Sentence a Day: June 2022

 I wasn't so great at wearing my activity tracker in June; partly because I was getting awful tan lines from it and party because I just forgot a few days.  It was a super busy month with lots of eating out and a whole bunch of end of the school year activities. We ate far too much ice cream and I spent many lazy days reading in the sun.  But I can not complain! June was a very good month for us all. 

1. June started out rather cloudy and cool so Evan and I spent part of our day cleaning house, I squeezed in a workout and then for dinner my husband, Ian and I headed to the Black Dog for a NOW fundraiser where both my husband and Ian were honored for their help. 

All "dressed up" for the fundraiser

2. Evan, Alec, and I all had dentist appointments while Ian had a physical; a busy day for appointments! 

3. Our hike was canceled due to rainy skies so Evan and I hung around the house all day and I finished up the second book in the Good Girl's Guide to Murder series then cooked up a new recipe for dinner that was just amazing! 

Pasta with Rainbow Vegetables from Comfort Spring Station

4. We headed out early for Alec's first ever karate tournament; he did fantastic with 2 second place awards in the only 2 events he competed in (and honestly he tied for first in forms but for some reason I didn't understand they gave him the second place award and called it honorary first-- He didn't care so I didn't either).  

Once everyone was all signed in the master in charge addressed the crowd to explain the schedule

When Alec still hadn't performed by lunch, my husband and I decided to head outside for a picnic

Performing his form

getting his scores

Explaining the whole "2 first place debacle"

Moving onto board breaking

Awards for board breaking

We stopped for ice cream on the way home and they had Maine Black Bear (one of my favorites!)

5. I spent my morning reading and working on the blog a bit then after lunch the whole family went on a nice long 2 hour (ish) kayak ride.  Right before dinner my husband and I headed out on a RZR ride; the trails were hot and dusty but we hadn't been out riding in months! 5,924 steps

Changed into shorts for kayaking

6. At the very last minute my friend Jen suggested a mini hike and picnic with her and her son; Evan and I jumped at the chance and met with them at 11:30 and had a wonderful afternoon. 9,790 steps

 7. Evan and I had plans to meet up with my mother for lunch and had a delicious time catching up; when I picked Alec up I found out that he won the coveted shop award for the second year in a row! 5,469 steps

Always trying to squeeze in time to read on the deck!

8. It was a rainy day but I had lots of errands to run to get ready for our weekend.   At the last minute we found out Alec's sports awards were canceled ( we later learned he won a few and made varsity this year!) so I worked on some graduation cards.  5,435 steps

A new recipe we tried out for dinner: I made it early in the day since I was supposed to be gone with Alec for dinner and I figured each person could just reheat it when they were hungry-- it wasn't bad either! 

A pocket card with a holder slot for money or gift cards

9. It was another rainy,  stormy day so I worked on cleaning the house,  making cards, and getting the laundry done.  We found out that Ian made the Dean's list! 5,071 steps

I made 2 ingredient bagels for the first time in forever!

10. Bright and early Friday morning, my husband and I headed out for our belated anniversary trip to New Hampshire stopping on the way for him to get a hair cut and to check out Diana's Baths and the shops in North Conway. We checked in around 4 to our hotel and after a bit of a rest and some showers we headed out to explore the town and get some ice cream. 12,210

Started the day out with my cardigan

A cool wind feature at the Conway Outlets

11. We upgraded our hotel room and then headed to breakfast at Flapjacks to fuel up for a 3+ hour hike up to (and back from) Lonesome Lake.  We rode the tram up Cannon and hiked to the lookout tower; enjoying the beautiful views before lunching at Black Mt. Burger co.  We took a nice long break at the hotel; showering and napping before walking through town to play mini golf and finishing our night with an ice cream treat. 22,753 steps

12.  We elected to skip breakfast and head out for an easy day of hiking; hiking to Zealand falls and the Zealand hut.  About 5 1/2 miles and 3 hours later we were back at the car and headed out looking for ice cream for lunch.  We rested at the hotel (both on our balcony & in the pool) until dinner. I hurt my toe so badly in hotel pool that I was limping the rest of the night! 16,875 steps

My husband convinced me to buy this sweatshirt in Conway on our first day... so glad he did; I wore it EVERY single day of our trip for at least a couple hours!  I love it so much I ordered it in 2 more colors! Find it here

13. We were up early and headed to Polly's Pancake Parlor for breakfast then packed up our things and turned in our room keys.  With my toe still hurting (though thankfully it was better in my hiking shoes than with flip flops) we headed out for a nice flat hike to Franconia Falls.  Then we headed home running a few errands on the way.  22,779 steps.

