Friday Favorites: Mother's Day Wrap- Up

 We had a very quiet week around here and changed up quite a few of our plans at the last minute (read on to see favorite #1 and you'll see why!).  

Last Friday was a rather eventful day as my husband had an accident at work and ended up in the ER; a few x-rays, a cat scan, and some stitches later he was released (and went back to work!-- what can I say he's a little crazy!).  He ended up with 4 stitches, a broken tailbone, and a sprained neck.  But I was just so thankful that it wasn't worse and that my mother in law offered to go sit with him while he was at the ER so I could put away my groceries and pick Alec up like planned.

Saturday morning Alec drove us to karate and back and even offered to pick up take out for everyone for lunch.  I love seeing him driving more and offering to drive rather than having to twist his arm.  He had a great karate class too!

I had a wonderful and quiet mother's day; I was spoiled with gifts!  We spent the majority of the day watching TV, I read a couple books, and I hardly even got dressed (just long enough to try on my new top).

From my boys

From my mother in law

From my sister (it says sister in morse code)

I did cook up a delicious batch of cookies on Mother's day and ate far too many of them this week but oh well, I'll make sure to do much better with my eating next week. 

I got my "annual" perm-- technically I get a pern every 10 months or so but I call it my annual perm since that's usually how it works out. It's always ultra curly at first but within just 2 weeks it relaxes into a wonderful curl that holds forever.  

Ian finished up his classes this week and got offered a full time job.  He's going to take the job and plans to drop down to just taking one class each semester/ offering. 

The sun finally made an appearance on Thursday and it felt wonderful to get out and get hiking again.  

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  1. So glad your hubby is Ok- so scary! Glad you were spoiled on Mother's Day too- those hikes are looking more and more sunny and cheerful- have a great weekend!

    1. It was scary; and seemed like I was way more traumatized than he was. I am loving the sunny, GREEN hikes!

  2. Glad your husband is ok - but those injuries don't sound easy!

    1. Thank you! I'm surprised by how quickly he's rebounded from them all.

  3. I'm so glad your husband is okay. I hope he heals quickly! And I'm loving all of those books you got for Mother's Day! Books always make the best gifts!

    1. Thank you! He seems to be healing real well and much quicker than I had thought. I can't wait to dive into those books.

  4. I’m glad your hubby is ok! He’s one tough guy. Looks like you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Here I thought you had naturally curly hair, Joanne. You fooled me.

    1. He sure is! I was born with super curly (Shirly Temple- like curls) and then my hair became really straight when I was in grade school as I outgrew those curls.

  5. I'm glad your husband is ok. A broken tailbone is very painful, I hope it heals quickly.

  6. Your family did so good. Love all your gifts. I am so glad that your husband is doing ok. That sounds like a lot....and then he went back to work. He is crazy. I had a broken tailbone before and it sucks. So painful. I still sit on a cushion when I am at work. Ha.

    1. He is crazy! LOL. He hardly complains about it hurting though.

  7. A broken tailbone and he went back to work? That's what I call one tough cookie! You certainly were spoiled rotten on Mother's Day and well deserved. Have a good weekend!

    1. Yep, definitely a tough cookie. Thank you!

  8. Wow Joanne, I'm glad your husband was ok and I can't believe he went back to work! It looks like you had a nice MD. Enjoy the weekend Joanne.

    1. I had a very nice Mother's day, thank you.

  9. How scary! I'm glad your husband is okay! My dad is a crane operator and has witnessed his fair share of workplace incidents and it's surprising how many of these guys will just get back up and go back to working! What wonderful mother's day presents! That top looks really pretty. I'm glad you had a nice day! It's a hard balance with cookies. They taste the best fresh from the oven but it's hard to limit yourself!

    1. My husband has too; and been involved in a few of them as well. I find cookies so hard to resist and end up grabbing one every time I walk through the kitchen! It's usually a relief when they're gone and I am so thankful I have 4 others in the house to help me eat them all.

