2022 New Hampshire Trip Days 1 & 2: Diana's Baths, Lonesome Lake, and Cannon Mountain

 On our way to Lincoln, New Hampshire we took a little side trip to Diana's Baths for a short hike and then spent part of our afternoon in Conway shopping and eating lunch. 

Diana's baths are quite crowded but we were early enough in the day that we easily found a place to park.  I'll admit that it wasn't my favorite hike and not because of the gorgeous views either... despite being pretty crowded and full of families with young children swimming at least people were smoking marijuana and the smell was just awful. 

We just kept hiking up river and trying to find a few areas to ourselves; which we did.  

After lunching on some delicious brick oven pizza at Fire we headed to our hotel and checked into our room. We did walk around the town later and got some ice cream (frozen yogurt for me) and stopped in to pick up a few groceries too.

First thing Saturday morning we stopped in at the desk to see if we could upgrade rooms; ours had a pull down murphy bed and it really wasn't all that comfortable.  We upgraded to a 1 bedroom suite and moved our stuff.  Look at the view from our balcony!  

After a quick breakfast at Flapjacks we hit the trails.  We hiked from Lafayette campground up to Lonesome Lake and then back via the Dodge Cut off trail.  In total we hiked about 3 1/2 hours and 3.somthing miles.  

From there we went up Cannon on the tram and then hiked to the observation tower for a quick snack.  The views were incredible since it was a nice clear day-- we could see mountains in all three states; New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. 

We stopped in to eat lunch at the Black Mtn Burger company then headed to the hotel to shower and rest.  I ended up sleeping for over an hour!  We walked down the road and played a round of mini golf ( my husband won by 1 point!) and then we got ice cream for dinner.  By 8:30 I had already logged 22.704 steps for the day. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,


  1. Replies
    1. We really lucked out that it was such a clear day!

  2. Ice cream for dinner - thumbs up!

  3. This sounds like so much fun! I love playing mini-golf with my husband!

    1. We had the best time; we get pretty competitive!

  4. What a fabulous area to hike! I love miniature golf! But I always lose, lol.

    1. I have awful hand/eye coordination so I usually lose too.

  5. What a wonderful time. It's funny because we will be walking around, and I will smell the pot right away too. It's everywhere.

    1. It really is and while I don't care much about who wants to use it; I just don't want to have to smell it.

  6. I was there years ago and lucked out with it being calm and basically empty! It's so pretty.

    1. It was the ONLY place that was crowded out of the whole weekend!

  7. What a gorgeous place to visit! Don't you love it when you can upgrade!

  8. Gorgeous photos - what a great getaway!

  9. So, Diana's Bath is about 10 minutes from my parents' home in NH! We'll be there next week, and I can't wait! All the happy feelings from these photos!

    1. I hope the weather is just as beautiful for you as it was for us!

  10. So beautiful and sometimes forget to take advantage of the local beauty!

    1. I'm sure it's easy to do; it helps when I can't be thinking of all those home/family things that need doing because we're not near home.

  11. Oh dear, that's a shame that you didn't have the best time at Diana's baths. Gorgeous photos! I am glad you found some space to yourself.

    1. I definitely had more fun shopping and eating on day #1 than hiking but the other 3 hikes we went on more than made up for it.

  12. Love the mountain views and the suite looks really nice! Glad you could get an upgrade for a more comfortable sleep!

    1. Between that view and the comfy suite they had us debating about buying in (it's a part ownership condo resort). We just LOVE it there!

  13. Beautiful photos! You are a hiking machine!

    1. Thank you! It felt great to get so much hiking in; I mean I was sore by bedtime each night but refreshed and ready to go again the next day.

  14. Wow, 22,000 steps!
    Glad you had a great time!

    1. I was loving those high step numbers! And my foot hardly bothered me at all.

  15. I'm envious of the beautiful scenery you're experiencing in person! That's wonderful you're getting in so many steps and exercise.... and here I sit in front of my computer. LOL

    1. It is rather breathtaking up in the mountains.

  16. Sorry your first hike wasn't very good! It looks like a very pretty place but all the people and the smell (Yuck!) certainly make for a not-so-great experience! The rest of your trip looks great though! I really hope to get up to that part of the US someday. It looks so beautiful!

  17. 22,000 steps?! That is very impressive! Your pictures are beautiful. They always make me want to go for a hike! (This is Lauren, not Anonymous 😉)

    1. Yeah, I was loving those high number hike days! It felt so good to be out pushing my body to it's limits once again.


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