Currently in August: 2023

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time to link up with Jennifer for her Currently series.  Each month she picks a few prompts for us to answer and it's such a fun way to sum up what we've been up to. 

loving-- I have been loving my new phone! I put off getting another one for years since I hate getting new phones but the guy at the Verizon store talked me into the one I have by telling me nothing would be different from my old phone other than they moved the volume button above the power button. Well, he was right and I love that it's been so easy to use with zero learning curve involved! 

It's a Samsung S... something or other with lots of numbers and letters... 

Loving my Mickey popsocket though!

looking forward to-- A long quiet month with nothing on the calendar.  

starting-- I've been working on scrapbook pages for this year and I'm flying through them. I'm already up to the last weekend in May and our first trip of the year (Acadia); which I'll be starting next. (I shared ALL the pages on Monday but here are my favorite 2)

thinking-- I'm trying to think of ways to motivate myself to workout more. I am doing so bad at getting daily exercise added back into my routine. Each night I pick out my workout and promise myself I'm doing to do it first thing and then each morning I seem to talk myself right out of it!  Luckily I have been able to squeeze in some hiking and kayaking.

wearing-- We're having a heatwave so I've been wearing lots of tank tops, shorts, and even my bathing suite a few times!

I had my bikini on under this outfit for kayaking

Linking up with:


  1. Great job on the scrapbooking! I so rarely print pictures out anymore. We are having wonderful weather in the mid-80s this week and I love it. Good job on the hiking and kayaking and I can relate with talking myself out of first thing exercise. I keep saying I will start when my routine is set next week!

    1. Thank you! I'm doing better so far this week but it's helped that the past few days have felt nearly fall like with crisp cool mornings-- and then it warms up to feel summery by lunchtime.

  2. Congrats on the new phone... and having no learning curve. My battery is starting to really slow down. New phone or new battery, that is the question. Both have advantages and disadvantages, lol. Your summer outfits are cute- I like the khaki shorts and black top. Simple and neutral and classic looking. Have a great Wednesday.

    1. Yeah, I was pushing for a new battery since mine wasn't really holding a charge anymore but the guy basically shook his head at me and laughed (in a very polite way). Alec's phone was so old it wasn't compatible with any of the apps and kept malfunctioning so we knew his needed to be updated but we had a newer phone already in the house that no one was using so his was a simple activation/switch charge.

  3. I am chuckling reading "a long quiet month with nothing on the calendar"- truly because August is always our craziest month here- ha! Love your summer outfits :)

    1. We have since found out we'll have lots of family visiting so I'm looking forward to that!

  4. It's the same for me with our hot weather- I am wearing and loving loose and flowy. I don't want my clothing to touch me too much! I love your new pop socket! We have the Samsung phones as well, but we're about to get new ones and will go back to Google phones, which are our favorite. I love how easy Android phones are to use! Much better than their nemesis. Thanks for joining us today!

  5. Enjoy your new phone! Love that blue scalloped tank.

  6. I love your summer outfits. I'm dying to get out of winter clothes and into warmer weather outfits!

  7. How exciting to get a new phone. I'm thinking of putting one on my birthday or Christmas wishlist this year. My phone camera just isn't performing like it used to. And YES to shorts for summer. :)

    1. Yeah, my phone was not holding a charge well at all and I'm pleasantly surprised at how much better this new camera phone is compared to my last one.

  8. Wow, that is nice that you have nothing on the calendar in August. August is always crazy for us because the kids start back at school and extracurricular activities and we have lots of back to school events. I cannot believe our kiddos go back in just five days. Boooo.

    1. Alec starts back to school on the 31st of August and other than getting his uniforms in place (which we've already done!) nothing is required from me! I do have to sit down with Ian at some point this month and buy/ rent his textbooks for the classes he's taking this semester but I don't think his college starts until like the 29th or 30th either. So really... they just need my money! LOL

  9. I have actually pulled out a scrapbooking project this week and ordered prints. I'm excited to get started but am really rusty. Yesterday I went through my paper/stickers/glue dots, etc supplies and got rid of a few old items and put everything in the office where I can work. I want to give it to my daughter on her birthday mid-September so need to get cracking.

