Not Just a Mom: My Hobbies

This month our Not Just a Mom group is looking at our hobbies!  I have LOTS of them so buckle up; it's going to be quite a list.  If you are a frequent/older reader of my blog you may recognize part of this post taken from one I wrote in May of 2019 (My Not So Secret Talents). I've added to it though so it's not just copied and pasted.

Creative hobbies:

I'm crafty and artistic and have dabbled in most every form of art throughout my life

I began taking art lessons at a very young age, around age 5 or 6,  with my grandmother and older sister and became quite comfortable with paint and canvas; even keeping up my painting well into college.  I toyed with the idea of becoming a children's art teacher but was talked out of it by a few guidance counselors and teachers.  I have several of my works framed and shown throughout the house.

We recently cleaned out our garage and I found a tote with some of my old art works in it:

I'm pretty sure I painted this in middle school because the wooden frame around it was definitely someone's (but probably not mine!) woodworking shop project in 7th or 8th grade. 

When we built our house I turned those skills into painting little touches all around the house including personalized murals for all the boys' nurseries and rooms.

For Ian's room I hand painted cat tails and stamped frogs, butterflies, and dragonflies all around.

Evan's room had a barn and farm animal theme.

Alec had a jungle mural on one wall that he kept well until his 8th or 9th birthday!

I don't just paint though as I also like to draw, sketch, use chalk pastels, watercolors, etc. and have dabbled in everything from silk screening to etching to metal stamping. I've painted on nearly every surface you can too-- canvas, wood, fabric, slate, glass, etc. 

Watercolor mountains in the mist

I also taught myself to re- purpose and re-decorate things we find.  I took these two old ratty chairs and turned them into something quite functional that we've reupholstered a few times.

I had quite an interest in fashion in high school and since my mom was a talented seamstress we worked together to make my prom and semi-formal dresses.  I still have a sewing machine and other than a few alterations rarely use it anymore.  But there is something so satisfying about taking a flat piece of cloth and making something out of it! 

My junior prom dress was a strapless drop waist dress; the front stopped at the knees and the back went to my 
ankles so I played that up with a white lining.  We had a white bow in the back with tails that were long enough to reach the end of the dress.

My senior semi-formal dress was green velvet with pearl trim and we
 found matching ribbon to make a criss-cross backing.

My senior prom dress was designed off a knee length dress pattern we had.  We lengthened it,
made it out of deep blue satin and used rhinestone strapping for that added touch.

I do make other cloth gifts and crafts though; I enjoy making fleece pillows, blankets, and scarves.  I used a tank top to make a cute little hand bag.. things like that.

Around the time I was moving out on my own a friend had been invited to a Stampin' Up party and dragged me along.  One class and I was hooked on paper crafting.  I began making all my own cards and it naturally segued into scrapbooking.  I even became a Stampin' Up demonstrator for quite a few years.

Some of my favorite scrapbooking pages are from our many Disney trip and even our Sesame Place trips from when the boys were so little.

I enjoy working with glass and beads too and have dabbled in glass etching, making my own jewelry, glass fusion, and stained glass projects too. 

Glass etching

glass fusion

Some beaded bracelets I've made (and I usually make matching earrings too)

I always loved helping out in the kitchen and took over cooking dinner for our family at a pretty young age. 

 I was well prepared with lots of recipes by the time we got married.  I loved experimenting with new foods and recipes but had always shied away from baking.  Then I inherited a cake decorating set and took off making some truly fun cakes when the boys were little!  Then when Alec started showing interest in baking and making everything from scratch we learned a lot of new techniques and things together. 

I often make fun foods/themed foods for the family or parties too.  We've had snowman, candy cane and even a BB8 pizza, we've made watermelon and fruit salad baskets and monsters, etc. I loved making themed food and snacks to go along with each kids' birthday party when they were growing up.

