My Spring Bucket List 2023

 I was so happy to see that yesterday was the first official day of spring; while that doesn't necessarily mean we won't have any more snow or cold days it does mean that we SHOULD be seeing mostly warmer days and more sunlight and sunshine and that always makes me smile. It also means that it's time for me to put together and share my spring bucket list. 

Here are just a few things I want to make sure to get done this season in order to enjoy it to the fullest.

1. Celebrate Ian's 19th birthday with family!

2. Cheer Alec on at a few track meets.

3. Head out on a weekend trip to Acadia to celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary

4. Check out a few college tours with Alec.

5. Enjoy our "summer" vacation-- we planned our family vacation a bit earlier this year so even though we're calling it our summer vacation it actually lands in spring.

6. Plant some flowers in pots around the house and get the garden spiffed up.  

7. Drag out all deck patio furniture for afternoons of reading and relaxing

8. Eat breakfast on the deck while listening to the birds

9. Try out at least a handful of totally new to us restaurants (with 2 trips planned this should be easy!)

10. Find some new hiking and nature trails to explore

11. Plan at least 1 field trip each month-- the zoo, the beach, the butterfly farm, the botanical gardens etc.  

12. Head out kayaking

13. Make macrons

14. Take a few RZR rides

15. Check out the farmer's market

All photos from this post are courtesy of Pixabay

Linking up with: fine/whatever, 


  1. Ok I need to do this since it is my 2nd favorite season- LOVE all of your items- can't wait to read about your vacations and new restaurants :)

    1. I can't wait to see what you add to your own list!

  2. Looking forward to reading about your time in Acadia and other trips. Sounds like your spring is shaping up to being a good one ;).

  3. I love this idea of a spring bucket list. Our spring might be short-lived, but it gives me something to aim for. Thanks for this idea, Joanne.

    1. You're welcome! We typically have a pretty short spring season too.

  4. Looks like some fun things to look forward to. I did a Spring/Summer combined list last year, so I might do the same.

    Lauren @

    1. That's a good idea too; I find those two seasons blend into one another so nicely.

  5. Joanne,
    Great list! I need to make a list like this as there are a few projects that i want to get done this Spring!! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!!Happy Spring!!

  6. I really enjoyed this post, Joanne! I’m especially keen on adding monthly field trips to my summer bucket list. And I think I need to write a post like this for myself. :D

  7. Such a great idea.

  8. I love your list! I can't wait to see how you do making macarons! I've heard they're really complicated to make.

    1. I've heard that too; luckily Alec has made them at school before so he has a decent idea on how to make them already.

  9. I don't have a bucket list for this spring: I feel like it's going to be just busy with sports, school and some family and friends visiting but I should probably focus on a summer one. First of all deciding where we are actually going to go for a trip.

    1. I think I had our family vacation planned before Christmas! The hardest part is always deciding WHERE to go.

  10. It has felt very spring like here over the past few days. It sounds like you have some great plans.

  11. I can't wait to hear about Acadia. We have been and would love to go back someday!

    1. I am getting so excited reading all about it; I can't believe we've never been before!

  12. I love the idea of trying some brand new to us restaurants. Being so close to DC, we really should be able to do just that every weekend. But, we don't. Don't try new places (too often) nor make the drive into the city. But, we should. I also need to spiff up the flower beds - and my front porch!

    1. We actually don't have a ton around us to pick from... but with just a bit of driving it's often worth it.

  13. We like taking those field trips too. We did have a day date scheduled this Thursday, but I'm not sure the weather is going to cooperate.

    1. It's more my student that doesn't usually cooperate! LOL. Evan is not a field trip kind of kid and I often have to twist his arm to get him to go exploring. Heck, he's even asking if he can stay home the week of our family vacation!

  14. Spring sounds like it's going to be a great adventure for you! I can't wait to see all that you do!

  15. I can't wait to see your spring and summer ahead! They make me feel all sorts of beautiful nostalgia back home :)

  16. It sounds like a fun and busy spring! I love this idea and will give it a try one of these days!

  17. You have some wonderful goals for this season! I would love to try some new restaurants too!

  18. Definitely looking forward to have breakfast outside and to visit farmer markets!

  19. This looks like an exciting spring bucket list. And beautiful photos, as always.

  20. I can't wait to plant flowers either! I usually do it Mothers Day weekend, my Grandma always said don't do it any earlier because it could get cold and sometimes it does! And can't wait to see you make macarons! They are so tasty but seem hard to make.

    1. We typically plant things more towards the middle to end of May too; we have had snow on Mother's Day before but just flurries or light snow.

  21. That looks like a GREAT spring bucket list. I am so excited for spring!!!

  22. What a great list! I need to be better about trying more local restaurants. I find one place I really like and keep going back there instead of trying something new. Macarons are tricky but fun to make! Michelle's Macarons has a great video tutorial on how to make them. For me it was just really helpful to see how exactly everything needs to look.

    1. Lucky for me, my son has made them before in school so he's pretty confident he knows what they should look like; though we want to try making some different flavored ones.

  23. All the pleasures of spring and summer are captured in your bucket list! Our clocks finally went upward last night in the UK but the weather still shows no sign of improving. I can't wait to get out in the garden. Thanks for linking!

    1. We have had a lovely 2 days now of warmth and sunshine so I'm keeping my fingers crossed we don't have that many more super cold days left!


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