Not Just A Mom-- The Internet Made Me Buy It

This month's Not Just a Mom group is discussing things we were influenced to buy after seeing it on the internet.  

I hope you'll head over and check out my co-hosts posts too and if you wrote up one of your own please link it up with us below. 

I fully admit that at times it feel like I have no self control when it comes to impulse buying.  I am so easily influenced to buy things I see on various blogs it's a bit crazy.  I have learned though to walk away for 24 hours after adding something to my cart and see if I still want it then... that helps!

You will see just how bad I am with these buys as I mention which ones I've used a lot.. and which ones have mostly sat around the house. 

But anyway... here are some things I have been influenced to buy/try.

1. Victoria Emerson bracelets-- not only have I bought a few sets for myself but I have bought them as gifts for my sisters and mother too.  I do like them a lot but I rarely think to pull them out and wear them!  Mix and Match Mama got me to buy my first order of these. 

2. Affresh cleaning tabs for our washer, dishwasher, etc.  (I bought these over a year and half ago and have only used them a couple of times but I do like having them on hand to use when my washer and dishwasher seem dirty or like they aren't cleaning our clothes and dishwasher well).  

3. This adorable graphic tee-- I don't like or wear graphic tees but this one was too cute to pass up and I have worn it once already (I just got it in last week).  I was influenced to buy this by Lindsay at Lindsay's Sweet World. 

4. These lights I just shared in my Amazon Prime purchases earlier this month were prompted by Show Me & Sweet Tea and her cute (light up!) fall mantle. 

5. Preppy Empty Nester mentioned how much she loves the Gorilla Grip bath rugs and I have slowly been swapping ALL our bathrooms over to these.  They are so soft. 

6. Simply Ellibelle makes the cutest cards and I'm often influenced to buy cardmaking supplies like this adorable die cut heart design. 

7. I don't even remember where I saw these and was influenced to buy them ... but we don't have any outdoor lighting and I don't even remember buying these timers for our outdoor holiday lighting!  (don't worry I'll buy something that lights up to put on our front porch and use them this year). 

8. My Glittery Heart was talking about diamond painting on her blog and how much her daughter enjoyed this craft so I just had to click through her link and check it out.  I ended up buying this diamond painting kit to put together last holiday season and I really enjoyed it. 

9. Sparkles and Lattes got me to buy this Griswold Holiday Sweater last year and I just LOVE it! 

10.  This Blonde's Shopping Bag influenced me to buy this blazer-- and while I do love it I've only worn it a couple of times. 

11. Coffee and Cocktails at the Casa got me to buy this spray butter for my popcorn... I purchased it a year ago and have to use it.  Turns out I rarely eat popcorn ever! LOL. 

12. Sunshine and Books & many other bloggers like Not in Jersey often recommends books that I can't always get through my library or ends up making them sound so good I don't want to wait for them to be available through our library so I end up buying them-- 

The Invisible Husband of Frick Island

Christmas in Peachtree Bluff

Last Summer at the Golden Hotel

13. Living on Cloud Nine influenced me (years ago!) to buy this summer top and I just LOVED it so much.  I'm so bummed it's no longer available.  Andrea has great taste though and have influenced me to buy lots of fashion items through the years.

14.  I bought this holiday sweater dress just before Christmas last year after Coast to Coast showed it on her blog.  I can't wait to wear it this year! It is so soft and so warm. 

I have bought and returned many items too; I've learned that I don't like joggers.  They look adorable on everyone and I was influenced to buy SO many pairs but I just don't like the feel of the band around my ankle.  I've also learned that while I love dressy clothes I don't wear them much and need to stick to casual items.   

How about you? Are you often influenced to buy things you see online?

I hope you'll join us next month when we share the things we've been Loving Lately!

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 Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Loved this post! I have been influenced to buy many of these same things. As for the butter spray - use it on toast or on your baked potato, but girl, I love popcorn so much! Please do try it soon! If you boys love popcorn, use it on theirs. It is seriously better than movie theater popcorn to me and my kids love it, too!

