Currently... January 2023 Edition

 It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for the Currently link up with Jennifer.  This month we're talking about what we're currently loving, organizing, resolving, eating, and anticipating. 

Loving-- All my new clothes, and jewelry, and books, and crafting products. I try not to be a "things" person... but I AM!  LOL.  

Organizing-- I haven't started organizing anything yet but I have big plans in the next few weeks to go room by room and whip everything into shape once more (I tend to do this every single January and it's not much work now since I have a system in place in each room/closet). I do want to tackle our laundry room and get some baskets/bins to make everything look a bit neater like I did with our pantry and bathrooms a couple years ago. 

The pantry still looks great after 2 years (though a few labels are missing)

Resolving-- To shed those pounds I picked up during the holidays (I actually did really great on the actual holidays but then we were given so much junk food and leftovers and food that all the overindulging kept going for a good week!).  

Eating-- Salads, veggies, fish, & chicken...basically all the zero point foods on Weight Watchers to get myself back on track. 

Salad with tuna and croutons

Shrimp, chicken and veggie stir fry over riced cauliflower

Anticipating-- Some really fun afternoons crafting; I got a few new stamps to try out, some new Copic markers that I'm anxious to start experimenting with, and this wonderful new calligraphy set that will be so fun to get creative with as well.  

Linking up with:


  1. This post makes me so happy! We have lots in common- a love for organization, crafty supplies that are stored beautifully and artfully, reading and yummy food. Speaking of food, your meals recently look amazing! I am going to copy your riced cauliflower/veggie stirfry with chicken this week! I think I have all the ingredients on hand right now. Thanks for that and for linking up with us today!

  2. Your meals look amazing and so healthy- you got this! I think you look great!

  3. I love your response to "Loving" about trying not to be a "Things" person but you are. I can so relate! Your new craft supplies look so nice and fun to try out and use.

    1. Thanks! I do try but I just love all the pretty shiny things. :)

  4. Great earrings! My husband read The Zookeeper's Wife before he went to Poland.

    1. Thanks! I started watching the movie and really enjoyed it but knew I'd like the book even more.

  5. You got some gorgeous new earrings, especially love the blue and silver! And how fun to play with new craft supplies! I too will go room to room this January to declutter a bit and straighten things up.

    1. My mother in law found those earrings and I thought they were so neat. I had lots of fun creating a bunch of cards over the weekend.

  6. OHHHHHHH - pens & crafty things!!!!!! Makes my eyes pop open!
    I'm so jealous of people that have organized pantries. It just CANT exist in my world with my husband. I need him Trained before I can do that.

    1. I was so surprised that my husband and boys haven't made it a mess yet; that's how I knew I finally found the right system! LOL They've "messed" up other areas I've organized before and told me that it wasn't "user friendly" but they thought the bins were easy enough to keep up.

  7. I totally feel you on being a "things" person. I try so hard not to be a "things" person, too, but I just can't help it. I like pretty stuff. Haha.

    1. Me too! I'm always drawn to pretty and shiny things.

  8. "I try not to be a things person, but I am!" OMG, I am laughing so hard! 🤣Sometimes, things are just FUN!
    I love the croutons on tuna idea. I may have to try that.

    1. Oh yes, croutons add a delicious crunch and taste. YUM! That is probably my favorite salad. Sometimes I go real wild and add in diced apples too. :)

  9. I love the new jewelry. The last pair of earrings is beautiful! I am trying to organize everything from Christmas too!

  10. I try not to be a things person too. But the fun things do give me joy, haha.

  11. You don't have to be a Things Person to appreciate beautiful things! Those earrings are fabulous! I think I need you to come help me get organized - somehow I never manage to pull it off the way I picture it! LOL

    1. Aw, thank you! I'll have to do up a "how to" post on organizing... or at least try; not every area gets organized the same way.

  12. I try not to be a things person but it's so hard after Christmas. I have some crafty things that I can't wait to get started on. Those earrings are gorgeous.
    Oh wow! I love your pantry, I would love the space to organise everything into boxes.

    1. I feel like I've got so many new craft projects I want to try out that I'm sort of paralyzed about where to start!

  13. Well as long as you don't have excess of stuff that's left to collect dust, it's ok to love things! I really like that you do crafts - what exactly is it you make? You've probably mentioned it before but I've missed it. Is it like scrapbooking?

    1. I definitely scrapbook, I make handmade cards and assorted gifts too-- I've done everything from making wreaths with dried flowers to sewing pillows and scarves to painting personalized door mats/ slate tiles/ and hand towels.

