What's Up Wednesday: October 2023

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay. 

What We're Eating: Our oven is still broken so I've been preparing lots of stove top, air fryer, and crock pot meals. 

Monday: Unsloppy joes with fries (butternut squash fries for me) and salad

Tuesday: white chicken chili with bread

Wednesday: Chicken tetrazzini in the crock pot with whole wheat pasta and broccoli

Thursday: Pulled pork baked potatoes and salad

Saturday: Ravioli and sauce with salad

What I'm Reminiscing About: My last few trips to North Carolina to see my sister... with and without the boys. My oldest sister moved there in 2018 and my mom and I went down in October to surprise my sister. 

We took the boys down in 2021 so they could see their cousins and then my youngest sister moved there shortly after we got home. 

What I'm Loving: Time/ sunrises on the beach! 

What We've Been Up To: We had a busy month of hiking!  Alec went to shadow at the college one day so Evan and I checked out a zoo nearby.  Evan, my mom, and I headed to North Carolina to see both my sisters and their families and my mother sister and husband too; it was a whirlwind of a trip but we had fun. 

Roger Williams Park and Zoo:

Johnson & Wales University:

More hiking:

In North Carolina:

What I'm Dreading: Nothing much.. just the long cold winter that I know will come much sooner than I'd like. 

What I'm Working On: I got a dozen scrapbook pages laid out from our summer trip to Shenandoah, but still have to add titles and embellishments to most pages... sadly I'm feeling really unmotivated to get that done.   

What I'm Excited About: Evan's starts driver's ed next week and while he couldn't care less (and possibly is even dreading it) I can't wait for our last one to have this milestone behind him! 

What I'm Watching/Reading:  The Exes-- So cute and funny (Paramount +), Reacher (Prime), Ballers (HBO) Celebrity Jeopardy/Family Feud/ Wheel of Fortune (all on Hulu), Last Vegas-- LOVED it! (Netflix), Just Like Heaven (HBO) & Leap Year (Hulu)-- 2 really cute Rom Coms I'd never seen before.  

While sick last weekend I re-watched: 27 Dresses, Sweet Home Alabama, Blended, Bride Wars, 50 First Dates, 13 going on 30, Sleepless in Seattle. 

I read 13 fabulous book this month!

What I'm Listening to: Nothing; the house is so silent right now. 

What I'm Wearing: 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Nothing much; we're hoping to get to the pumpkin festival at the zoo but only if the weather cooperates (it hasn't yet this month!).

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: I'm not sure I'm looking forward to it but I am finding it hard to believe that Thanksgiving is already next month. 

What Else is New: We celebrated Ian getting his CDL earlier this month! We took him out to dinner but I didn't get/take any photos. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. You´ve had a busy and full month! The white blazer looks sharp on you and I like the jeans you paired them with. I hope the weather cooperates for you but of course cold is in most area´s future the next few months :(. I hope the driving lessons go well. The last one driving is bittersweet! I found it mostly sweet but definitely miss spending time in the car with my daughter. Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Sounds like a great month! Lots of great family time and lovely hikes as well as delicious food. All the best to Ian as he starts driver's ed.

  3. Some many wonderful things going on! North Carolina looks amazing and how wonderful to be with family. I'm always loving the hikes you do.


    1. Thank you! We have been going on so many wonderful hikes-- this is my favorite time of year to hike.

  4. North Carolina looks and sounds like a dream- I am sure you had so much fun with your sister-she looks so happy to have you all there! Roger Williams Park is so beautiful- have you ever been to the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular there? We used to go every year and loved. We haven't been able to in recent years due to the girls' activities but can't wait to get back there at some point!