I put most of my hobbies on hold when the boys were little as all my time was consumed and it's only been in the last few years that I've started getting back into doing crafty things.  I enjoy making wreaths of all kinds for our front door and have been working with my Cricut to embellish clothing, drinking glasses, wall hangings, and just about every other surface I can think of.

Vinyl on wood blocks

Iron on vinyl on fabric

On plastic, metal, and glass

I often make some little handmade gifts for the family for Christmas-- we don't technically exchange gifts between the adults but since I can make some things so economically I try to have just a little something for everyone.

The only thing I had to purchase for this gift was the 3-d frame; I had all the other supplies on hand!

I've always wanted to be a writer and while the blog satisfies that yearning I was thrilled to find old short stories, poems, and other writing samples in that same tote in the garage.

I've been pushing myself to get back into painting and even broke out my watercolor and calligraphy pens this summer.  I feel so rusty at what I'm doing but enjoying the process just the same. 

I've gotten into photography; especially nature photography just in the past few years and the more I practice with the camera the more comfortable I feel with it. 

Mental/Spiritual hobbies:

I can't not mention reading as that is a HUGE hobby of mine; I often read around 10-12  books a month. 

Puzzle making

Word searches/ brain games of all kinds

Physical hobbies:

I also consider hiking/ walking to be something of a hobby.  I try to get out and walk or hike in nature each day. 

Yoga/ Pilates

Roller skating-- though I only enjoy this in indoor rinks and don't get to go as often as I'd like now that my kids are passed that.  We used to roller skate one Friday each month with our homeschool group and I was one of the only moms that not only brought my own skates but skated the whole time!

I'm sure there are others because, like I said, I love to try new crafts and things and am always looking to learn new skills as well.  But this post is long enough and I need to get going.  

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at some of our favorite money saving tips.

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Linking up with: Fine/whatever, 


  1. I did not know you painted and did glass work. You are so creative and talented. And I never thought about taking cake decorating classes. I should look into that because I enjoy a fun cake!

    1. Aw, thank you! Cake decorating is a lot of fun and with Youtube the way it is "how to" videos are pretty easy to follow.

  2. That's quite an impressive list of hobbies! Your artwork is beautiful; living in the Pacific Northwest, I particularly love the second painting of the trees. I'm hopeless at art - struggled through a year of it at school before giving up and moving to English and history where I found my passion. I used to cross stitch but the hobby that consumes most of my time now is scrapbooking. I love preserving our family memories.

    1. That second painting was a fun class my mother found for me when I was in high school; it was a one day "Paint like Bob Ross" class and it was SO much fun! I definitely think scrapbooking is the one hobby I most consistently work on now.

  3. Joanne I knew you were creative but I did not know how gifted you are too! Your paintings are just beautiful. It makes me sad to read that teachers talked you out of becoming an art teacher because you would be such a gift to the kids. It is never too late! Thank you for your sharing your hobbies/talent/passions with us- hope you will feed these forever!

    1. Aw, thank you! I have often thought of opening up my own art studio and offering classes... but the few that have tried that in our area never lasted as we just don't have many families with the extra income for things like that.

  4. I loved seeing your artwork. You are very talented, and your creativity has come out in several of your hobbies.

  5. You have some wonderful hobbies. I tend to flit and change between the crafty things that I like to do, not sticking to anything.
    Your paintings are beautiful, you really are talented. I love the farm animal themed bedroom and you are such a talented crafter. I love the bracelets, they're so pretty.

    1. Thank you so much! Though my husband always joked that the first boy got a whole room painted just for him, the second got a whole wall, and the third got one tiny little 1/4 wall mural... and he's right! LOL

  6. Oh I just love this post! You are so talented! The horse painting reminds me of one my grandpa did but his was a bit creepy. It always felt like the horse was watching you ha. I wish I was handy at repurposing things. I never thought I was creative until I got into photography. I am surprised you aren't a top seller on Etsy with all your crafts.

