Friday Favorites: The Week My Son Officially Became an Adult

We had a pretty quiet week around here; the weather has been pretty miserable and cold so we stuck pretty close to home.  Our biggest excitement this week was our oldest son turning 18!  He's finishing up a couple of college classes and has an interview for a full time job coming up.  

On Friday, at rather the last minute, my girlfriend and I got our families together for a hike around Leadmine again and I am so glad we were able to make that happen. It was sunny out, if a bit cool, and it felt great to get some exercise.  Best of all my foot barely hurt afterwards!

After hiking the boys and I hit up a local (and new!) Panera Bread for lunch.  Lunch with my guys is a favorite as is the seasonal poppyseed chicken salad.  Yum!

My new manicure has been a favorite as well.  I had painted my nails a white pearl color and while some of the polish was chipping off the tips I decided to just put some Colorstreet wraps over it; well the wraps are clear at the base with small flecks of glitter and get progressively thicker at the top.  I LOVE them!

Alec made up some chocolate brownie cake for Ian's birthday and we turned them into this delicious trifle.  Which we served at Ian's birthday party-- he's officially an adult now at 18!  

The card I made him using the cricut 

While my photos aren't that great we did have a new species of bird at our feeder this week and I was entranced by the bright red on the chest and the whole underwing is also bright red.  I grabbed our bird book and it's a rose breasted grosbeak.  

Ian finished up his latest model car and put together one of the mini metal models this week as well as starting in on his next model truck. I love seeing him hard at work on his hobby and it's amazing to me all these skills he's taught himself.

Speaking of new skills; Alec's karate class learned a whole form to do while using bo staff.  He has practiced with a few weapons before but I was pretty proud when his teacher sent him a video after class saying out of everyone he was the most likely to remember everything they did that day and would he please practice to teach everyone else again.  

don't mind all the blue tape; his ankles have been so sore from track & the KT tape helps a lot

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  1. Your birthday boy! So handsome! Your nails look just precious and I always get that at Panera too! Happy weekend!

  2. Happy birthday to your son! I love your nails and the lunch looks so good. We had a Panera in our neighborhood that we loved and we were so sad when it closed a few years ago. Have a great weekend.

    1. OH I would be so sad if our closet Panera closed too!

  3. Happy birthday! Love your nails.

  4. Your nature hike pictures are lovely. Ian's chocolate brownie trifle birthday cake looks delicious and fun. Thanks for the virtual coffee. Have a great weekend.

  5. Replies
    1. It is quite the milestone and one that is soon to be followed by so many more.

  6. The birthday trifle looks so good! Happy birthday to him!

  7. How interesting: we just got our first grosbeak here to this week! Happy birthday to your oldest: I am impressed that your boys still let you take pictures of them ! Yumminess with that dessert!

    1. Ian barely tolerates it but the other two are still happy to pose and smile.

  8. Love your nails - it was an accidental work of art. We have been seeing that species of grosbeak at our feeder too. That's so funny that they are in your area as well as Houston, Texas! They are a rare sighting here. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I have never seen them here before at all but that is quite a flight range!

  9. Great photo of that bird!! As much as I love our regular cardinals and robins, I'd love to see something different!

  10. So crazy that you have an adult child now. Happy 18th birthday!

    1. We just went and opened up his checking account today... so weird to do all these adult tasks with him.

  11. Happy birthday to Ian, that cake looks amazing and good luck to him with the job.
    It sounds like a good week. x

  12. Panera is one of our favorites! So good! I love your manicure. That shade is so pretty. And happy happy birthday!!

  13. Happy 18th birthday Ian! Welcome to adulting! That dessert looks amazing!

    1. That's what I said to him today! We were at the bank and she was explaining that any problems or questions he had that he would have to deal with them and I said "welcome to adulting!"

  14. The red on the rose breasted grosbeak is quite intense. Well done to both of your boys. Wonderful hike photos and trifle looks so delicious. Happy Birthday to Ian!


    1. It really caught my eye as it flew in since both wings are that same shade underneath. It was really striking.

  15. Gosh, it's hard to believe you have an adult son. Isn't that just crazy!! Love the nails, and I really need to work on mine one of these days,

  16. Happy birthday to your son!! Your feathered visitor is quite handsome or gorgeous! And, that trifle looks delicious! Love your nails, too!

  17. Great favorites this week and looks like a happy birthday for your son! So fun to celebrate him!

  18. Happy Birthday to your son! The hike looks gorgeous! And I just the first Rose Breasted Grosbeak at our feeder too!

  19. Happy birthday to your son! And that chocolate trifle looks incredible.

  20. What an exciting week and fun ways to celebrate your son's special day. Love the photos of your new bird. I have never seen one like that.

    1. We had never seen a species of bird like that either! We haven't seen it again since either but I am really hoping we'll get to see it again soon.

  21. Happy 18 to your son! The first photo with you hiking looks fabulous, what a lovely area to go for walks.

    1. Thank you! We are so lucky that we have so many lovely hiking trails nearby.

  22. Sorry, hit enter too fast! That was nobody anonymous, that was me..

  23. Happy birthday to your son! 18 is such a milestone birthday! That trifle looks delicious! Hope you had a great weekend!

  24. Replies
    1. Aw, thanks! So far he is loving turning 18.

  25. 18! My goodness, feels like it was yesterday! Happy birthday to Ian! LOVE how your manicure + wraps turned out! I never feel like painting my nails, but when I do, they always brighten up my mood all week!

  26. Aw, happy belated 18th birthday to Ian! Hope he had an awesome day.
    Your trifle looks amazing! Chocolate trifle is my absolute favourite. :)

    1. He sure did; thank you! I love a good trifle.

  27. That Panera Bread place looks like the perfect spot for lunch (we need them in Australia!) and the chocolate trifle birthday cake was amazing. It sounds like it was a lovely week for you all.

    1. Oh yes, I love Panera bread they have such delicious fresh salads and sandwiches made to order.

  28. Happy Birthday to your boy! Love your nails...I was just thinking about doing mine yesterday but then I didn't have time. maybe this week. That trifle looks amazing! YUM! So does the salad.

  29. Happy birthday to your son! I haven't been to Panera in so long! There isn't one that is convenient near me. That brownie trifle looks delicious!

    1. We don't visit them often since we don't have one real close to us either but I am always on the lookout for them when we're out and about.


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