Weigh in Wednesday: Foods I Could Not Do Weight Watchers Without

 For this week's edition of Weigh-in Wednesday I wanted to talk about some of the foods that I rely on to keep myself on track. 

But first a quick weigh-in: on Saturday (before our date night out!) I weighed in at 161.6 so I'm down another .2 (of course after eating at Pizzeria Uno that night I did gain a bit back but I just made sure to get right back to my healthy eating habits. 

As you could tell from last week's post showing my weekly meals, we eat a LOT of fresh fruits and vegetables!  I could not imagine sticking to a weight loss plan without them-- but I think that's pretty obvious. We also use almost all lean proteins too; chicken breast and chicken breast tenders, fish-- of all kinds, eggs, & white meat turkey are on the menu on constant rotation with beef and pork only sprinkled in occasionally. 

But for today's post I am focusing on other random products; some I use daily, some I only use weekly or as a special treat but all of them help me feel like I am not missing out on anything and keep me sticking to my weight loss plan. 

For my sweet tooth:

These Spudsy sweet potato puffs are loaded with sugar/cinnamon and chuck full of flavor.  Best of all 1 & 1/3 cups is just 4 points-- but I pretty much never use that much.  

Enlightened is my go to brand of yogurt bars.  The light version are only 3 points per bar (usually, though it can vary by flavor) and are nice and thick and creamy like traditional ice cream.  My favorites are the mint chip, the cold brew chip, and the sea salt caramel. 

I don't mind the Yasso bars either but only eat 2 of the varieties: These birthday cake ones and the cold brew coffee both of which are 4 points per bar.  

I use granola just about every day on a bowl of fresh fruit with some non-fat greek yogurt and I tend to stick to the chocolaty, sweet versions.  I try to make sure 1/4 cup is no more than 3-4 points.  I am really liking these two varieties lately. 

For meals:  

I LOVE these Boca chick'n patties and have Amy from Coffee and Cocktails at the Casa to thank for introducing me to them.  Just 2 points a piece and they really taste just like chicken patties; even my boys will eat these! 

We switched our regular pasta out for whole grain pasta back when I first started personal points since it was 0 points on my plan.  I soon found was eating too much pasta and had to swap out my plan but we never went back to regular pasta and this whole grain pasta is only 4 points per cup.  Everyone in my family happily eats this and I think it's still a healthier option for us all.

It took me ages to find a good bread I liked that was only 1 point per slice and while it is a bit expensive I am loving this 647 bread (they have burger rolls for only 2 points too!).  It takes just like regular old bread and the sizes of the slices look normal too.  

I swapped our butter/ margarine for this Brummel and Brown yogurt spread years ago-- long before I ever joined Weight Watchers and we all love it.  

For those crunchy/salting cravings: 

I love these garden veggie puffs! They are packed with flavor and I find the easiest way to portion them out is using our kitchen scale. 1 ounce is 4 points. 

I'm sure there are many more foods I use but these are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.  Do you have any favorite foods you use for weight loss/ maintenance?  

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  1. Such great suggestions here-thanks for sharing!

  2. I like those yogurt bars! I like these other good suggestions too!

  3. I love a low fat cheese stick for 1 point. Thanks for these ideas!

    1. I like those too; although on my plan they are 2 points!

  4. We only eat whole wheat pasta too, no one seems to notice the difference. I like spelt bread and unsweetened almond butter for a healthy breakfast. And then whatever fruit we have in the house on the side.

    1. I have never tried spelt bread but I do love any spreadable nut butter... though they tend to be high in WW points due to the natural fats so I eat them rather sparingly.

  5. This was so interesting to read. Those Spudsy sweet potato puffs sound amazing and the yogurt bars are something a bit different. x

    1. They are a wonderful cool treat when I just can't eat ice cream like I'd like.

  6. Literally writing down every single one of these!

    1. LOL! That's what I always did in the beginning too; you never know what you'll like (or find at your local stores!) until you try.

  7. Lots of good ideas here, Joanne! I'll skip the sweet potato puffs though. But, I'm always looking for a sweet treat and those yogurt bars look like a fabulous option!

    1. They are delicious! But they can be hard to find so I always stock up when I do.

  8. I did make my own granola not so long ago, and my husband LOVED it. Which is a bummer because now I need to make more, haha.
    We do love Lara bars!!

    1. I did that too and my husband loved it so much... but I feel like I already prep so much food each week that I decided I'd better not make it a habit to make my own granola too or else I'd have to add that to the weekly list with most of us enjoying granola!

  9. Thanks for sharing all the pics! I definitely want to try and few :) I love snacking on fruit especially raspberries.

    1. Raspberries are probably my least favorite berry; I love the tartness but hate the seeds.

  10. I enjoyed seeing what your favorites are that you can’t live without. Those sweet potato puffs along with so many of the others, I would love to try. Thank you, Joanne.

  11. I've never tried the Enlightened bars before, but I love Yasso, so I'll have to check those out!

    1. They are both good; but the Enlightened bars are thicker and creamier for sure.

  12. I just restarted my weight watchers journey! I hope you will keep following weigh in Wednesday! I will def follow along!

    1. I am definitely planning on continuing this series (other than the last Wednesday of the month). Yay your for re-starting your WW journey!


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