Friday Favorites: A Day in The Life

This is always one of my FAVORITE posts to write; every now and then I like to write up a little day in the life post.  It looks my last day in the life was in Feb. of 2021!  One of these years I'd love to a day in the life post for each season but I just never think of them

This past Wednesday (the 14th) 

4:30-- My husband's alarm is set to go off at 4:30 so I'm usually awake at this time but on this particular day I decided to get up and get dressed knowing I had more to do in the morning than usual.

I got dressed and all ready for the day then headed downstairs to pack Alec's lunch (he normally does this himself but has a nasty cold this week and I'm trying to let him sleep in on school days this week).

I also cooked up hard boiled eggs, prepped fruit for the next few days, and pulled out bacon and grinder rolls for dinner.

I pulled out Evan's books for the day and got a plan in my head of what we were going to do for that. 

6:00-- I went to wake Alec and checked in with him to see how he was feeling; not better no worse so it sounded like he was planning on going to school. He took a shower while I made his breakfast (ordinarily he's responsible for getting himself up and making his own breakfast but again I'm trying to help since I know he's not 100%).

I sat down to work on the blog for the first time today- usually I'm logging on right at 5 and linking up to any parties, reading the few emailed blogs and have already commented. 

6:35-7:35-- Drove Alec to school and dropped him off around 7 (their official day starts at 7:15)

7:45-- started a load of laundry and sat down to eat breakfast while trying to finish up my latest book.

8:00-- Started school with Evan-- we had another light day of work using Vocab, Daily language practice, Algebra, and photography.  While he worked I was nearby to answer questions but also emptied the dishwasher, brushed my teeth, and swapped laundry around. 

9:30-- Evan went to read while I cleaned the upstairs hallway, laundry room, and the boys bathroom. (the boys are responsible for their own rooms and I had already cleaned my room, my bathroom, and my closet room the day before). 

Walking by the window I had to snap a photo; I can't believe the leaves are turning already

10:00-- I headed out on a hike with Evan taking the camera and trying out a few photo techniques we had read about in his book.

11:45-- We arrived home from our hike and made lunch. I finished up my book and then went to fold clothes. 

12:30-- Finished with my chores, I sat down to work on blogging for a bit before leaving to pick up Alec.

1:45-- Headed out to pick Alec up from school.

2:45-- 3:10-- talking with Alec about his day, about books, and even TV shows (I LOVE that he talks my ear off after a long day at school even at nearly 17!).

3:25-- Settled in to watch Bones on Hulu and write up a blog post. 

4:15-- I headed downstairs to begin dinner. I made butternut squash fries, washed the lettuce, and sliced the tomatoes while preheating the oven and warmed up the griddle to cook the bacon.

5:30-- dinner was finally ready; we had BLT sandwiches with fries and salad (Alec usually heads to karate right as my husband and oldest son are coming from work so I like to make sandwiches or soups on Wednesdays so that everyone can eat when they need to).  

6:00-- We watched an episode of Friends and then Evan, my husband, and I walked up to get the mail.

6:30-- I took a shower and checked in with Ian on his college course to see how his homework was going.

7:00-- I settled into my recliner to watch TV; we're making our way through The Americans on Hulu. 

I was in bed by 8:30 and most likely asleep by 9:30.  

Linking up with: On the Edge,


  1. I also really enjoy these posts too! Sounds like you had a full and exciting day!

  2. Love these! We have basically the same schedule for getting up and going to bed. I have been going to bed at 8:30 instead of 9:00 this week because I have been so tired and under the weather. The benefit of driving him to and from school is the great conversation in the car! Tom loves when we do BLTs for dinner!

    1. I do enjoy our talks but sure would have loved to get to sleep in a bit more if I didn't have to drive him! LOL

  3. Fun post to read! Your day starts early and is pretty packed. You get a lot done! The photography book looks neat. I bought a set of photography books a few years ago and was good about trying the techniques and settings. I've retained some of the knowledge but should go back to them and learn/ practice more. Your area is so pretty and I'm sure photographing it is fun.

    1. Thank you! My youngest son really hates most anything associated with art so photography was our compromise and so far he's enjoying it.

  4. This was so fun. I love how productive you are and always enjoy nature and yummy food!!

  5. I love Day in the Life posts too! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. I loved following you in your day. It is so gorgeous where you live and the food you prepare looks delicious. You are an early bird like me.

    1. Thank you! We do live in a lovely area and I have definitely become more of an early bird as I've aged.

  7. Wow, that is a busy day! You got so much done! I can't believe the leaves are turning already. Our heater even came on last night, so I guess fall is just about here.

    1. I couldn't believe they are turning already and we nearly turned our heat on today; it was only 69 in the house this morning and in the 40's outside!

  8. What a productive day- perfect mix of work and play and great nutrition- loved following along!

  9. You got so much done and still had time for your book and some TV. Love it! I really want to start getting up sooner (I usually wake up at 6 but won't actually get out of bed until 6:30 just wasting time!!) but then I'm such a night owl!
    The photography book looks fabulous! I may want to buy that for myself!

    1. I'd prefer getting up at 6! I definitely stayed in bed until closer to 7 over the summer but I find during the school year I just have so much to get done that I want to get out of the way before settling in to school.

  10. I always love these posts, and this reminds me that I'm due for one, too!

    1. Thanks! Show Me and Sweet Tea shared a day in the life earlier this week and that reminded me that I was due for one. LOL.

