Weigh In Wednesday: A Look at Our Week of Groceries

 While I don't really have any scale victories to share this week, I thought it would be fun to take a look at my most recent grocery shopping trip.  While no two weeks are exactly the same I do find many items make it onto my list weekly.  

Now I do have to admit I mindlessly put a few grocery items away before I remembered I wanted to lay them all out on the table.  It had been a hectic homecoming as I had just received a text that my husband was at the ER-- (long story short he's doing okay and was released later that afternoon with some stitches and a broken tailbone).  But I'm pretty sure I only put away a jar of pickles, 2 bunches of asparagus, a container of old fashioned oats,  and maybe a can of diced tomatoes.  

As you can see the bulk of our groceries consist of fruits, veggies, breads, and (for this week anyway) chicken.  I tend to have weeks where I really stock up on protein and other weeks where I stock up on pantry items but the fruits and veggies are always bountiful.  

Anyway let's take a closer look:

  • One family pack of center cut lean pork chops
  • 2 packages of everything bagels (my two younger just LOVE bagels)
  • 2 loaves of bread (my oldest eats sandwiches for breakfast each morning--weird, I know) and everyone else but me uses bread a couple times a week.
  • Granola bars for my son's lunches
  • A jar of honey for a recipe I'm making
  • A jar of pesto for Alec's school lunch (he mixes up a batch of pesto pasta with veggies on Sunday and takes leftovers all week long)
  • A jar of ginger for a recipe I'm making
  • Roasted red pepper hummus-- my kids prefer plain but they had a few containers left so I just bought the kind my husband uses this week.  He takes a single serve packet each day to dip his fresh veggies in.
  • A head of cabbage to make homemade coleslaw 
  • 2 zucchini 

In the far corner
  • 2 pineapples
  • 2 2-lb container of strawberries
  • 2 packages blueberries
  • 1 package raspberries
  • 1 package blackberries
  • 30 eggs (an unusually high amount but I had quiche on our menu for dinner and that takes a dozen to make 2 quiche for us all)
  • Croutons-- my secret weapon for getting the boys to eat salad every night with dinner
  • 3 bags black seedless grapes (any kind of grapes will do but the red and green ones did not look good this week)
  • 1 large container of baby spinach
  • 2 small containers of crisp baby greens

  • 2 English cucumbers (some weeks I buy up to 4 it just depends on how many we used the previous week)
  • 1 container of mushrooms (sometimes I buy 2 or even 3 but I only needed them for salad this week)
  • 2 bags clementines
  • 2 bunches of bananas
  • 1 container whipped cream cheese-- I find everyone uses less of the whipped and they like the texture so much better than the blocks. 
  • 5 broccoli crowns (I use a few in our salads, my husband takes raw broccoli to work to dip in his hummus, and I usually cook up broccoli for one dinner each week too)
  • A large bag of salted peanuts in the shell
  • 2 lemons (for flavoring water)
  • 10 apples-- we like honey crisps; but almost any kind will do.

  • 1 bag romaine hearts (usually I buy three but we had just made a salad and I had one bag leftover from last week)
  • a Large container of mixed tomatoes
  • 2 MORE pineapples (yep, we really eat 4 pineapples a week)
  • Chicken broth (for a recipe)
  • 3 boxes chicken breasts
  • 2 bags of chips (for the night we're eating sandwiches for dinner)
Typically when I'm doing groceries we've eaten up all the salad supplies as well but I had quite a surplus this week so I didn't need carrots & celery and the same amounts of other veggies I usually buy. 

Next week I'll go over how I prep these foods to try and make week days go a bit smoother.  

Linking up with:


  1. Replies
    1. Yep! I try... not all weeks are so healthy.

  2. It's great to see your week of groceries. Makes me feel like I need more fruits in my hauls!

    1. We usually get a crazy amount of fruits and veggies.

  3. Aside from the volume (my two boys are just little yet!) your groceries look a lot like mine. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and healthy snacks, not too many pre-made items.

    1. Yep, that's how I try to shop.. and yeah the volume with teens is no joke! LOL

  4. I spy a whole bunch of pineapples! Y'all really do get your money's worth of that pineapple corer!! And I'm sorry to hear about your husband. Broken tailbones are the WORST. I had tons of damage to mine after giving birth and it was so miserable. I hope he heals quickly.

    1. We definitely use that corer constantly! Thank you; he seems to be doing better already and I just keep reminding him not to overdo it.

  5. Looks like a yummy grocery haul. Hope your husband is ok!!

    1. Thank you; he seems to be doing much better after resting all weekend.

  6. I'm going to the grocery when I get off work - this is helpful for ideas :)

  7. This is what our grocery haul looks like too Joanne (only a bit smaller since there are two of us). I hope your husband is okay.

    1. Thanks, he seems to be feeling much better already.

  8. I hope your husband heals quickly, Joanne. It's interesting to see how people shop for groceries. We need to add more fresh fruits and veggies to ours!

    1. We started adding in lots of fresh fruits and veggies a couple years ago and now I feel like as soon as we run out of them it's time to go grocery shopping.

  9. I love this! I've been on a weight loss journey here, and I've lost 21 lbs - it feels wonderful! It's amazing how good you feel when you fuel your body with the right foods, isn't it?

    1. Yay you! It really does make such a difference in how I feel when I eat healthy... not that it's still not easy to slip into those bad eating habits but I definitely feel a difference and am much quicker about nipping those bad habits in the bud.

  10. I love posts like this. I am nosy and like to see what people buy in their grocery shops. You really do eat a lot of pineapple. It's something I hardly buy as my girls are not massive fans. x

    1. I'm almost afraid to admit that only my husband and I eat pineapple!... Crazy that we go through so many isn't it? But we both eat a huge bowl of assorted fruit each day so it goes quickly.

  11. I love to see what people buy at the grocery store! Your week of groceries is very similar to ours except my kids are really big on cereal in the morning. Just like you, we go through a lot of bananas and pineapple. We go through roughly 3-4 bananas a day! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know we go through 4 bananas most days too but only my husband and oldest son eat them on a regular basis.


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