Friday Favorites: Spring Vacation Week

 We had a very relaxing and low key week at our home.  Despite being April vacation we had no real plans as Alec was the only one that had the week the off (and even at that he had track practice mid-day a few times).  At the last minute Evan and I did decide to enjoy a week off too since he's nearly done all his work for this year anyway and I enjoyed sleeping in and lounging about in the mornings. 

Ian, Evan, and I met up with our hiking group Friday afternoon to go hiking; we hiked about an hour and we had 5 families show up so it was a nice large group.  The weather was just beautiful!  (Alec was home nursing two bum ankles from practice the day before).

My husband and I went out to dinner and a movie on Saturday and left the boys some money to get pizza; it's so handy to have another driver in the house!  It was a really cute movie and we had a delicious dinner at Pizzeria Uno afterwards.  

I had this outfit all picked out... and then changed at the very last minute since the shoes were hurting my sore foot that I'm STILL nursing.. 

Speaking of driving, Alec and I have been trying to get out driving every single day this week while he's on break.  We're shooting for an hour of driving practice each day and he's getting pretty good at it!  I honestly can't wait to have 2 licensed teens in our house even if I will be so nervous; it's a great milestone and one I'm proud my boys want to achieve as so many of their friends and contemporaries are not bothering to learn to drive. (We don't have public transportation here so they'll all have to learn sooner or later!).

We had a very lazy Easter Sunday spent around the house and in the afternoon we played a few board games-- Yahtzee and Trivia Crack.

Alec, Evan, and I met up with our friends on Monday in Newport.  We went on a seal watch tour and had the best time!  The weather was sunny and there were lots of seals out.  We then walked around Newport and got some lunch together.  

Warm and comfy with an added fleece lined windbreaker

We got a rather unexpected surprise this week--- 5 full cheesecakes were delivered on Wednesday and while we put 4 in the freezer the family could not wait to break into them.  This Junior's brand is amazing and we're pretty excited to have all these flavors to try over the next 6 months.  I was so proud of myself for only eating 1 bite of the raspberry swirl they decided to open.

Despite spending lots of time sleeping in and relaxing we had a very productive week too!  We got the whole house cleaned, planned out Evan's freshman year of schooling, Ian met with his advisor and planned the next few classes to take, Alec went out on a nice long 2 hour driving lesson with his driver's ed. instructor, AND all the boys are all set for spring and summer with clothes and shoes.   

It was nice enough to sit out on the patio twice this week! (and I LOVE this cute book too!)

Despite dressing in lots of layers and having mostly cold/cool days this week we are starting to see signs of spring and color and new life!  I love spring blooms; they are so promising!

How was your week?

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. What a lovely hike. I bet that book is charming. Have the BEST WEEKEND.

  2. Love the seal tour! They are so cute!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

  3. What a lovely week. So many cheesecakes. Wow!
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I know! It was overwhelming... all I kept thinking was what are we going to do with all these?!

  4. Your selfies always look great (I take a terrible selfie so always admire good ones) and I loved the seal photos.

    1. Aw, thank you; a full length mirror set right night to our huge windows helps tremendously!

  5. I love these posts! I'm also envious of the cheesecakes. :)

  6. If this comment shows up twice, I apologize. I got a funny error message when I hit publish so...

    I was hoping to go see "The lost city" but the husband and my boys are out voting me and we are going to see "Unchartered." Was "The lost city" good? Do you recommend it?

    My boys are 9 and 12. They are get their learn's license at 14. Exciting and scary.

    I am linking up for a virtual coffee tomorrow. I hope you will get a chance to stop in.

    1. Yeah, I've been seeing a few comments show up a few times and figured that's what was happening.

      WOW! at 14?? You can not get a learner's permit in CT until you are actually 16 and then can't get an actual driver's license until 16 1/2 (with a whole bunch of rules that really means you can't drive with friends or anything until 17 1/2).

      I love rom coms so I thought The Lost City was really cute and really funny... but I did feel like the match up between Channing and Sandra was a bit weird.

  7. Juniors cheesecake is my weakness. I sooo want to order some from them. I haven't had them in years. I love your date night outfit. So cute. How was the movie?

    1. We had never had one before until this past Christmas when this same customer sent my husband one; they are good! The movie was really cute.