    1. I actually don't like popcorn because it gets stuck in my teeth and drives me nuts! LOL. But that is a good idea to use it on potatoes, toast, etc. It would come in real handy with corn on the cob too!

  2. Oh my gosh is crazy the impulse internet buying- I like your idea of walking away for 24 hours- that must help a little anyway ;)

    1. A little... but it is so hard to resist sometimes!

  3. I haven't bought too many clothes from recs that I've seen on blogs. I actually don't think I've bought any though I do oftentimes like what I see other others wear. I'm not sure why. Now, I have purchased a number of things or products that have been recommended. I oftentimes do the 24 hour wait period, too, to see if I really want the item. Last week I did that with a new to me make up brand. I had several items in my cart and 24 hours later when I went back to buy them, my cart was empty! I was so disappointed and I didn't want to take the time to refind everything. So the company lost a sale!

    1. Oh yes, I have had that happen too and I refuse to scour back through a website and find all my cart items again.

  4. I am so guilty of buying things that I see on blogs but my eldest see's stuff on TikTok and has to buy it.
    Those bracelets are so pretty and so are the lights. x

    1. Surprisingly my boys don't seem to have that same issue with Youtube or anything they watch; though they will scour the internet looking for reviews before they buy an item--- like the new earbuds Evan wants. He spent a few days reading/watching reviews about a few of the sets that were top of his list.

  5. Replies
    1. Definitely! I love your book recommendations!!

  6. What a great list! I have bought several things from Victoria Emerson too & have loved them all.

    1. In posting the above photo; it sent me searching through my jewelry cases for both of those!

  7. Joanne, I enjoyed looking at everything you have influenced to buy. I like that holiday sweater dress.

  8. Dishwasher wash may be going in my cart! I love those types of bathmats.

    1. They're supposed to be used once a month but I don't always remember to use them each month.

  9. I'm constantly adding to my book list based on what others have recommended. You did well to remember the source for all of the things you bought.

    1. Thank you! I was pretty proud of that too. Normally I can't remember where I saw things I just remember I wanted them. LOL.

  10. I love that sweater so much and wear mine yearly. I also got sucked into the Affresh from the internet.

    1. I will definitely be wearing that sweater again this year. I love it. It's so comfy too.

  11. It's a lot of fun to see your purchases. It gives me ideas for gifts. :)

  12. I love learning about other products from others like this. I think that white blazer is definitely fabulous on you. Maybe a date night is in order.

    1. Maybe! I'm always up for any excuse for a date night!

  13. that movie butter popcorn sounds good but we don't eat popcorn often eithr.

    1. I don't know why I didn't think of that when I ordered it! LOL

  14. I also am a total sucker for influencer purchases! You look great in all of yours. I know what you mean about some of them being more used than others. Lauren from Don't Mind Our Mess, not Anonymous

  15. This was such a fun topic. I am very easily influenced by the internet. ;) I agree about the dressy clothes. I do better with the casual options. We had lots of similar things today. I want to try that diamond art.

    1. I am too; but I was always easily influenced by television commercials too.

  16. There are so many great items here and I want to go and check them out. I think you might have inspired me to get the Victoria Emerson bracelets!

    1. They are so fun and come in so many styles and colors. They have pretty necklaces and things too but I've only bought the bracelets so far.

  17. I love those bracelets. I have a few of those too...I gifted those a few Christmases ago. I'm glad you like the lights! They've been perfect for my mantle. Amy's spray butter...I'd forgotten about that and need to check it out. You have so many good finds!

  18. Aww you’re so sweet. Oh friend how I love that top too. I use Affresh all the time. I also love all these bloggers, such great finds. You’re the best!!

  19. I have to be very careful when I read blogs...hahaha!!! Luckily, we don't have Amazon Prime, or I'd be in real trouble!

    1. It's so bad! LOL! I feel like this time of year I'm placing Amazon orders daily...

  20. Joanne,
    All great buys but what really caught my eye was the blazer!! I love blazers and jackets...Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!! Hope you are having a great week!!

    1. You're welcome! I was really surprised by the quality and feel of that blazer; if I wore mine more often I'd be ordering it in lots of fun colors.


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