Currently... March 2023

For this month's Currently edition with Jennifer we'll be sharing what we're loving, starting, finishing, trying, and where we're going.  I'll be honest.. I struggled with a lot of these.  

loving-- I added quite a few new pieces to my wardrobe this past month and I am loving having some new options.  I bought 3 new pairs of boots, 2 sweaters, and 2 pairs of black pants.  I honestly probably didn't "need" any but with what I am sure will be several more weeks of cold weather I just felt like I needed something new and fun to wear. 

This new sweater

These new boots

new sweater, pants, and boots

starting-- I'm/ we're starting to work on Evan's curriculum picks for next year and I am so glad we started early since it has been a struggle! He really wanted to study zoology as our science elective next year but all the textbooks I'm finding are several hundred dollars so I'm trying to talk him into forensics instead but I've spent days culling through seeing what books and things look good and what other topics we could study instead.  

finishing-- I spent my weekend finishing up my latest book before starting another 3 or 4 of them. 

trying-- This year I've been trying to schedule a date night onto our calendar each month and it has been so much fun.  Well, after having friends over for dinner one day last week I also want to start trying to have company over for dinner more often too.  Sure it can be a lot of work but it's also a lot of fun and I definitely need more fun in the winter! 

(where we're ) going-- This year we have a couple vacations planned. My husband and I are heading to Acadia national park for our anniversary. We've planned a family trip to Shenandoah National park one Alec's school year is over. I've got a couple ideas for a birthday weekend for myself and one for my husband too but I haven't nailed down any details yet about where I want to go..  plus we'll be visiting a few culinary colleges this spring too!

The B&B we booked in Maine

The house we've rented in Virginia 

Linking up with:


  1. Fun read! I did a Currently post but I did the wrongs prompts. Oops! Your upcoming trips sound great. I'd love to go to Acadia but it's super far away; Shenandoah is closer and is the more likely place we'd go. I will look forward to your recaps of these beautiful places ;). Are there homeschooling resources to buy used or trade textbooks with other homeschoolers?

    1. Haha! Oops! I'm sure it won't really matter. Acadia is still a good 6 hours or so away but honestly I'm pretty amazed we've never been since it is our closest national park. Some local groups do have textbook/ curriculum exchanges but the reason science books tend to be so costly is because of the lab materials which I'd still need to buy. I wouldn't mind if he really enjoyed science but for him it's just a box to tick off. We finally settled on Genetics and I think that will tie in nicely with psychology too.

  2. This is the time of year that you get so tired of your winter clothes so I get it! That hasn't really happened to me with our mild winter and the fact that my classroom has been 80 degrees. I have had to wear layers and blouses so I don't overheat. There are many winter things I didn't even wear! Winter clothes are not that fun for me to buy. I love all the fall stuff, but winter - meh. Now I am so into spring green! We have almost 80 degrees coming today! Can you believe that? That little book looks cute and your trips sound great. I have decision fatigue when I start thinking about where to go! I overthink like you wouldn't believe!

    1. Our weather has been all over the place this year too-- yesterday it snowed all day and was pretty chilly while it's supposed to sunny and near 50 today (so all that snow should melt!). I much prefer buying spring and summer clothes myself.

  3. OH my word that B&B in Maine is so dreamy! Where is it? I want to run there ;)

    1. It's called The Barbour Cottage Inn and it's in Southwest Harbor Maine just outside Acadia.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! The food on their website looks so delicious too; I can't wait!

  5. I thought about buying some new sweaters last week but then thought it should be getting warmer soon. I regret not buying them now as it's colder than ever.
    The science elective for Evan sounds interesting but expensive. I think I would go for forensics, it is fascinating.
    The places you have booked for vacation look fab, especially the house in Virginia. So cute.

    1. Thank you! I am totally fascinated by forensics and the hands on activities sound so fun... but he's not really a hands on kid. I think the problem I'm running into is that many of the textbooks are college level so we're paying college prices (which I don't know about the UK but in the US most textbooks are available on line to RENT for the semester and run a few hundred dollars each).

  6. I wish I had some trips planned! Yours will be amazing!

    1. I'm pretty sure we started planning these trips the minute we got home from vacation last year. LOL. I've had a lot of time to anticipate!