    1. Oh that sounds like a wonderful birthday gift! I often make scrapbooks for gifts.

  10. I just got a new phone yesterday, the S23+ so it's a little larger than my last one but otherwise exactly the same. But I can tell a nice big difference with the camera! So clear, sharp and colors are awesome. Going to make a few photobooks when boys go back to school so I can catch up a little before fall trips.

    1. I actually held my old phone up to the new ones they had on display and told him "no larger or it won't fit in my pocket." LOL But I am loving the camera.

  11. I love that once you have one Samsung phone they are all pretty different. I had a S one a few years ago and now I have a Samsung A something and they're nearly identical. That popsocket is so cute.
    I love your scrapbook pages and good luck with the working out.
    Send some of your heatwave this way please. It has been so chilly here and very wet. x

  12. A new phone with no learning curve is a good thing! Hopefully this intense heat will simmer down soon.

  13. Great job on getting caught up on your scrapbooking. I'm almost caught up on the pictures I have printed. And you have so many cute summer outfits! It's been so hot and humid where I live that I mostly just stick with athletic type clothes or a dress.

  14. We have been missing out on many of our workouts too. We do walk our dog twice a day, but in this heat it's not for long.

    1. I find that when we do get out for a nice walk/hike I am getting eaten alive by mosquitoes which then makes me hesitant to go out again.

  15. I took a small walk yesterday and was wiped out for the rest of the day. But, that's definitely progress! I love your Lilly tops! Enjoy an uneventful August!

  16. I need a new phone too, but loving my old Samsung s something, lol. And I also have not much on the August calendar. And it feels terribly relaxed.

  17. It's always fun to get new phone. Love these cute scrapbook pages!


  18. Keep up the good work exercising, Joanne! I have to admit I could do more myself. Your summer outfots look nice and cool--have a happy month of August!

  19. Love that zoo scrapbook page so much!

  20. I hope your month "with nothing on the calendar" works out for you! I always thought it was so great to have blank space on my calendar but it never, ever stayed that way until we moved, and now I'm finding that a lot of white space on the calendar isn't all it's cracked up to be! LOL Love your summery outfits and your Mickey pop socket! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! So far so good; we do have two parties but nothing at all during the week. I often have a pretty empty calendar; it's more rare for us to have lots and lots of plans.

  21. You are looking good and heatwaves are the worst...gotta get into the water or air con. I am glad you have lots of scrapbooking to enjoy. And that you have some freeeee time this month. ENJOY it.It was so good to see you link up your blog post this week. Thanks for being part of the community that IS Wednesday’s Words and Pics! Warm wishes, Denyse.

  22. Hooray for months with nothing on the calendar! I'm pretty sure there is nothing (of note) on my calendar this month. At least, that I can remember...ha!

    1. LOL! We have since added 2 parties but that's it for the month.

  23. That Mickey pop socket is so cute! I've been falling short with my workout routines this summer too and have been sleeping in instead. Love your scrapbook pages!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  24. I got a new phone a couple of weeks ago and, like you, I HATE change. Thankfully, the phone store set it up for me and it does work almost exactly the same so that's good! Phew. And I am also trying to motivate myself to do daily exercise. The wheels have really fallen off this summer and I need to get that sorted out.

    1. I feel like this phone has been the easiest transition so far and I am so thankful for that; and the fact that my battery now lasts all day! I am doing better this past week at exercising most days so I'm hopeful I can keep that up.

  25. Congratulations on your new phone. I think it's wonderful that it's so similar to your old one. Sometimes I really hate "all the updates" that modern technical life gives us. #MMBC

    1. Yes! Me too. But this has been a nice, easy transition.


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