Not Just a Mom: Dream Travel Locations

This month's Not Just a Mom we're discussing our dream travel locations. I'm pretty excited to see what everyone has to share today as I just LOVE thinking up vacations and finding new ideas and places to visit.  I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to family and dream travel plans. I'm one of those people that want to go everywhere; even back to places I've already been!

I hope you'll head over and check out my co-hosts posts too and if you wrote up one of your own please link it up with us below. 

In July of 2019 I shared 15 places I'd like to go for Dream Vacation Destinations and I stated that I could have easily added so much more onto that list... well today I am going to do just that.  Now my top 15 are on that first list so you'll have to click over to see those places that include things like Bora Bora, Paris, Hawaii, etc.  

Some of my OTHER dream travel locations include:

1.  Amalfi coast, Italy-- While Venice usually tops my list after reading One Italian Summer I've decided this is one area that I just HAVE to see!

2. Santorini, Greece

3.  London and the English countryside

4. Cancun

5. New Orleans, Louisiana 

6. Lake Tahoe, Nevada

7. Cayman Islands

8. Iceland

9. Amsterdam

10. The fjords of Norway

How about you, what would top your vacation list?  Have you been to any of these areas?!

I hope you'll join us next month when we share our family food traditions. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I love all the places you put on your list! Some I have been to, but most I have not. I have never been to Cancun and would love to go! I've heard such great things. Now I'm clicking over to read your other top 15 post!

  2. Oh these are all such dreamy locations- I have a goal of seeing all 50 states before I die :)

    1. Me too! We're slowly crossing some off as we go.

  3. Fantasy travel - I'm all for that. I'd have to include the British Isles - always wanted to visit. #MMBC

  4. I'd love to visit Cancun — it's on my bucket list.

    Happy Monday, Joanne.

    1. I never really had any desire to go until I started reading other people's blogs. It looks amazing.

  5. Iceland is on my list! So is Santorini.

    1. I noticed we had a lot of overlap on our lists.

  6. Such fabulous places! I could happily visit any of them. I have been to Lake Tahoe. The water is so clear! It is a beautiful place.


  7. Iceland for sure! I want to go everywhere :)

  8. My dream vacation is a trip around America fitting in a trip to Disney too. You have chosen some great destinations. I would love to visit Iceland and Norway too x

    1. That would be wonderful! We have to much to see here that I'm not sure I'll ever make it to anywhere outside the U.S.

  9. What a great list!! I see a lot there I would echo as dream spots! I've only been to one of those places on your list - which means I have a lot of planning (and traveling) to do!!

    1. I have so many travel plans and ideas in my head... just never enough time to make them all a reality.

  10. The English countryside is fantastic. Abs although I love in the Netherlands, I never visit Amsterdam

    1. LOL. I'm the same way with places near us that I never think of visiting that others think of as vacation destinations.

  11. I think I'm adding some of yours to my list, like the fjord's of Norway! Thanks for the linkup!

  12. Norway and Iceland would be beautiful places to visit.

    1. I'm not sure I'd want to be there in winter though...

  13. I do want to visit London, but my husband is wary because they aren't known for good food. I keep telling him that it's only for a week or so, and it's for the history anyways.

    1. My grandparents did several trips all throughout England and they loved the food... though I know you both have your own special diet that might make it hard to do.

  14. What a great list! I have just been to a few of these....London, New Orleans, Amsterdam and just last month, the Cayman Islands. The beaches there are beautiful!!

  15. I have only been to New Orleans and London. I'd love to go to most of the places you've listed. I'm hoping to go on a knitting cruise next year to the fjords in Norway! We'll see if that happens!

    1. Oh that sounds so neat! I've thought of taking a scrapbooking cruise a time or two when my boys were younger and more of my friends scrapbooked...

  16. We've been to Lake Tahoe, and it's amazing. Definitely a "must see." Greece and the Amalfi coast would be stunning.

    1. My husband keeps promising to take me there because he just LOVED it when he went one winter.

  17. What a great travel list of places to visit Joanne. I've been to Cancun and England. I'm happy that we can start traveling again.

  18. Ooh, I haven't seen this linkup before, but I'm going to put it on my calendar for July!

    I want to go to all of those places, as well as about a billion other places! A former co-worker is in Iceland right now, and her pictures are gorgeous! It sure makes having no vacation planned this summer seem even more boring!


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