Currently... in July

 July for Currently, we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying. 

Loving-- That my flowers are finally starting to bloom and grow!

Savoring-- These slow days of summer... though they sure do seem to be flying by this year! 

Celebrating-- My birthday!  I tend to stretch out the celebrating for at least a week or two if I can.  My mom and I are heading out on our annual birthday shopping trip and Ben and I are leaving for Maine this weekend. 

Remembering-- The fun summers when my boys were little and we tried to pack in lots and lots of little day trips and experiences.

Storytime picnics in the yard

water balloon painting

slip and slide/shaving cream fun

soda/mentos geysers 

Beach day with cousins

checking out the Ecotarium

Exploring our local zoo

Fun family trip to Canobie Lake Park

visiting the splash pad at the park

Ice cube painting

Touring the farm

going fishing


Spending lazy days at the aquarium

practicing being "Zen" while out hiking

Trying-- To get back to healthy eating and daily exercise now that we're home from vacation.  I'm pretty lucky I only gained a couple of pounds since we did a lot of hiking which seems to have worked in battling the junky food I over indulged in.  So far this week I've been eating lots and lots of veggies, fruits, chicken, and fish. 

Hard boiled eggs, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, & nectarine

fresh strawberries with scrambled eggs mixed with leftover roasted vegetables

Pasta Primavera with whole grain pasta 

Linking up with: Currently, 


  1. That lake shot is so pretty with the clouds reflecting! Happy bday!!

  2. Love all the younger years pics! I am the same - trying to get back to the level of discipline I had last summer. I just don't feel as good when I don't eat like that. I have got to devote a shopping trip to my foods and get a bit of prep back.
    Happy birthday!!!

    1. Yeah, I think I need to revisit that WW Zero point food list too and see what else I used to snap up that I must be forgetting to buy.

  3. Your birthday celebrating plans sound great- and yes, to stretching the celebrating out. You did pack in a lot when your boys were younger. Great pictures! I'm sure they have the best memories of life on the lake and all the fun things you could do due to homeschooling them.

    1. I sure hope they do; I know I sure do. It was a challenge sometimes coming up with new and fun things to do but one I really enjoyed taking on.

  4. LOVE all of the old pics and it brought back memories for me too- we had to get so creative sometimes but those were the days weren't they? :)

  5. I loved walking down memory lane with you! We always did that same kind of thing when the boys were little, and we did fun things every few days in the summer. Doesn't that just seem like yesterday? It does to me, and you are right- time is flying by right now! I hope you have a wonderful birthday trip with Ben! I can't wait to hear about that.

  6. Happy Birthday!! We have to try to water balloon painting. I think my kids would love that! So many fun memories made...

    1. That was so much fun-- messy, but fun! I have a link to ALL our art projects from our 100 days of art here:

  7. Happy birthday! Enjoy your celebrating!

  8. The flowers are beautiful and so fun to have a trip this weekend! Maine sounds like a great destination for one of the hottest months of the year. I keep waiting for cooler temperatures to be able to take more walks outside. I may have to get an indoor treadmill to get some exercise in during the hot months.

    1. I do love summertime in Maine; though I'm worried it's going to be more rainy and cool weather but keeping my fingers crossed for some sunshine!

  9. Happy Birthday. Your boys looked like they were having fun with all those different activities. Your flowers are so pretty and your food all looks so delicious!

  10. Happy happy birthday, Joanne! I hope you enjoy celebrating! I love that you drag out the celebrations. We tend to do that over here, too. :o)

    1. Thanks! It sort of happened by default growing up with my parents being divorced and having "two" families and now I just try to enjoy it for as long as I can.

  11. I hope you have a nice birthday Joanne. I loved looking at the photos of your kids when they were little during the summer. Your food always looks good. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  12. I hope you have the best birthday and a fun birthday trip!

  13. Your flowers are very pretty. My garden has started to come to life this past week, it's no wonder with the rain we've had.
    Ohh! Happy birthday! It sounds like you have a great celebration planned.
    What lovely photos of the boys. Summer days when the children were little were the best. Great photos!

    1. Thank you! It's slowly getting there.. we are getting plenty of rain too.

  14. Such a fun post to read! Having little ones surely made for some fun summer days, it's different when they are older and time seems to fly faster too!
    Those strawberries look sooooo good!!

    1. It really does seem to fly by! It's so different with older kids but we're still having lots of fun together (when they're not off working).

  15. I can get really caught up in those sweet summertime memories from the childhood days!

  16. Those memories are so heart warming Joanne,

  17. Happy Birthday! I enjoyed your pictures, great memories! Your food looks really good and heathy. I like to post pictures at my blog too! Happy Summer!

  18. Happy birthday Jo! Your flowers are absolutely beautiful. Don't you just love summer?

  19. Happy Birthday, Joanne! Looks like lots of summer fun going on with your extended family! I've been eating low carb for almost two months and lost 16 pounds. I would lose more if I moved more--lol--but happy with the results so far

  20. Lovely post Joanne. Summer’s a fair way off for us yet- another 5 months to go. Then it’ll be all the fun of fair plus, sun, smiles, salads & memories…..just like you.
    Cathy #WWandPics

    1. And we'll be in the middle of winter... ugh!

  21. I always love your deck view photos - so peaceful! I have so many great memories of fun summer vacations and activities with our kids when they were young!

  22. So good to have those memories to share again...and I always enjoy your deck view pics. Your food choices look amazing. Go the new flowers!! It was great to see you link up a post this week for Wednesdays Words and Pics on Denyse Whelan Blogs to Connect. Thank you so much and I hope to see you next week too. Denyse.

  23. Happy birthday - soak it for all you can:) Hope your chef is making (or made) you a fun birthday cake! And those boys sure were some cuties - what fun memories!!

    1. Sadly, we have been so very busy that my son hasn't made me a birthday cake or dessert this year (yet?). Maybe I'll drop a few hints today!

  24. You guys have so much fun! Carry on with the birthday celebrations. The healthy meals look delicious. Thanks for linking.

  25. I love the shot on the lake from the kayaks. And Happy Birthday Week!!! I hope you feel so celebrated! Those summer memories have me reminiscing about when my kids were younger... I love it!

    1. Thank you! I bought a waterproof camera case for my phone a few years ago and tie it to my kayak so I can't loose it while out kayaking- that way I can still take a few photos.

  26. I love the idea of stretching out your birthday...but I have yet to try it for mine! I do hope you enjoy your shopping adventure! Love all the photos!

    1. I don't do it intentionally but I rarely can manage to see everyone on my actual birthday!


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