  14. I love your jewellery, such pretty colours. You have done an amazing job keeping your pantry so well organised after two years! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time getting creative with those beautiful crafting supplies.

  15. I love those first earrings in particular. Every time I see your craft supplies I'm inspired to begin crafting again, but not sure what... I sold or gave away all my scrapbooking and card supplies when we moved from Sydney as I hadn't done any for a few years before that, but now even though I write, I want to get back into crafting for fun. Watch this space.

    1. I took A LOT of years off away from scrapbooking and card making but always held back a little from giving away all my supplies (thankfully we didn't move anywhere or I KNOW I would have) and I've been so glad I didn't get rid of anything as it's been great finding my way back to it all now that the boys are older and not so demanding of my time. Each time I was near ready to quit completely I'd be gifted some new supplies or a cool new tool that kept me just interested enough! LOL

  16. It looks like you have lots of things to keep you occupied for a bit! I love the pens! And, your earrings are gorgeous!

  17. I do like my things too! Haha! You got some gorgeous earrings!

    1. Thanks! I am loving them all and earing them on rotation.

  18. Your pantry looks great! Love the bins and labels.

    1. Thanks! It's seriously crazy how happy that makes me when I look in there each day. Its helped us cut down on food waste too as nothing gets lost in the shuffle or the back corners anymore.

  19. Oh my, I loved your craft stash. I too have quite a bit still but moving into a smaller place this year, and my hands are tiring from so activities so I gave lots a Mum and her young daughter. I reckon you have done amazingly well with eating. Festive food is so hard but delicious. Sadly because of my reconstructed mouth I cannot eat much of anything fancy anymore and I did have some Christmas treat envy!! Thank you so much for returning to Wednesday’s Words and Pics Link Up in 2023. I look forward to continuing the blogging community connection this year. May your year go well. Denyse.

    1. I tend to gift off crafting supplies I no longer to use to my younger sister and her daughter or any of my nieces really as they're all pretty creative.

  20. I do my 40 bags in 40 days every year - where I list 40 areas to clean out and organize. I usually don't totally finish, but I do make improvements. I am really ready for clean, open spaces. I want lots of plants! This always helps me in January.
    You got so many great gifts!

    1. I usually shoot for 30.. but can't do it in 30 days as I often have sneak stuff out of the house. I love to purge and my husband prefers to hoard so I tend to do my purging more in secret! LOL. This year though there is so much my boys are getting rid of that I haven't felt like I needed to tackle many areas anymore as they've taken over. I LOVE it!

  21. I am drooling over your pantry! I wish I had a walk in but no such luck. Had big plans to organize things over the holidays and never did - ugh! Your new calligraphy set looks awesome - can't wait to see what you create!

    1. We weren't supposed to have such a large pantry at all but our builder came up with an idea to enlarge the one on our plans and I was all for it. I LOVE it! It came in so handy when I was homeschooling all three boys; we kept all our art supplies, science kits, etc. in there too.

  22. Your pantry looks great! I'm starting gradually to get things more organized. Love your earrings.

  23. So much to love this month!! Have you started The Zookeepers Wife yet? I loved the movie but I really want to read the book.

    I just started a new First Friday Favorites link up for 2023 if you would like to join :) This post would be a great addition! I take part in the Currently Link Up as well and currently posts are welcome :)

    1. Thanks for the invite! I'll definitely join you! I have not started the book yet but I did watch a good portion of the movie before deciding I really wanted to read the book first.

  24. And now I really want some shrimp over riced cauliflower - yum!! Super cute earrings!

  25. I wish I weren't a "things" person either, but I just have to accept it, I guess, haha! I have serious heart-eyes for your Copic marker display! I was just at Michaels last night, and I love looking at all the pens and markers. Thankfully, I don't craft that much, so that saves me a fortune there, haha!

    1. Yes, I could not get over the sticker shock on the price of markers! LOL.... and I'm reading that they dry out rather quickly and need to refilled often too! But they do work so nice; it's weird having markers that blend colors so nicely just like paint but without the mess.

  26. Those earrings are so pretty! You "stuff" comment made me LOL. I'm in the midst of organizing too! I resolved to get back on track starting last Monday, and I did a pretty good job. Going back to school always helps me get back on track, but harder to get workouts in ...but I did it.

    1. Thank you! I've been doing well cleaning out and getting my workouts in too; I try to get my workouts in in the early morning and do a bit of clearing out in the late afternoon.


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