test for another month and are trying to get him out driving more.  I'm confident he'll have his license by spring if we can just get the weather to cooperate (neither one of us feels confident with him learning to drive in the ice and snow). 

Phys. Ed: Our hiking was on a bit of a pause with our cold weather spell but we have hikes planned for every Friday with our hiking group (weather permitting). 

Music: We bought Evan and new piano book in December since he wasn't really liking the original one he had picked out... then basically took nearly a month off from playing as we packed away his keyboard for Christmas, my mom's birthday, etc. BUT, I have zero qualms about giving him a credit for this since he has been learning SO much about notes, reading scales, and actually playing the piano. 

Home Economics: If anything, Evan has been pitching in even more around the house and has taken to cleaning his room before I even ask (and by that I mean, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, etc. as well as keeping the clutter at bay). 

It's a bit odd that we're more behind is some of his core subjects than we are in his electives because we typically find it's the other way around!  I think part of that has been fueled by the fact that he is enjoying his electives but also because he rarely needs my help with them and can tackle them even when I'm not available.  All in all though I think we are in good shape! 

Linking up with: Fine/Whatever, Spread the kindness, 


  1. Jodie's Touch of StyleJanuary 30, 2024 at 12:12 PM

    I bet it's such great learning for you too. I would love to read many of these books and talk about them (like Genetics).

    1. It has been fun and I do learn a lot by teaching the boys.

  2. I am sure you and Evan will make up for the 2 weeks of schooling that he missed at the start of the year. It sounds like he is doing really well!

    1. He really is; it was a relief to see that we are nearly 1/2 way through most subjects and he's willingly doing a few extra subjects each day too without my even asking!

  3. My in-school grandchildren recently had 2 weeks off during the holidays, so don't feel bad by the delay with Evan. It sounds like he is on track and doing well.

  4. You're doing great! Honestly, I am always worrying that we're not doing enough, and I think that it's years and years of the public school system getting under my skin. I think we're juuusttt under halfway through the year in ELA, and they're halfway through math and history. So, in theory, we're good lol

  5. It seems like you are in great shape for a midyear check in, especially since you were sick and away recently.

  6. Congrats on being on (or almost) track for the midyear. It's hard to believe the first semester is already over, isn't it?


    1. It is crazy that the school year is already 1/2 over! I feel like it is flying by.

  7. Psychology does look interesting!! I always love to see your choices, even if I’m not homeschooling older kids anymore. I’m keeping the option open for Zeke and Zoey to homeschool all the way through; but again, we will examine our needs and wants when we cross that bridge!

    1. I think taking it as it goes is a really smart method.. I never thought I'd be homeschooling all the way through but I am enjoying it. It's fun to see how different Evan's choices have been from Ian's (and then adding in Alec's public school and seeing what he learns!)... it's really made me realize that just about anything goes.

  8. Yeah, even after all these years I can't shake the constant worry that we aren't doing enough; which is silly since my college son is doing just fine!!


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