  7. That B&B looks so beautiful!!

    1. Thank you! We have a little carriage house room with mini kitchen and a living room and everything. I'm so excited to scope it out.

  8. That's exciting about your trips! I am going to Virginia this summer too for a wedding and looking forward to it. I remember looking for curriculum and it can be overwhelming. I hope you find just the right fits for your family.

    1. Thank you! I just wish he was easier to please... my other two boys are always so easy going and have definitely likes and dislikes whereas Evan just likes to shrug and say "whatever." I keep trying to explain he might like school more if he actually looked at the books we could use and pick ones he likes.

  9. Happy New Month, that book looks like a great read.

    The Style Fanatic

  10. I love that pink and white sweater on you! Light pink is a great color for you!

    1. Aw, thank you! It's one I tend to wear a lot more of in the summer than in the fall/winter.

  11. Those sound like some great trips you have coming up! I would really like to visit Acadia National Park some day. I've never been any farther north than Maryland, so a trip up there sounds so nice! And I really need to get to Shenandoah National Park. My siblings live in Northern Virginia and I didn't realize it was only about 1 1/2 hours away from where my sister lives. It looks like you will have a great view from the house you rented!

    1. I'm hopeful that we'll have a nice view without crazy mountain roads like we encountered on our last trip to the Smoky Mountains.

  12. Joanne, did you ever check for text books? I use them all the time to buy books and they are very dependable, give free shipping over a certain price, deliver within 10 days and have great prices on a range of books including textbooks. Your new sweaters are cute and the B&B's you booked look amazing! Lots to look forward to!

    1. I'll have to look there-- thanks for the suggestion!

  13. I love that you are planning your vacations. We really need to do that soon,

    1. Thanks! We started nice and early so we could coordinate everyone's schedules.

  14. I can't wait to hear about your trips. The accomodations look incredible!

  15. I love your new sweaters! And I would totally study forensics with you!!! Your B&B in Maine looks amazing!

  16. Fun sweaters my friend and I’m so glad you’ve got your Anni trip and family trip planned. Going to be so fun!

  17. The B&B you booked is beautiful! Can't wait to hear about your upcoming trips! Love the sweaters you got!

  18. I didn't realize textbooks had gotten that expensive! Wow! It's too bad you can't find someone from whom to buy them. Your vacation plans sound wonderful! I do wish I could talk a certain someone into going somewhere soon.

    1. Oh yes, in fact, compared to Ian's college text books the one's we're looking at for Evan are downright cheap.

  19. The rented house looks amazing! We also said to each other to invite more people for dinner. We used to do that a lot, but life got in the way the past months.

  20. Oh I LOVE Acadia National Park! That will be a fun trip. That B&B looks adorable. Can’t wait to read all about it once you’ve gone!

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

    1. I can't believe it's fairly close to us and we've never been!

  21. I love having people over for dinner or going out for dinner with another couple or two! We tried to do that every other week or more before we moved. Now we don't know anyone to get together with so it's all date nights. Your vacation plans look wonderful!

    1. We don't really have any couple friends.. we have one set but they live a good hour away and with 4 kids of their own they're pretty busy. We had these new couple friends last week and it was fun! However, other than them we'd pretty much have to be inviting family over and I think that could be fun-- especially extended family members we don't see often.

  22. Those B&B's look so fun to stay at! And I always love your mirror selfies, I really need to get a full length mirror maybe that'll motivate me!

  23. Oh I can't wait to hear about your travels. They sound lovely. And what a cute book cover! That gets me every time!

    1. Those cutesy book covers actually used to put me off but I'm learning to ignore their cute little cartoon looking pictures since the stories are usually deeper than they let on.

  24. I wish I were that good about reading. I have SO MANY unfinished books, and I just bought two more today! Eep! Barnes and Noble is just such a calming vibe and gives me false hope, haha!

    1. I have quite a few unfinished too and keep buying more... or ordering more from our library! BUT I do love to read and try to shoot for 10 or so books a month. I find reading a wonderful escape that does calm me down and I'm one of those lucky people that can read in the car or just about anywhere and block out all that is going on around me.

  25. I really need to plan a weekend getaway soon. I could use the time away, and it's something fun to look forward to! lol

    Lauren @

  26. Cute new outfits - as always:) And your reserved accommodations make me want to go on vacation!


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