Mid-Coast, Maine Getaway Weekend: Recap #2

 We woke early on Saturday morning and laid around watching TV until 8 when the complimentary breakfast at our inn was ready. 

It was underwhelming- I mean I wouldn't have been expecting much but they talk up their muffins a lot and I'm pretty sure they tasted like any other store bought muffins I've ever had.  After fueling up we drove to Plummer point for some hiking.  We hiked all the trails and really enjoyed these pretty water views. 

We thought this was so neat; you could see where these groupings of trees had grown together before the root system gave way to the large rock underneath

By the time we finished my husband wanted to head back to Wiscasset and check out Red's Eats; apparently they are famous for their lobster rolls and the line is always around the block. 

Still smiling even after waiting in line for over an hour!

served cold with butter from Kate's of Maine 

Wiscasset is known for being the prettiest village in Maine.  The downtown area is super cute, but very small hence the term village.

After lunch we went to check out Boothbay harbor and drove around a bit trying to find a lighthouse.. that we never did get close enough to to take a photo.  We ended up stopping at Oven's Mouth Preserve for a lovely hike. We even heard (and later saw!) a bald eagle. 

There were adorable benches and seating areas sprinkled throughout. 

After hiking we stopped for some homemade ice cream at Blanchard's and bought a few freshly baked chocolate chip cookies to go... they later turned out to be dinner!

We had planned to rest and then get dressed and go to dinner but we were tired and knew that after 6 it was going to be hard to find any place to eat again so we watched TV and ate our cookies for dinner.  We had a microwave in our room and heated them up so they were nice and gooey. 

Not gonna lie- it was a wonderful and decadent feeling way to end our second day. 

I'll have another post next Monday wrapping up this trip! You can read about day 1 here. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,


  1. Love the cookies for dinner! That's one nice thing about not traveling with kids- you can eat what you want to for meals and not feel guilty about it. How was the lobster roll? Did it seem like the best? The long lines are a good indication that it was a great place to eat. It's impressive that your husband was patient enough to wait an hour. Enough about food. It looks really pretty there- the town and the scenery. Glad that you found great places to hike.

    1. It really felt like such an indulgence! Full confession?? I don't eat lobster rolls! LOL. My husband does though and he did say he thought it was really good but mostly due to the taste of the melted butter they use/ serve it with.

  2. What a pretty part of Maine to explore!

    1. It really was a lovely area and I was amazed at how many hikes we found in the area; of course we only had time to fit in few.

  3. Such beautiful scenery and looks like you chose a great time of the year to go when the leaves are turning! Can't believe how long the line was to get a lobster roll, I can image though that it was well worth the wait! Sorry the breakfast muffins weren't as good as you expected them to be!
    PS: About the hop, yes you can totally share any type of papercrafts, it doesn't have to be cards.

    1. I had been a bit unsure about visiting in the fall but it was a great time to go and the leaves were so pretty.

  4. What beautiful views on your hikes.
    Oh wow! That lobster roll does look pretty amazing, well worth the wait in the queue.

    1. I was in love with that second hike (I probably would have enjoyed the morning hike more if it hadn't been so cloudy and cool) but the views were just incredible. I LOVE hiking near the water.

  5. Such beautiful scenery. The lobster roll looks delish. You know a place is good when the line is that long!

    1. That's what we said! They had a huge sign of all the famous people that have eaten there through the years too. We were told we came at a good time of year since the line was shorter than normal!

  6. I love following along with your hiking vacation!

  7. You waited an hour for the lobster roll? Wowza. That's dedication.

    1. Oh it was all my husband.. I mean I tried really, really hard not to complain since it was his birthday trip but I did sk him what could be so different from lobster roll to lobster roll. I didn't even eat a lobster roll as I do not like cold lobster at all.

  8. ...I haven't been to Maine since I was a teenager, which was a long time ago! It looks like a return trip in in order. Thanks Joanne for sharing these wonderful pictures.

  9. Gosh your hikes are incredible as always but that lobster roll AND ice cream for dinner are very close to the top of the list for me! Love love love it all :)

  10. I think warm chocolate chip cookies would be the perfect ending to a wonderful day!


    1. It was a perfect ending! We tried to get some the next night and repeat it but they were all sold out.

  11. Great dinner! Lol. We did that too last year when we were to tired to go out for dinner after traveling all day

    1. I LOVED it! LOL. It was the perfect end to a wonderful day.

  12. Thankyou for taking us on this tour. It looks like there were some lovely places to walk and enjoy nature. And the lobster roll looks good too. Enjoy your week, stay stafe.

  13. Looks like lots of pretty hiking and I am all about a good lobster roll. Cookies for dinner sounds fine by me : )

  14. The ice cream sounds like my kind of treat!

  15. I have never had a lobster roll! I'm not a big seafood fan, but I've always wanted to try one! That one looks so good!

    1. Oh I do love most seafood and I feel like I HAVE to eat seafood when we're near the shore.

  16. We love exploring up north. There are so many wonderful sights to enjoy.

  17. Sometimes those unplanned things like warm chocolate chip cookies in bed for dinner are the best things about vacation. Sounds pretty delicious to me. And that lobster roll. Yes, please.

    The water on your hike looks positively emerald green in places. Beautiful!!

    1. It was really green in person and I was so surprised because the water in lower Maine isn't that color.

  18. Sometimes the decadent cookie dinner is a good plan, and one no-one will forget!! Great to have your blog post this week link up for Wednesday’s Words and Pics.

    I look forward to see you next week, too.

    Thank you so much.


  19. I always wanted to visit that part of the world. Your photos are just gorgeous!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  20. The entire trip would have been about that lobster roll for me! They cost $45 here in Colorado, if one is lucky enough to find one!!

    1. Oh wow; they definitely aren't that expensive up here!


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