14. After dropping Alec off at school I spent my day cleaning and cooking and meal prepping for the week.  Then attended Alec's honor society induction in the afternoon-- I am so so proud of this kid!! 5,844 steps. 

Do you notice the purple toe?  

15.  I had a hair cut in the morning and then after school I took the younger two boys to get ice cream at a new to us place called Bucks.   We met up with Alec's friend so he could get his sweatshirt he had left at her party back before the boys headed out for haircuts.  I wasn't going to get any dessert but oh my... look at these! I just could not resist.  4,040 steps

My day started out healthy with a 3 point breakfast

a zero point lunch

I don't even want to know how many points this is!

Alec's scholar athlete award, his varsity track award, his letter and his track pin (the tiny winged shoe at the top of the E).

16.  I spent part of my morning on the deck reading and eating breakfast then went to work on father's day cards.  Alec only had a 1/2 day; after picking him up looking through his science awards (he had an overall average of 100! & both him and his partner built the best biodiverse biome of the year), I visited with my mom a bit before driving Alec back to the school so he could help out with the senior's graduation. 6,099 steps

It was really cold out so I changed after breakfast

17. Thankfully for Alec's last day of school my mother in law dropped him off for 7 & I was at the school at 8:30 for the 10th grade award ceremony where Alec got another couple awards for culinary/ SkillsUSA. By 9:20 he was all signed out and we were on way back home where we spent a quiet afternoon reading, playing video games, watching TV,.. and picking up a new car to test drive with some ice cream for lunch. 6.967 steps.

Warm enough to wear the outfit I started out in yesterday and my toe healed enough I can wear flip flops again!

A calm lake after a late afternoon thunderstorm

18.  After dropping Alec off at his friend's house for day of fun at Lake Compounce (a local amusement/water park) I read my book until lunch and then my husband and I spent the afternoon out on a RZR ride before finally enjoying a nice dinner out just the two of us. 5,337 steps

Breakfast: 2 slices crustless quiche & my WW 2 ingredient bagels with Brummel & Brown spread

Showered, dressed & ready for date night

19. After a quick morning celebration of father's day with the boys, my husband and I headed out grocery shopping and then went on a long 9 mile/ 3 1/2 hour hike to the tri-state marker.  We spent the afternoon visiting with my parents and my uncle.  I only wore my activity tracker while hiking and reached 23,506 steps! 

20.  Alec got his license and we picked up my new car (we kept the test drive shown above) after dinner!  Most of the rest of the day was spent cleaning, reading, and enjoying the beautiful weather. 6,631 steps

See the cardinal? So many birds "visit" while I'm eating breakfast or lunch outside

21.  Evan talked Alec and I into going on a hike in the morning, then I did some housework and read my book; I ended my night with a RZR ride with my husband. 10,696 steps.

Joined by a few families of geese

22. I spent a busy morning in the kitchen making salad, cutting up fruit, making banana bread, crustless quiche, and prepping dinner.  5,045 steps

Photo actually taken 6/26 when my husband cooked breakfast.. but this the bread I made this day

23.  I spent a good portion of my day reading; though Alec and I did go run errands and worked on backing the car up into a few parking spots (something he doesn't feel comfortable doing with our car since they only taught him how to back up the driver's ed. car). 6,502 steps

Repainted my nails for summer!

24. We met up with our hiking group for a hike on Friday then I spent my afternoon on the deck and patio reading my latest novel. 10,959 steps

My "after" hiking outfit

25. The first Saturday in years I didn't have to drive Alec to karate! After doing a quick grocery run and making up some salad/ cutting up fruit I spent a large portion of my day reading on both the deck and the patio.  Ending my day watching Uncharted (it was funny if a bit far fetched at times!).  3,413 steps.

26.  Another hot, muggy day spent outside reading with a fun family trip to Bucks for another ice cream treat (I really need to stop eating Ice cream entirely!!).   3,137 steps

The "Judy"-- cheesecake, raspberry and hot fudge over vanilla soft serve

Raspberry fudge brownie

Swirl soft serve with hot fudge and PB cups

"Triple Reece's"-- vanilla soft serve with Reece's PB cups, Reece's Pieces, and peanut butter chip with peanut butter topping. 