  11. Loved sharing your day in the life. It sounds like a busy day with a very early start! I love that you make time for a good read. ;)

    1. My day is just not complete without some time to read.... even if I squeeze in that reading while eating or folding clothes.

  12. I love "day in the life" posts.... butternut squash fries! So interesting!!! Do they taste like sweet potato fries? ... is that hard to cut up?

    1. They taste just like butternut squash but they have the consistency of sweet potato fries. Using a good kitchen knife I don't find it that hard to cut up at all. I peel and cut the neck into "coins" then slice each "coin" into fry shape pieces.

  13. I got tired just reading this--you are seriously productive! And it's fun to see a slice of someone else's life--thanks for sharing!

  14. I loved getting a peek into your day! And your pictures are beautiful!

  15. What a fun post. It would take me days to add all those photos to a post! (I really would need to start at five in the morning - wow! that is early to be blogging!) The photos really tell the story though - and you always take great shots! Sounds like everyone had a good day!! Thanks for taking us along -

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you! I started sharing day in the life posts long ago when we first started homeschooling.

  17. I love seeing what other people get up to. You have such a busy day with such an early start.

    1. It is such an early start.. but I do love how productive that makes my mornings (of course I'm fighting not to fall asleep by 3!)

  18. YOu have been busy!! The two reflective lake photos are gorgeous. #WeekendCoffeeShare

    1. Aw, thank you! I love this time of year when the lake is so often like glass and the colors are all so vibrant.

  19. You had a busy day! Breakfast looked yummy! I bet the book on photography has lots of great ideas and how-tos. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 82. Shared.

    1. I'm hoping it gets him excited about photography!

  20. You had a packed day. Hope Alec is feeling better.

  21. No wonder you get so much done in a day. Your day starts so early.

  22. Joanne, Thank you for your weekend coffee share. It's lovely to read how you've taken such good care of your family and yourself.

  23. I loved reading your Day In The Life post. You certainly did have a busy day but good to see you managed to get put into nature

    1. I try to get out in nature any day that the weather cooperates.

  24. My goodness! I have only settled into sleep a few hours before you get up! A good day for all it seems!

    1. I swear that wake up time just keeps getting earlier and earlier each year... I'm looking forward to next year when I SHOULD be able to sleep in until 5:30/6:00!

  25. I love to read how others spend the day, especially when it is so different then most people spend days over here.

    1. Now I'm curious how most people spend their days over there!

  26. Wow Joanne! That's an early start and a busy day. I enjoyed seeing little snippets of your life and all your meals looked delicious and healthy. You spend a lot more time blogging than I do these days - I tend to go in bursts (and I only do two link parties - so that frees up a lot of time!)

    1. Oh yes, I bet that frees up a lot of time. I had taken most of the summer off from blogging so I'm enjoying it right now.

  27. I love reading day in the life posts! You are so productive!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  28. Such a fun post to read, Joanne!
    Your day starts so early! Mine only starts at 10:00am but then again, I sleep at 3:00am!

    Hugs and blessings🌼🌼

    1. Thank you! I don't think I have ever been awake until 3 am...

  29. Love this day in the life! Your lunch and dinner look so good! The hike/photography is such a fun way to learn. I have the Americans saved on Hulu to try to start watching soon. I've heard it's so good.

    1. Oh it is so good; I think we are part way through season 3 already!

  30. You have perfectly described the life of a busy and involved mom. Love it.

  31. Wow... I forgot how busy young Moms are! You do more in 3 hours that I do in a day! I was dying for you to mention what book you're reading. Enjoy your Sunday.

    1. LOL! In this post I was finishing up The Bounty by Janet Evanovich (I think its book #7 or maybe 8 in the Fox/ O'Hare series).

  32. I love reading these posts every once in a while. Its so nice to get a glimpse into what real life is like. I can't believe Alex's school starts so early and that you are up so early! I love that Evan has a balance of traditional studies with creative pursuits. Do you have a social group of peers that they get together with? I am always interested in home schooling because as a teacher and mom of kids that attend traditional schooling, I think we can learn a great deal from each other.

    Have a great week ahead!

    1. Yeah, we were surprised at how early Alec's school starts too! But he does love that they are out of school by 2:10 so he's more than willing to get up early.

      Evan and I do have a hiking group we get together once a week and he has lots of friends that we've met through play groups and park days when he was younger that he mostly just "hangs out" with online. I started out teaching and have my master's in Early Childhood Education but left the field when my oldest was finishing up 2nd grade and Alec was finishing up Kindergarten. It was a scary leap to make but we have LOVED this wild homeschooling journey and how much it has opened up our world.

  33. After a weekend away, I'm behind on reading, but I loved this post! So pretty to see the colors changing already. I love the pace of the day. This makes me miss homeschooling and my girls living at home.

    1. Aw, thank you! I am sure it is such a huge adjustment having them both at school. I'm so nervous about that myself knowing it's just a few short years away and that they are going to fly right by.

  34. Loved your update. You know...sometimes I think it's good to do this simply so I can evaluate how I'm using my time. I bet I'd find a lot of time that could be better spent. Thanks for making me think about this.

  35. Love that Evan is doing photography as part of his syllabus. I hope Alec feels better soon. That was a great read and quite inspiring!



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