Prime Purchases in April

 It's the first Monday of the month and time for Prime Purchases with Tanya.  I did buy a few things in April but am pretty proud of myself that I do seem to be buying less from Amazon lately (though, admittedly I'm buy plenty of other stuff from other companies!). 

I needed 8" cake rounds to make Ian's birthday cake and found that I didn't have any; so I bought this set of 3 and I loved that they came with parchment paper rounds to use in them as well. 

I've been buying the boys some summer clothes and found these nice long shorts for Alec (it's the same set we bought last summer but I went up in size for him). 

I bought myself a few tank tops for summer-- this more casual/fitted one, and this beautiful flowy, flowery one. 

I've been wearing my wireless earbuds while cleaning the house so I can listen to my Libby ap but found that the earbuds kept falling out and I decided to try a different pair and style.  I ordered these but have yet to try them!

Lastly, I bought a few supplies for the craftroom. I saw this adorable stamp set for spring and could not resist. 

I also love this multicolored glitter paper. 

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  1. I agree about trying to buy less from Amazon, but then I end up buying from other places! It's tricky though because sometimes Amazon's price really is so much better it's silly to buy from somewhere else. Ugh!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

  2. It's six of one, half dozen of the other (for the most part...) with regard to retail. I'm not crazy about Amazon- I think I bought one item from Amazon in April but I don't kid myself that buying less from there is some sort of noble thing, lol. The floral top you bought is so pretty!

  3. I didn't really buy much in April either but I did add a bunch of stuff to my "saved for later" section. I love the floral top! I have a couple of shirts made with that material and it's perfect for summer.

    1. Yes, I tend to gravitate a lot towards that material for summer.

  4. The tank tops look lovely and perfect for the warmer months ahead.

  5. Those tops are darling. I’m getting that flowery one. The glitter paper is great. Happy Monday!

  6. I buy lots of things on Amazon often - great place for deals and free shipping. #MMBC

    1. Yes! I love the free shipping (and the free return shipping too!)

  7. Zachary needs shorts - I wonder if he'd like those!

    1. Maybe!? I have a hard time finding shorts for Alec that aren't super short with his long legs.

  8. It has been hit or miss for me with Amazon fashion but I must say I love that flowy tank you got!

    1. I tend to do pretty well with clothing from Amazon but I always make sure everything has free return shipping just in case it isn't quite like I pictured when it arrives.

  9. What great buys! I do like those tank tops. x

  10. Those ear buds are different. I feel like mine always fall out too! I will have to look into those.

    1. I'm hoping the style will help me keep them in more.

  11. Your tops are both cute especially the floral one. I know I say it all the time, but I'm glad I don't have Prime. I'd spend so much more money if I did!

  12. I'm also buying less at Amazon - maybe all the inflation on grocery prices is making me think twice about ordering! Thanks so much for linking up!

    1. I've been spending lots of money on spring/summer clothing for the whole family at all sorts of other stores so I've been much pickier about spending money on Amazon.

  13. I can't have enough tanktop, i layer even in summer.

    1. Me too! I wear tank tops all year long... nearly every day.

  14. It is so tempting to have presents on the way!

  15. Love the flowery top! I love trying different clothing out on Amazon because it's so easy to return! haha

  16. I love the flower top you purchased Joanne! It's perfect for spring and summer.

  17. Curious to hear what you think of the earbuds.

    1. I am determined to take them out of the package today and give them a try.

  18. That's such a great idea to listen to books when you're cleaning. Maybe I would want to clean more, LOL?

    1. I can't say I'm cleaning more often or better but I am cleaning a bit longer and getting more done on those days I am cleaning which then gives me a day off from cleaning now and then.

  19. Joanne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! Looks like some great items that you showcased here....Thanks for sharing!!

  20. Yes to that tank! So funny that we both bought those this month!

  21. Thank you for sharing your link/s at SSPS 259. Please check back on Monday to see if listed under the top 15 or mentioned by a co-host or if I shared it on FB @BloggersShareCareInspire and IG @_esmesalon as the top 5.

  22. Love the glitter paper! I also hope you like the earbuds. My old ones would fall out all the time too, until I got a "connected" pair like that.

    1. I've only used them once but they worked great!!

  23. Great finds. I struggle with my ear buds. They hurt after wearing them for a time. Will be interested to see what you think of the ones you've ordered. My don't stay in well, either. So yours might be perfect for me.

    1. I did have to Google "How to wear ear buds so they don't fall out!" LOL.. and that seemed to help but my ears do seem to hurt afterwards. The new ones seemed to work much better than my old ones did.. but I haven't really worn them while cleaning yet (just crafting).

  24. I love the glitter scrapbook paper! Unfortunately I have been buying more Prime than I was. With a baby, it's so much easier to order from Amazon than make the hour and a half long trek to the bigger town.

  25. I rarely shop at Amazon. The shipping fee to my corner of the world almost always costs more than the product itself.

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne.

    1. That is totally understandable. If it weren't for the "free shipping & free returns" they offer I don't think I'd order from them either.


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