27. It was a stormy rainy day so I spent it inside doing all the laundry and reading my book. 7,143 steps (using a Leslie Sansone Walk to the Hits video)

28. The rain brought some cooler weather in so the boys and I headed out for a hike nice and early; we hiked for a good hour before heading home for a quiet afternoon of reading. I spent my afternoon visiting with my mom at her camper; it was fabulous to catch up! 13,377 steps

29.  The boys and I headed out for a walk in the morning and then I again spent my afternoon reading on the porch and patio.  My step count is off since my tracker shut off around lunch and took until 3 to recharge but I still reached 7,461 steps. 

I've been eating breakfast on my swing lately since it's wet and cold on the deck chairs

My after hike/after shower outfit

30. I spent my morning on the deck and decided to get my nails ready for the 4th of July party using my American Flag French tip kit then I made a sympathy card and worked on getting all the laundry done once again.  I spent my afternoon on the patio then took the younger two boys to the library and dropped them off for a fun night of bowling, arcade games, and ice cream with their friends. 8,792 steps

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,  Sentence a Day, 


  1. What a wonderful month it was for you! Love that stunning blue maxi dress on you. Your days in nature look amazing!

  2. You had a full month! I love this post and I would never be able to keep up with it! Ha! I think the long black dress and the long pink dress are so flattering! I am not sure I'm tall enough to pull those off, but I would love to. I had a rough June with eating, too. And, May! I am trying to "go back to basics" with those tried and true foods I first ate. So hard in the summer!

    1. I used to do so much better with my eating in the summer since I love salads and fruits but this year I am really all about the sweets and trying to hard to curb my sweet tooth.

  3. Obsessed with your patriotic nails :) Love all of the outdoor goodness you had in June AND the way you were so productive on the rainy days too!

  4. Hooray for a new car! Alec had a big month - congratulations to him! Ice cream is so yummy, I wouldn't have been able to resist either! Happy July!

    1. Alec did have a big month! I am loving my new car so much... which is so funny since I really resisted my husband on wanting to buy one.

  5. You had a super packed June. Love all your outfits.

  6. I loooove your outfit on the 4th! That black dress looks great on you! And you can't go wrong with a denim jacket. I wear my Apple Watch every single waking second (even in the pool), so I have a massive tan line where it sits on my wrist. I am so tan right now, too, so it's extra white underneath my band. Haha.

    1. Thanks! Funny enough I am planning on wearing that same outfit this weekend!

  7. Wow! How fun to capture a whole month this way. You have definitely mastered the pose. I am still so awkward trying to take a selfie of any size shape or type lol. Your anniversary trip looks wonderful!

    1. Thank you, it was fabulous! I'm already trying to talk him into another weekend getaway this fall!

  8. I wear my smart watch to see how much of a tan I am getting. hehehe It sounds like you and your family had a great June. I love all of your outfits.

    1. LOL. I keep switching mine from arm to arm to try and get rid of mine!

  9. June was a busy month! It looks like you have been having a great summer. You always look so cute and put together! Congrats to your boys for all of the awards.

  10. Gosh, you have had a stormy, rainy month. But that's good for the vegetation. We keep saying we need more rain.
    I love your toenails for the 4th too. SO festive and fun.

  11. So many fun things this month, Joanne! So many of your meals look really yummy! Thanks for sharing!

    1. We have been eating real well! Not always super healthy but definitely yummy.

  12. Wow you did a lot this last month. I LOVE that black maxi. It is so cute!

    1. Thank you! It's so comfy too since it has a built in bra and feels like super soft pajama material.

  13. Such beautiful countryside!!!! Do you live on the edge of a lake? looks amazing. Love your clothes, too.....

  14. Super packed month including a gorgeous trip!! Love all the ice cream photos.


    1. Thanks! They were yummy but man it's a lot of work to try and work them back off.

  15. Great to catch up with you. I love your posts for the beautiful photographs, the delicious food, and the hikes!! And then there are your darling outfits. You mentioned sitting on the swing rather than the patio chairs because they are wet and cold in the morning. Is it cool outside or are they wet and cold from condensation and dew? We have ZERO dew here. Nothing is ever wet!! Have been sitting outside first thing in the morning lately and I love it.

    1. It has been cool outside in the mornings so we have lots of dew and we've had a few rainy nights as well.


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