Currently.. in April 2023

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for the Currently link up with Jennifer.  This month we're talking about those things we're currently loving, hoping, playing, needing, and feeling.  I really struggled with all these prompts this time around!  

Loving-- All the signs of spring I'm seeing popping up this past week; buds on the trees, fresh greenery in the garden, new birds at our feeders, etc. 

Hoping-- Ian gave notice at his job this week since he's planning on going back to school/college full time; I'm hoping his classes go fairly smoothly and he'll stick with it until he gets his degree.  

Playing-- I spent my weekend playing with card making supplies trying to make some cute Easter cards.  I didn't really love the way any of them turned out though and bought a whole bunch of adorable Easter stamps from Amazon for next year.  The whole time I was kicking myself for not having done that years ago! 

Needing-- I'm not sure there is much of anything I really NEED right now... that said I have been fun buying some spring and summer clothes I've been wanting.  What I'm really needing is to organize my closet and remember all the fun and cute clothes I have packed away but the weather just isn't cooperating yet. Though I have pulled out my flip flops a time or two already!

Feeling-- Wanderlust; I always am ready for a vacation or a trip but these past few weeks I've been watching this show called Caribbean Life and I can not stop dreaming about white sandy beaches and beautiful blue water.  I'd be thrilled if someone told me I had to get on a plane tomorrow!  I've been looking into renewing the boys' passport and checking prices for a trip to the Turks and Caicos... though I'd be happy with any one of the islands. 

Linking up with:


  1. Love these pretty cards and I don't blame you for wanted to get out for a vacation. The blue water is calling my name!

  2. I would love to be in that ocean right now too! Always a good time for the islands :)

    1. That's how I feel... and yet I can never get my family to agree to go!!

  3. I need to fix my toenails so I can wear sandals!

    1. I polished my toes that morning so I could take that flip flop photo!

  4. I'm right there with you on the wanderlust; I'm way overdue for a vacation.

    1. We have a mini weekend getaway planned for next month but while the mountains will be lovely I really do miss the beach.

  5. I am loving all of the signs of spring but it has gone from it feeling like spring to back feeling like winter here. lol It's cold, wet and grey. Hmmf.
    Good luck to Ian with the return to school.
    Ahh! I would love a holiday to somewhere hot.

    1. I find our weather is all over the place still; it was nice and warm and spring-like yesterday!

  6. Yes, after a long winter, it's definitely time to start thinking about fun places to go on vacation. I love your Easter cards.

  7. I am definitely ready to plan some vacations and looks like we finally have our destinations decided but we need to actually get tickets, rent places etc...

    1. Yay!! I can't wait to see what you and your family settled on.

  8. Loving the flip flops! I can't wait to start wearing them too, just have to get the toes done first! =)

  9. I could escape to a beach anytime...just say the word. I'm putting Caribbean life on my watchlist. Looks like a great escape!

    1. It really is such a fun show and sometimes it's so funny to!

  10. I enjoyed your responses to these prompts. I'm longing for spring too, but don't think my flip-flops would be a smart move with all the snow we have today! That said, I did get a pedicure. I am ready at the first hint of warmth--forecast for this weekend. I liked the Easter cards you shared. Are they the ones you didn't love?

    1. Yes, those are the cards I didn't love (though I do like how the final one turned out); I just feel like they're missing something...

  11. We’re seeing signs of spring here too. I would love a getaway to a beach resort. Have a happy Easter Joanne. Julie’s Creative Lifestyle

    1. Thank you! Happy Easter to you too, Julie.

  12. Look at all of those pretty flowers and buds! I love your gorgeous Easter cards!

  13. I love your cards...especially the one with the little lamb. Hope you'll get to see the beach soon!

  14. How good of Ian! It's hard to go back once you've earned money. And spring is so beautiful right! And all the birds are making such noise! Love it.

    1. I think he was really struggling with that but I reminded him that he's still ahead of the game as most kids his age are racking up debt with college loans and he's had a full year of more than 40 hours work weeks banking a whole bunch.

  15. Need. It's such a funny word because I will say I need something clothing wise and then look at my husband and laugh. Because there is no such thing I really need anymore in that department. Yet it always makes me happy to get something new (or new to me).
    We have a ton of orange blossoms on the trees in our back yard, so anytime we go outside it smells amazing.

    1. Yes! I am the same way with the word "need" when I know it's really a "want."

  16. Enjoy your spring weather and new fashions Joanne!

  17. We had snow today! Spring seems far away but then I heard the temperature might reach high 70's by Sunday so little by little it is sneaking in. Your flip flops are pretty! Love the beach scene.

    1. Eek! That's crazy. It's supposed to reach 77 today but then it will be back down to 50 tomorrow... no snow though; thankfully!

  18. We have had some pretty fierce storms raging through the last week or so. We were without internet all day today! I have always thought a trip to the Turks and Caicos would be wonderful. I'll probably just have to live it through your photos!

    1. Ha! It's like pulling teeth to get my husband to go anywhere outside the U.S... but I am trying.

  19. I think those cards are gorgeous! Also, all those little signs of spring make me so happy!

  20. The cards are very pretty. I always wish I still had my crafting supplies when it's Easter. I'm also yearning to get away, it's been such a long winter. We have a week hiking next month but it's in the UK, so the weather may not be great. Thanks for linking.

    1. Yeah we have a hiking trip in Maine next month-- that far north I'm not counting on fabulous weather either. But I am still looking forward to getting away.

  21. I for sure need a pedicure before sandal season!

    1. I love to swap out my toenail colors nearly as often as my fingernails!

  22. Yes, white sand beaches sound lovely.

    1. Don't they!?! They look so inviting.. and warm.

  23. Love your toe polish color!

  24. There is a kind of itchiness waiting for the seasons to change where you are, I can guess, and the snow hanging around for so long did not help. I am glad you are enjoying your card creations...and good going on the dreaming of holidays in places with white sand and blue water...hope you get there. Thank you for sharing your post with the Wednesday’s Words and Pics community this week. I hope, if you are enjoying a long weekend for Easter, that it is going well. See you next week, I hope. Denyse.

    1. Thank you! We actually have the whole week off as Good Friday is the start of my middle son's spring break so I'm looking forward to sleeping in and relaxing.

  25. I love seeing the signs of spring too. Your Easter cards are so cute! The ones my mom made the kids just arrived...they always look forward to them. I dream of going to Turks too!

  26. Okay, now I want to go to an island with a beautiful beach too! And I love all your cards -- you're so creative.

  27. I think your cards turned out so well! I love the flowers--are those the stamps you're talking about? And did you write the "happy Easter"? I am impressed with all of this, ha! I dabble in hand-lettering every 12-24 months it seems, so nothing ever sticks, but I would love to be able to write in handwriting other than my "default"! :D

    1. Aw, thank you! The Happy Easter letters are part of a rubber stamp set as well; some of the flowers are patterned papers mixed with stamping and die cutting. I have a calligraphy set but haven't yet played around with it enough to feel confident about using it on a card.

  28. Oh yes, I'm loving the signs of spring as well! I'm so ready for warmer weather, and for some travel, even if it's "just" to Maryland to see my family. I love how your cards turned out - my favorite is the first one with the eggs and nest. Hope you're having a great week!

  29. I'm feeling wanderlust, too! I'm so ready for the beeeeach! There's just something about this time of year when the weather warms up that makes me want to bust out of the house and go somewhere!


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