    1. It was wonderful to see both my sisters. We have never been to their Jack O Lantern Spectacular since we so rarely go anywhere at night! LOL

  5. All the food looks delish - sorry about your oven being broke, hopefully it gets fixed or you get a new one soon. Love all the pics - the zoo looks awesome hopefully you get to enjoy it again this weekend. Hope you have a fun Halloween with the fam!
    - Morgan @mommyaboveall.com

    1. Thank you! We've been debating about whether we want to keep waiting for the part to come in or just buy a new one altogether.

  6. I've loved reading about your trip to NC! For some reason it wouldn't let me comment on the last two posts. 13 books is impressive! I really liked the Class Mom series, it was so easy to ready and made me laugh. I still have two left in the series.

    1. That is weird; though I have heard from others that they sometimes can't comment either. I am currently reading the last of the Class Mom series; thanks for recommending it to me!

  7. Apart from our vacation, we still haven't gone hiking. We need to remedy that. Boys are so busy during the week, that we have been laying low on the weekends. About to plan next week's meal: hopefully I get inspired.

    1. That is tough! I know that once Evan starts college it will be so much harder to find time to hike.

  8. So many beautiful hiking spots. Sounds like a great month!

  9. I was looking at some old posts on my blog from when I used to post about my days. It's some sort of diary isn't it. I love to read about other people's life.

    1. It sure is! That is one of the reasons why I can't imagine quitting blogging. I look up things on my own blog all the time-- when did we build the shed? What year did we go to Niagara Falls? Etc.

  10. Love the photos of your hiking spots!

  11. You and your sister favor one another and you favor your mom as well! North Carolina is such a beautiful state. I lived there for 5 years after I got married. Sorry you were sick, but looks like you watched some great classics. Hope you are feeling better.

    1. Aw, thank you! I am feeling much better- not quite 100% but pretty close to it.

  12. The time at your sister's sounds especially wonderful. I love NC and those beach pix are great!

  13. I had to look closely to see which one was you! My sisters and I look nothing alike. You have done a really good job without an oven. I go in spurts when I use it a lot and then not all. I love seeing you in that blazer. It's unusual to see you in something so structured, but you look really good!


    1. LOL! Thank you; I think we've all started looking more alike the older we've gotten. I see lots of similarities between our kids too.

  14. I just love seeing all the photos from your trip. It is hard to believe it's going to be November in a week! Eeek!

  15. Hi there Joanne! It's so nice to meet you (well virtually anyway)! It's so lovely for this Aussie girl to see snippets of life in North Carolina and surrounds. Your food looks delicious! I haven't got an air fryer - do you think it's a must? Love your sunset photos and the photos from your hike and the zoo shots! Lovely to SEE you and your outfits too! Thank you for linking up with our very first #WWWhimsy linkup! Hope to see you there again and get to know you more!

    1. My air fryer has been a God send without our oven working but it's really just a small countertop convection oven. It does get things a bit crispier faster than my oven and is wonderful for cooking without heating up the whole house in summer but I don't really think it is a must.

  16. I agree, that white blazer looks great on you! And I LOVE how you re-watch movies, I do that all the time.

  17. I love seeing your NC pictures!!!! Sunrises on the beach are the BEST. Were you at Wrightsville Beach?

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

  18. I love all of the pictures from your trip to North Carolina! Heading over to read the recap now!

  19. Nice clothes. I really like the soft pink, grey combo plus the apricot and strong design tights. Both very flattering

  20. Joanne, loved your North Carolina pictures! It is definitely on my bucket list - can't wait to visit there - hopefully soon! I'm not sure if this is what is happening with your blog not allowing comments at times, but it was happening on my blog too. A friend discovered that somewhere in the program or theme, the default was that comments would be accepted for 28 days from time of post. She found a way to change that setting to accept comments indefinately , or something like that.and now I have no problems. Let me know if you need me to reach out to her to get more info.

    1. Thank you! I have my comments set to where after 14 days I get an email where I have to okay the comment before it's published. I do find comments on older posts often tend to be spam but I'm getting emails/comments from readers not being able to comment on the current day's post-- but only sometimes! It's so weird.


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