  8. It looks like you had a nice, relaxing spring break. The Seal watch tour sounds like so much fun! And Junior's Cheesecakes are delicious! Have a great weekend!

  9. That movie does look good. I love anything with Sandra Bullock! I was excited to see she is finally in something. It seems like she hasn't been in a movie in a while.

    1. I was thinking the same thing; I wondered if she had been on intentional hiatus or if it was just Hollywood not wanting to cast her.

  10. That really is a cute book, isn't it? As an aside, I really admire how you do your outfit selfies. I'm trying to take a selfie a month and failing dismally!

    1. I found that having a floor mirror I can use in optimal lighting made a huge difference in my awful selfies that I used to take.

  11. I remember many of my younger patients not learning to drive when they turned 16 and that was inconceivable to me. I think it's a good skill to have.

    1. We've talked a lot about why that is the new reality... and honestly in our state at age 16 there isn't much they can do. Most jobs require you to be 18, you are not allowed to drive with friends in the car until you've had your license a full year, and there are lots of other stipulations about driving too. All of those rules go out the window at 18 so many are waiting until much later and can have a job to afford gas, insurance, etc. as well as getting to drive with friends.

  12. I remember when my kids were learning to drive, too. It's very nerve wracking, but all of that practice will help! That piece of cheesecake looks yummy!

    1. I think he's doing a great job and he doesn't make me all that nervous anymore but I know I will be so nervous those first few times he goes out driving alone.

  13. Thank you for sharing your lovely week with us at #weekendcoffeeshare. Nice spring weather is so great for hiking and outdoor activities. I enjoyed 'The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris'.

    1. Thank you for hosting! I just finished up the Chocolate Shop this morning and I was not prepared for the tearful ending (even as I could sense it approaching!).

  14. Nature is so beautiful right now isn't it. All the green and pink, I'm enjoying it. A lot of cheesecake! Have a great weekend.

    1. We are slowly seeing more green and more buds and more blooms. It's fabulous!

  15. It is so nice to have licensed drivers in the house - I never thought I'd think that but it is a game changer. You live in such a pretty area - how nice it must be to go seal watching and to hike! Okay, the cheesecake - oh my goodness, what a wonderful surprise!

    1. I love having other drivers around and am even warning my youngest I'm signing him up for driver's ed. at 16! LOL.

  16. Thanks for sharing your week. It sounds as though you are enjoying the spring weather. I love watching seals.

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of fun. We've seen many seals at the zoo and aquarium before and have enjoyed watching their antics but this is the first time I've seen them in the wild!

  17. It sounds like you had a lovely break and the hike sounds great with all the other families. What a treat that cheesecake was.

  18. What a great week! I didn't know there was a seal watching tour in Newport! I'm going out there next month and will check it out!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. It's through a non-profit organization called Save the Bay... but if I remember correctly they did say they only have the tours from December through April because the seals migrate to Maine for the summer. They do have lighthouse and other boat tours though!

  19. I feel like *I* need to get out driving every single day, haha! I actually used to be terrified of driving, then did exposure therapy to deal with that, but since covid/WFH, I barely leave the house at all, let alone drive anywhere. It is wild how unsettling driving feels now that I’m so out of practice! It's like I'm a teenager again!

    1. Oh I bet! I don't love driving but I definitely feel like it's one of those things that you feel more comfortable with the more you do it. I still dread having to drive into or near any city.

  20. I'm surprised the kids don't want to learn to drive. The seals are so cool!

  21. I am so happy you had such a relaxing yet productive week! I definitely understand you can't wait for Alec to get his driver's license too.

    1. Thank you! It was a nice and relaxing yet productive week. I just love those.

  22. What a fun week you had! I'd love to visit those seals! Such sweet little faces they have :-) I'm glad to hear you're enjoying life and took a mellow week to focus on each lovely moment (cheesecake included)! May the coming week be just as wonderful.

    1. They were so cute! I was surprised at how well we could see them through the zoom lens and binoculars.

  23. Sounds like you had a wonderful week! It's nice to see so many signs of spring. There have been lots of wild azelas blooming and I even saw some wisteria growing wild! Having 5 cheesecakes show up at your house must have been a fun surprise!

  24. Love the update. How was that movie? I've wanted to see it. My forsythia has been done blooming for about a month.

    1. I thought it was really cute and funny. I enjoyed it.

    2. oh good to know! I think I'd trust your


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