    1. Aw, thank you! I find anytime I try to turn one of my hobbies into my work I just don't really enjoy it much anymore.

  7. You are so creative and talented Joanne! I love all your amazing creations. I made Pokemon cakes for my kids too, decorating cakes was never a hobby of mine. I just made them because they loved Pokemon so much. It was so much work!

    1. Aw, thank you! Cake decorating is a lot of work; especially when you know everyone is just going to eat it up.

  8. Wow, I didn't know that about your painting! You are very talented in all of your hobbies.

  9. Oh my goodness! You are so talented! Love seeing all of your creations- very neat. How cool to have talent and to be able to nurture it even more now that you have more time.

    1. I bought a few canvases and am determined to start a landscape painting this winter. I feel like painting is the one hobby that was hardest to find time for when the boys were little and I really miss it.

  10. Your painting are gorgeous. You are very talented. I always wanted to paint a mural on my kids walls.

  11. You are so talented at all your hobbies. Regine

  12. Joanne, you have so many hobbies. You are so talented and I love the paintings and wreaths you made. Thanks for this fun link-up!

    1. You're welcome! Thanks so much for linking up with us, Julie.

  13. Wow you are like a jane of all trades.. so many talents and hobbies.

  14. Joanne!! That artwork is beautiful! No wonder your boys are so creative!

    1. Thank you so much! It's funny how all our talents manifest in different ways though; I don't think I could ever do the 3-d modeling that Ian does.

  15. Wow, you have so many different talents. How nice you are getting back into a few of them again.

    1. It feels so good to exercise to muscles again and I just keep reminding myself that if I don't like how they turn out I don't have to show anyone!

  16. Joanne - you make me feel so old. And boring. I DEFINITELY need some more hobbies! You are so incredibly talented. I love your beaded bracelets, the murals in the boys' rooms (so cute!) and all of your painting. How fun it would be to be so creative and to enjoy so many outlets for al your talent. Thanks for sharing!!

  17. WOW! You are one busy lady, and your love for art shows in all you do. I like this series you have shared each month, thanks so much.

  18. You are so talented! Those paintings are amazing.

  19. Joanne, wow. Simply wow. Whatever you put your hand, heart, and mind to is filled with creativity, imagination, and joy. What fun to sit with you this evening and enjoy your handiwork!

  20. Joanne, you are truly a gifted artist! I can't believe how beautiful your paintings are! Wow!!!

  21. I am quite impressed! I knew about your photography and scrapbooking but wow! A talented painter too! Your art is beautiful!

  22. These are so fun! What impressive painting--that's a talent I don't have, but I love cooking and creative food as well as digital scrapbooking. Visiting from Unlimited Link Party 129. I'd love you to share this post at my new linkup And I'll share some of my posts here at yours. :) Have a great day!

  23. Love your artwork, how talented you are!! Enjoyed seeing your cards and scrapbook pages! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 129. Pinned.

  24. Thank you for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #6 linkup. I hope to see you there next week as well! :) This is an inspiring post. Have a great week.

  25. You are a woman of many talents!! I knew about a lot of these, but some of them I did not. I love your artwork!

  26. You have so many amazing creative talents, I'm super jealous! Your paintings are amazing! Sim x #SSPS

  27. Wow, What an amazing array of talent and hobbies. Truly eye opening and encouraging to do more of what pleases us. Thanks for sharing with us at the SSPS #278. Visiting from #13, 14 & 15 ~ Julie Syl

  28. What a great list and I love your art work!

  29. Such very cool hobbies there. Sweet art work.

  30. Oh my gosh Joanne, you are an AMAZING painter!! I can't believe I didn't know this! And your cake decorating skills are incredible too-- I wish I could do something like that!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

  31. Your art is really lovely, Joanne. I'm especially impressed with your murals -- that's a commitment and requires such confidence, not to mention a lot of work! But it's all lovely.


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