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Photos of the Month: August 2022

I struggled to get my photos in this month; mostly because I got off on all the prompts!  I do have them all accounted for but I gave up on labeling them by week because I am just lost.  I hope that now that we are back to a normal routine and I'm blogging every day again that it will be much easier to keep up with September's prompts! 

First week of August (I think?!)

– everyday-- I walk up to the mailbox everyday; usually passing through the campground

– plant – quarterly-- I rotated my plant on it's table to try and get the backside to grow as long as the front was. 

– strapped

– starts with V-- A vase of flowers

– your choice

2nd week of August

– Something I can’t live without-- Love! 

– Spot in Town – Quarterly

– sometimes-- Sometimes nothing makes me feel better than a nice long walk in nature.

– corner-- A corner (or two!) in town. 

– your choice-- We saw a heron on one of our walks this week. 

3rd week of August

-written-- So many of Disney's rides have their name written inside them! 

– material-- I have no idea what material Disney used to make this costume but it was so shiny and fun to watch as it shimmered while the bird moved through the crowds. 

– product-- A Mickey Bar! YUM

– Starts with J-- Journey of the Little Mermaid ride. 

– your choice

Last week Aug/ Beginning of Sept:

– repeat-- Since coming home from vacation I've been eating salads on repeat. 

– backyard – quarterly

– Starts with T-- Truffles! The Chocolate Emporium had an impressive array of truffles. 

– vision-- My cards never quite match up to vision in my head but that's all part of the process of card making. 

– Choose Anything (same vantage point) – 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, Talent Share Tuesday, 


  1. A beautiful month! I repotted my Christmas Cactuses in april and they sadly didn't like it. Hoping to get new ones this winter!

    1. I had one of my Christmas Cactuses that just broke; the whole main "branch" was rotten. I was so bummed.

  2. You have a beautiful walk to the mailbox everyday. And yes, that costume is incredible.

  3. Fab photos!! They really made me smile especially the Disney one's. x

  4. Oh I love the Disney ones! When we went to Europe before everything we stopped at Disneyland Paris and I may have been more excited than the kids, haha! It was an amazing trip and I took so many photos!

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  5. Glorious series of photos as always, Joanne!
    That colorful bird is so cute!

    Hugs and blessings!

  6. Lovely collection of photos - a pleasing month to review. #MMBC

  7. I always love the Disney photos!! They're always so much fun to see!

    1. I feel the same way! In fact, I'm feeling kind of bummed now that I didn't take even more photos.

  8. Such beautiful photos! I like how you interpreted the prompts. Looks like August was an enjoyable month for you.

  9. Hello, again - I'm just popping by to say:
    Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 32.

  10. What beautiful plants. I have the same. Very nice to see your photos

  11. You matched the photo themes very well, Joanne! The Mickey Mouse ice cream brought back sweet memories!

    1. Thank you! I am missing those mickey ice cream bars; they're my favorite (I made sure to have one each day!).

  12. I love seeing these pictures. I'm like you a nature person! That's a beautiful view to the mailbox.

  13. Always enjoy your little photographic slices of life! Happy September to you Joanne! :-)

  14. So many great pics this month! Love the colorful bird at Disney.


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