  10. I hope your hubby is recovering. As my mum says, it certainly sounds like he did a good job of it! Your mothers day looks lovely and your blossoms so pretty. The rain is pounding down outside here so I'm loving those blue skies.

    1. Thank you, he sure did. We have had a very rainy and cold spring so I am always extra thankful on those sunny days!

  11. You've certainly had a roller coaster week. A couple of weeks ago I had to take my husband to emergency as he was having chest pains (he is okay) but it really brings us back to reality that we never know what may happen so we need to make the most of every day. I hope your husband is recovering well. For Mother's Day my daughter and I continued our annual tradition of running in the Mother's Day Classic in memory of my Mum who died from breast cancer in 1986. It is our special thing that we do together and such a lovely way to remember Mum. x #weekendcoffeeshare

    1. Glad your husband is okay!! It definitely is a reminder to make the most of every day. What a lovely mother's day tradition.

  12. I'm so glad your husband is okay. What a scare.

  13. Oh my goodness, I hope your husband is doing okay! A broken tail bone sounds very painful! It looks like you had a great Mother's Day! Hope you have a great weekend!

  14. Oh my goodness praise Jesus that your husband is OK! How scary. I’m glad your boys spoiled you on Mother’s Day!

  15. I'll echo everyone glad your husband is doing well. I've had a broken tailbone, and those things hurt! I didn't realize you got perms...I really thought your hair was naturally curly! Sounds like a lovely week (minus the husband's injuries).

    1. Thank you! It was a lovely week (minus the injuries).

  16. Glad your hubby is okay...yikes! Sounds like you had an awesome mothers Day!!! I used to get perms yearly. but then when I started coloring my hair my stylist said I had to pick one or the other, so I chose to color. Surprisingly, my hair stayed partially curly so that was a plus (it's always been wavy). Now I let my silver come through, I was tempted to perm again but decided not to. I just use a curling iron on the top part when I wear it down.

    1. I've heard one or the other too but I haven't dyed my hair since I was in college.

  17. Oh gosh! What a worry about your husband. I am so glad he's OK after his accident.
    What lovely gifts you got for Mother's day, you deserve them!
    Your hair looks great.
    Congrats to Ian with the job. Good luck to him. x

  18. I'm glad your husband is okay! The cookies look fabulous, and I agree with the others - I always assumed your hair was naturally curly! It's beautiful!

    1. LOL! I do hear that a lot even from people I know in real life; maybe because I've has perms for so long.

  19. I'm glad your husband is OK and you had a lovely Mother's Day. Your husband work accident must be quite a scare for you. Congrats to Ian on his new job! Thank you for your #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. Thank you! Every time he gets hurt I'm reminded of just how dangerous his job is.

  20. Glad you husband is ok...went back to work?? Wow! But sounds like Mother's Day was lovely...such sweet gifts!

    1. Yeah, we keep teasing him that he's not really superman even though he is a super man. Mother's day was lovely.

  21. Hi Joanne - so glad your husband's accident wasn't as bad as it could have been - although I imagine he's still in a fair amount of pain. Loved all your Mothers Day presents - you are definitely loved by your family!

    1. Thank you; he really only complained last weekend and I haven't heard a peep otherwise.

  22. Sounds like a busy and eventful week.

  23. Oh my gosh! So sorry to hear about your husband’s accident! Those cookies look delish! And I never would have thought your hair wasn’t just curly all on its own!

  24. Lovely to hear that you had a fab Mother's Day Joanne. You've had some beautiful gifts.
    Also glad to hear that your hubby is OK. That must have been quite the scare!

    1. It sure was. But thankfully everything has settled down to normal again.

  25. So glad. your husband wasn't more seriously injured. I have a broken tailbone is quite painful. Hope he's recovering well! We are moving into summer mode here. Just waiting on the lake to warm up a bit more before I get in. Lots of people are already swimming but it's too cool for me still.

    1. My son has already been out on our jet ski a few times; I think he's nuts!!


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